Are you sure?

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(Luke P.O.V.)
We got out of the shower and get dressed I get dressed in jeans and a plaid button up, I grab my wallet and put it in my back pocket as I watch kennly do her hair and makeup in the bathroom. she finishes her hair and gets dressed in a dress and her boots

She grabs her phone and I take her hand and twirl her around you are absolutely beautiful

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She grabs her phone and I take her hand and twirl her around you are absolutely beautiful. I tell her as I pull her to me and lean down and give her a kiss. You ready to go now? I ask as I pull out of the kiss. Yes I'm ready. She says and I take her hand lead her to the truck and help her in the passenger's side then I got in on my side and I drive to the restaurant. We eat and I pay and drive back to the beach house. We go in and I tell her to kick her boots  off and I kick mine off then I grab her hand and take her out the back door and down to the beach and tell her that we are going for a walk along the beach. We walk for about an hour and half then we start back towards the house, we get back and I sit in the sand and pull kennly down to where she is sitting between my legs and I have my arms wrapped around her and we sit like that watching the sunset.

 We walk for about an hour and half then we start back towards the house, we get back and I sit in the sand and pull kennly down to where she is sitting between my legs and I have my arms wrapped around her and we sit like that watching the sunset

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Once the sun sets we go back in the house and up to the bedroom. I put my wallet on the nightstand with my watch and kennly puts her necklace and bracelets on the nightstand. I sit down on the bed and kennly comes over and sits in my lap and kisses me and I kiss back and we start to make out. After a few minutes of making out with her on my lap I grab the back of her thighs and stand up and lay her down on the bed and crawl on top of her we go back to making out, she pulls my shirt off and i pull the straps of her dress off her arms. She undoes my jeans and I pull them off and then look up at her for permission to take her dress off and she nods I pull it off and start kissing on her neck and chest and you know what happens after that.

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