family time

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(Kennly p.o.v.)
Luke pulled up to the house and turned the truck off then hopped out and came around and opened my door then opened the door for the boys. I got out and went up to the door and tried to open it but she had it locked. I knocked on the door but she didn't open it. I pulled my phone out and she didn't answer so she's either asleep or in the shower. I remembered how we use to get in the house when I was younger. Hey Luke can I borrow a card. I ask. He hands me a old gift card and I use it to unlock the door. I hand it back to him. I haven't had to do that in a while! I tell him with a laugh. I walk in and walk through the house and find mom cleaning up my sister's old room with headphones in. I laugh and tap her on her shoulder. She jumps and sees who it is and slaps my arm. Kennly y'all are going to give me a heart attack one of these days. She says wrapping me in a hug. Ah I love ya mama. I tell her.
Now come on I want to see the other people you brought with you. She says grabbing my hands and pulling me to the living room where the boys are. Hey y'all good to see y'all again. She says going up to Luke and giving him a big hug. You to ma'am. He says returning the hug. No more of the ma'am talk you can call me Sarah. She says letting him go. Alright deal. He says standing up straight since he had to bend down some. Alright I'll show y'all the rooms. The boys can sleep in here she says taking them to my sisters old room and y'all can take kalub's old room. She says. Boys go ahead and take your bags to your room. I tell them and til starts toward the room with bo and tate following behind him. I grab my suitcase and take it to our room with Luke behind me with his. We all get settled then decide on going out for dinner at Sonny's BBQ. After that we head back to the house and watch a movie in the living room then go into our rooms and me and Luke cuddle which leads to more. After that we get dressed again and go to sleep.

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