In all honesty

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(Luke P.O.V.)
I wake up before kennly and just lay there looking at her, I decide I need to tell her how I truly feel. Kennly wakes up about 30 minutes after me. Kennly can I tell you something? I ask her as she rolls over to face me. Yeah sure. She says. Alright just hear me out, when I first hired you I wasn't planning on you being anything but my maid but you got here and have helped me in so many ways that I've started to have different feelings for you, I want you to know I'm falling for you. I tell her as I raise up and look down at my lap afraid of what she was going to say. Luke I feel the same. She says as she climbs over into my lap. Really? I all her with big grin on my face. Yes really. She says with a giggle. You don't know how happy you just made me, now that I know we are on the same page I have a question, kennly will you be my girlfriend? I ask her. Of course I will Luke. she says as she grabs my face and kisses me which leads to a small make out session. We pull apart and decide to head back to the house. When we get back kennly heads to take a shower, while she's in the shower I decide to book a beach house for me and her for the rest of the week and we'll make it back home an hour before the boys. I get everything booked and call Kerri and tell her that I'm going out of town for the week, then i head to my room and pack my suitcase. I was zipping my suitcase when kennly came in what are you doing? She asks. I'm zipping my suitcase and getting ready to take a shower, you are going to go in your room grab you're suitcase and pack enough for a week make sure you pack a couple swimsuits that all I'm saying we leave in an hour. I tell her as I grab some clean clothes and peck her lips then head to my bathroom and take my shower. I get dressed and grab my suitcase and head downstairs where I see kennly's suitcase by the front door I sit mine beside it and go in the kitchen where keke is drinking some sweet tea looking out the window. I go up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and put my head in the crook of her neck and mumble into her neck you ready to go baby girl? I ask her. Yeah I'm ready to go. She says with a giggle. I kiss her neck then I let go of her and grab her hand alright let's go so we get there sooner. I tell her as I lead her to the door. I opened the door and let her out then I grabbed the suitcases and shut the door I put the suitcases in the porch and locked the door then we headed to the truck I put the suitcases in the back and then I help her in the passenger side then I got in and we left for Panama beach.

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