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(Luke p.o.v)
The nurses came and took cora back to the nursery for the night. I kissed kennly's head and left a note in case i was still gone when she woke up. I left and went back to the house and went to bed. I get up and check on the boys and to put the final finishing touches on the nursery for when the girls get to come home. I get up and the boys are playing in the living room. Daddy!! Tate says and jumps up to give me a hug. Hey buddy! Were you and bo good for til yesterday? I ask him as i sit him down. Yes sir. He says. Alright good job. Now I'm going to finish the nursery then we're going to see your sister and kennly. I tell them. Can i help you? Tate asks. Sure buddy lets go. Can we help to? Bo asks. Yup. Come on so we can get it done and get up to the hospital. I tell them and lead them up to the nursey. Me and til hang pictures, we help bo and tate put the stickers on the wall. We finish and the boys go get dressed i go get changed and we get in the truck and head back to the hospital. We get back to the hospital go up to kennly's room. We go in and she is sleeping. I tell the boys that I was going to get the baby.  I ask the nurse if i could have the baby, sbe took me to the nursery and gave me cora. I took her back to the room where kennly and the boys were talking. Boys this is your little sister cora. I tell them and hold her where they can see her. They each take turns holding her and kennly takes pictures. We visit with them for a while, the nurse comes and tells kennly that they can go home tomorrow and that it was time to feed cora. Alright darlin I'm going to take the boys to eat and then take them home, I'll grab the car seat and be back in a little bit. I tell her.  We all hug and kiss her and cora bye. Me and the boys eat at McDonalds, then i take them home and put cora's car seat in the truck and head back to the hospital.

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