Night one

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(Luke P.O.V.)
We got to the beach house around 5 o'clock. I got out and helped kennly out, then she grabbed the suitcases out of the back of the truck and I went and unlocked the door. I took the suitcases up to the bedroom and went back downstairs. I'll be back here in a little bit I'm going to go buy some groceries. I tell kennly as I grab the keys and open the door. Alright I'll be here. She says with a laugh. I get in the truck and leave.
(Kennly P.O.V.)
After Luke left I decided to go for a swim so I ran upstairs and pulled out my favorite swimsuit and changed.

I got down on the beach and got in the water after about 30 minutes I get out and sit in the sand where I left my phone and my phone rings showing my best friend Morgan's picture so I answer:K: helloM: hey kennly what are you up to?K: I'm sitting ...

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I got down on the beach and got in the water after about 30 minutes I get out and sit in the sand where I left my phone and my phone rings showing my best friend Morgan's picture so I answer:
K: hello
M: hey kennly what are you up to?
K: I'm sitting on the beach.
M: me to Panama beach is pretty nice this time of year.
K: you're in Panama to? How about I text you the address of the beach house I'm staying at and you come over and we hang out together for a while?
M: sounds great see you soon.
K: see you soon.
I hang up and send her the address and she replies that she'll be here in 10 minutes. I walk up to the beach house and wait for her, when she gets here we run back down on the beach in to the water and play around until we decide to rest and sit on the beach.

 I walk up to the beach house and wait for her, when she gets here we run back down on the beach in to the water and play around until we decide to rest and sit on the beach

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(Luke P.O.V.)
I got back from the store and put all of the stuff up and go upstairs to find kennly but she isn't up there and she isn't downstairs, so I go out on the back deck and see her sitting on the beach in her swimsuit with another girl. I run up to the bedroom and change into my swimming trunks and grab some towels and walk out on the back deck and lay the towels down and head down towards kennly. I walk up to where the girls are sitting and I sit down beside kennly and grab her left hand. She looks at me and smiles then she turns back to her friend and says Morgan this is the goofball that I'm dating. Morgan this is Luke, Luke this is my best friend Morgan. She leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Nice to meet you Luke. Morgan says as she turns to sit where she can see both me and kennly. Nice to meet you as well. I say as I reach my hand out and we shake hands. What do you say we go into the water again before I take off since I have plans and I'm sure y'all want to spend some time alone? Morgan asks kennly. Yeah let's go. Kennly says as she jumps up and they take off into the water. I sit there for a few minutes and wonder how I got lucky enough to find someone who cares so much about me, I say a silent prayer thanking God for kennly and then I get up and head into the water and sneak up on kennly and we play around in the water for about an hour and then Morgan says she has to go, she gives us both hugs and leaves. I turn to kennly so how about we go get a shower since we have reservations for a restaurant in 2 hours? I ask her. Sounds good to me let's go. She says and walks out of the water and I catch up to her and hold her hand as we walk back up to the house and when we get on the back deck I grab a towel and wrap it around her then I wrap one around me and we go in the house. I follow her upstairs to the bedroom. She undoes the towel and throws it in the corner and she walls in to the bathroom and starts the shower then she comes back and grabs her some clothes and lays them out on the bed. She turns to me and asks a question that I wasn't expecting. Are you joining me or you gonna wait until I'm out? She asks as she unties her bikini top and walks to the bathroom. I'll join you if you don't mind. I tell her as I walk into the bathroom. Well come on then cowboy. She says as she drops her top and pulls me to her. I untie my shorts and she takes off her bikini bottoms and we hop in the shower.

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