new year's Eve

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(Kennly p.o.v.)
We spent Thanksgiving and Christmas in Tennessee. Now me, Luke, and the boys are at home watching the ball drop on TV. The boys are playing in their rooms, and Luke is downstairs writing in the basement. I'm sitting in the living room on the couch playing on my phone. My phone buzzes with a text
L: will you come down here please?
K: I'm coming.
I put my phone in the inside pocket of my shorts and to the basement what's up? I ask Luke as I sit on the couch. So I was thinking that you need a break so I asked mama to watch the boys and she agreed to so I want you to have a vacation, will you come with me to crash my playa? He asks. Sure. I tell him as I walk over to where he is sitting in the recliner and sit in his lap I give him a kiss and pull away come on ten minutes til the ball drops and then the boys can go to bed and I can give you a good start to 2017. I tell him as I stand up and wink at him then walk back upstairs. I hear him coming up the stairs and he comes over to the couch and lays down with his head in my lap. Guess what? He says grabbing my hand. What I ask as I run my other hand through his hair. I love you. He says placing a kiss on my hand then smiling up at me. I love you to. I tell him. The boys come down and we watch the ball drop her gives me a kiss and then the boys go to bed and I take Luke upstairs and give him the good start to the year I promised him.😉

A.N. happy new year

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