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(Luke p.o.v.)
I wake up and hear kennly in the shower and her phone is on the bed side table ringing. I answer it
L: hello?
S: hello? Luke?
L: this is me. Hey mama Sarah.
S: hey is she still sleeping?
L: no she's in the shower and her phone was in here with me and she didn't hear it ringing.
S: oh alright. I was calling to see if she would be free to hang out with me for a couple of hours today, cause I'm coming to town for the weekend.
L: well she's getting out now so you can ask her, but if she wants to go I don't have no problem with it since the boys are with my mama until tomorrow and I have a little bit of work to do.
S: alright I'm stopping for gas and a drink here in Knoxville, I'll call back in a few. Bye bye.
L: bye bye mama Sarah.
I get out of bed and put my sweatpants on and knock on the bathroom door. Kennly tells me to come in, I open the door and she finishes wrapping the towel around her. Good morning. I tell her as I pull her to me and give her a kiss. Good morning. She tells me as she pulls away. Here is your phone, your mom called and said she wanted to ask you something and I told her you was in the shower and she said she would call back in a little bit. I tell her as I hand her the phone and walk out of the bathroom and go downstairs to go start the coffee. I run back upstairs and change then go back down to the kitchen and make our coffee. Kennly comes down and we drink our coffee and I kiss her goodbye and we both leave her going to meet her mom and me going to the studio.
(Kennly p.o.v.)
I leave the house and drive to the restaurant I told mom to meet me at and go in and the hostess shows me to the table. Hi mom. I say to her as I give her a hug. Hi baby! how have you been? She asks as we sit down. The waiter comes by and mom orders a margarita and I order a water. I've been better. I tell her. Better? Are you OK you never order just water? She asks looking at me. I think I've caught a bug, I've been puking everyday for the past week and I'm late. I tell her looking down at my lap. Alright baby. After we leave we are going to the store. She tells me. We order and eat, I pay and we head to the store. Mom runs in and buys what she says I need to use. She comes out and we head back to the house. She gives me the bag and tells me to go to the bathroom and do what I need to she'll be in the living room. I go do what she told me to and wait 20 minutes and check and see something that is going to change my life forever. I walk down to the living room and see mom and Luke talking, I give them a week smile then walk out on the back porch and sit down and cry. What am I going to do? How do I tell him? What does this mean for us? Can I handle this?

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