back home pt.1

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Few weeks later
(Kennly p.o.v.)
The rest of the week flew by and we celebrated Luke's birthday before we left. It's been a few weeks since we come home and Luke called and said he would be home sometime this week. Keke can we go fishing? Bo asks as he runs into the kitchen. Sure go get ready and tell til and tate to get ready and I'll take y'all out to the pond. He runs off and I finish the dishes. All three of them come down ready to go so I slip my shoes on and we head out to the pond, the boys decide to sit down and I decide to walk around for a little bit. I'm walking and my phone rings and I see Luke's picture.
K: hello?
L: hey darlin'
K: hey Luke what's up?
L: you know same old same old just finished sound check and figured I'd call and check on y'all.
K: we're doing just fine what about you?
L: I'm good I'll be better when I get home.
K:I bet you will be.
L: I'm going to tell you now that my mama is coming to pick all three boys up tomorrow and they're going to spend a week down in Georgia with her and my dad so you'll be home by yourself for a couple days till I get home.
K: alright I can handle that and I'll pack their bags tonight.
L: alright sounds good I'm going to let you go I'll see you in a few days.
K: alright see you soon Luke bye.
L: bye.
(Luke p.o.v.)
Kennly knows that I'm coming home this week but she don't know what day, tonight is the last concert and then we'll be back in Nashville by noon tomorrow. Can't wait for this surprise.
(Kennly p.o.v.)
We stay outside for another hour then we head in. What do y'all want for dinner? I ask the boys as we all sit down in the living room. Pizza. bo and tate say together. I'm fine with that what about you til? I ask him. Sound good to me. He says. Alright I'll call and order it, I want to tell y'all your daddy called and he said your Mamaw is coming to pick y'all up tomorrow morning and y'all are going to spend a week down in Georgia with her and your papaw. Til you're able to pack your own bag so I'll just have to pack bo and tate's bags tonight. I tell them as I stand up to go in the kitchen and order the pizza then head to the boys' rooms to pack their stuff. The pizza gets here and we eat, then the boys watch a movie while I do dishes and pick up what needs to be picked up. We all got in the bed and I was woke up at 9 am to a knock on the door. I went down and opened the door for leclaire. Good morning leclaire, give me a few minutes and I'll have the boys ready to go. I tell her as I turn towards the stairs. I knock on all their doors and tell them to get ready because Mamaw was here. I walk back downstairs and wait for the boys to come down. The boys come down and tate gives me a hug. Bye y'all have a good time I'll see you in a week. I say as I wave to them as they get in the car and leclaire pulls out of the driveway.

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