It's real

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(Kennly p.o.v.)
I get up off the porch and turn to go in and see mom standing there. I walk past her and go up to the bathroom and grab my phone and call my doctor, I'm able to get an appointment in an hour so I walk down stairs and tell them I'm going to the doctor. I give them each a kiss and leave. I sign in at the doctor and wait for them to call me. They call me back and do all my vital signs and weight, then do blood work and put me in a room telling me that the doctor will be with me in a few minutes. My phone vibrates in my pocket so I pull it out and see Luke texted me
L: baby? Where are you?
K: I told y'all I was coming to the doctor.
L: Doctor?? Why are you OK?
K: I'm fine I'll explain everything to y'all when I get back.
L: alright I love you darlin!😘
K: I love you to! Got to go doctor is knocking I'll be back soon.
I send the message and put my phone back in my pocket. The doctor comes and confirms that I'm pregnant, she does an ultrasound and tells me I'm about 1½ months pregnant. I get another appointment set up and go to the pharmacy and get my vitamins and medicine for morning sickness and go home. I walk in and see my mom in the living room asleep on the couch, I take my stuff up to my room and go back down stairs and wake mom up and tell her everything, then I ask where Luke is. Honestly I don't know where he went, all I know is he went up stairs and when he came back down he looked upset and told me he would be back in a little while. She tells me and pats my leg. Alright. I'll call him, now you go upstairs to the guest room and get some sleep. I tell her. Alright I will. Love you baby girl! She says and gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes up stairs. I pull my phone out and dial Luke's number and I'm getting ready to push call when he walks in. He walks upstairs, I follow him into his bedroom. Can we talk now? I ask him as I sit beside him. Yeah we can talk. He tells me as he grabs my hands and pulls me so I'm standing in front of him so he can see me. Well I went and met mama at the restaurant and I told her that I had been sick all week and that I was late, so we ate and then went to the store and she bought what she said I would need and we come home and I used them and when the 20 minutes were up I was shocked because I hadn't thought of that being a possibility, so I called the doctor and got an appointment. I went and she confirmed that I am 1½  months pregnant. I pull up my shirt and show him the little bump I have.

 I pull up my shirt and show him the little bump I have

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Wow! Really wasn't expecting that. He tells me. Are you upset? I ask him as I pull my shirt down. No! Do not ever think that you being pregnant with my child upsets me! I am just shocked and need to wrap my head around the fact that in about 7½ months that I'll have another baby, and I'll be a daddy again. He says as he pulls my shirt back up and kisses my stomach. He grabs me and gently pulls me down on top of him and we curl up and take a nap with him holding his hand between us against us.

 He grabs me and gently pulls me down on top of him and we curl up and take a nap with him holding his hand between us against us

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