Buck or doe??

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(Luke p.o.v.)
We told our families about the baby a week after the acms. Now that kennly is 20 weeks along we was able to find out the gender of the baby. Brittany is the only one that knows the gender and she set up a gender reveal party for us. Now we are waiting on kennly's aunt and uncle to get here so i can pop the ballon that will tell us the gender.

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Everyone gets here and brittany comes and tells me it is time to pop the ballon

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Everyone gets here and brittany comes and tells me it is time to pop the ballon.  I get to the back yard and go to where it is set up.  Til brings me my bow and i make sure everyone is out of the way and i pull the bow back and shoot. The ballon pops and pink paint goes everywhere. I turn around and look at kiana she is crying, i run over to her and give her a big hug and kiss.

I take a picture of the board and pink paint and post it on social media

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I take a picture of the board and pink paint and post it on social media.
Y'all i excited to finally tell you that kennly is pregnant!! We're having a baby girl! We'll keep y'all posted!! #blessed #4
After i posted that we went and got cake. After we ate we all just hung around with each other. At about 11 everyone was leaving, we thanked brittany for throwing the party. They left and we made sure the boys were asleep and then we went to bed. Its been a good day and now im excited for my baby girl to get here.

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