Crash my playa day 1

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(Luke p.o.v.)
I get a shower and leave kennly a note saying I was meeting some of the guys for breakfast then heading to get ready for the show and that she can meet me at the stage when she gets up. I kiss her head and leave.
(Kennly p.o.v.)
I get up and see the note and I take a shower, I go back into the bedroom and grab my suitcase start picking out my clothes. My phone starts to ring I answer.
K: hello?
M: hey k.
K: Morgan! So what do I owe the pleasure of getting a call from you.
M: I was wondering if you went with Luke to mexico.
K: yup i was just picking a outfit so I could get ready and head to the stage.
M: well you want to walk together?
K: sure.
M: alright meet you in the lobby in 30 minutes.
K: alright bye.
M: bye.
We hang up and I grab my bikini and shorts and tank top and get dressed. I put on a pair of wedges and grab my phone then walk down to the lobby.
(Kennly's outfit)

(Morgan's outfit)

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(Morgan's outfit)

We met up in the lobby and walk to the stage and we get there right as Luke goes on

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We met up in the lobby and walk to the stage and we get there right as Luke goes on. We watch his set then he comes off stage and gives me a hug and kiss, the gives Morgan a hug and kisses her head. He tells her he likes her shirt then looks at mine and says I like yours better. Thank you. I say. We head back to our room and grab our bags since Luke says he decided he wanted to stay in his beach house. So we grab our bags and head over there with Morgan coming to hang out. We get there and he changes in to his swim shorts and we head to the beach. Me and Morgan run and goof off in the water and I see Luke take pictures of us on my phone. He joins us then says he's going to start the grill and me and Morgan decide to get out for a while. I grab my phone and take the pictures he took and put them in a college and post it on Instagram.

Got to spend the day with my best friend! Love her, my partner in crime

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Got to spend the day with my best friend! Love her, my partner in crime.😄  photo cred: @lukebryanonline #forever #sisters
We eat then we start a fire and sit around and goof off and tell stories and just have a good time. Morgan tells me and Luke to go take a walk for a little bit to have some time for our selves and that she would watch over everything. Luke stands up and offers me his hand I take it and he tells her that we'll be back in a little bit. We walk for about 20 minutes then head back. We get back and hang out some more. Around 11:30 Morgan decides to head back to the hotel. She hugs Luke then me and whispers in my ear that she left me a present in my phone. She leaves and me and Luke sit by the fire, he adds some more wood to the fire while he does that I look and see what present Morgan left. When I see what it is I smile and decide to post it on Instagram.

Not only did I get to spend the day with my best friend, I also got to spend it with my other best friend! I love being able to see him perform for his fans and know he is doing what he loves! I love being able to have down time like this with him...

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Not only did I get to spend the day with my best friend, I also got to spend it with my other best friend! I love being able to see him perform for his fans and know he is doing what he loves! I love being able to have down time like this with him and can't wait to see what crash my playa 2017 does for us! I love you Luke!!😘 photo cred: @morgan1989 #Oneandonly #favorite #2017

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