i missed y'all

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Few weeks later
(Kennly P.O.V.)
I wake up and get dressed then head downstairs to make breakfast. While I'm cooking my phone starts ringing and I see my mom's picture.
K: hello
M: hey what are you up to
K: I'm cooking breakfast then we're heading to the airport so the kids can spend a week with their father.
M: oh. Well I was calling to wish my little baby a happy birthday.
K: thanks mama. I got to go the foods done and I need to wake the kids up. Bye love you.
M: bye keke love you to.
I hang up and fix the plates. Boys breakfast is ready. I holler. We all sit down and start eating. Keke are we seeing daddy today? Tate asks me. Yes after we eat we're going to get ready then go to the airport and fly to see daddy for a week. I tell him. We all finish eating and til offers to clean up while I get the boys ready.
(A few hours later)
We just landed in Kentucky and are headed to the arena where Luke is playing. We pull up and carter helps me put our bags on Luke's bus. Come on I can take y'all in he's getting ready to do sound check. He says as he leads us in the arena and me and the boys decide to go stand in the pit area and watch the sound check. after sound check Luke hops off the stage and gives us all a hug. I missed y'all. He says as he gives each of the boys a kiss. He picks tate up and we head back to the bus and the boys run off to play when we get in the bus. So have the boys been behaving for you these past few weeks? Luke asks as I sit down on the couch. Yes they have and til has helped me with them. I tell him as my phone starts to ring and I see it's my cousin Melissa.
K: hello
M: hey someone wanted to talk to you before I left. Here she is.
Mel: hello keke
K: hey melody
Mel: I wanted to tell you happy birthday and I miss you.
K: awe thank you sweetheart, I miss you to I'm going to try and come see you soon alright?
Mel: alright mommy's has to leave now. Bye keke I love you
K:I love you to. Let me talk to mommy now.
M: I'm here.
K: tell everybody I'll try and come see y'all soon but I'm busy right now so it may be a little bit though.
M: alright I'll tell everyone. I got to go Tegan's here. Bye love you.
K: bye love you to.
We all sat around for a few hours then me and Luke took the boys out to eat before the show then we came back and got set up side stage to watch the show.
(Luke p.o.v.)
We got back from going out to eat and I went to meet and greets while kennly took the boys to the side of the stage where they're going to watch the show. after meet and greets I go and give each of the boys a high five then get under the stage to start the concert. I perform the first half of my songs then I stop to talk to the crowd. How you doing Lexington? I ask and the crowd cheers and screams. Alright I want to tell y'all something. You see I hired a nanny for my kids while I'm on the road and while I'm home, this woman is great with them and me. When I introduced her to my mama she told me that I found sweet young lady and I explained to her that I hired her to take care of the kids she said that hiring her would be good for all of us and she was right because I had a bad day a few weeks ago and she made sure that my kids were took care of then she took care of me and made sure I knew that I had someone to talk to if I needed to then she got me to go for a run with her to distract me. I'm telling y'all this because she is here tonight with my kids and I want to say thank you again for everything you do for me and my family. Lastly today is a special day for her so I want everyone to all say happy birthday kennly!! I look back at her and the boys and see kennly smiling with tears in her eyes. I finish performing and we head back to the bus and she gets the boys to bed while I take a shower. I get out and see the boys in their bunks and I head to my room and lay in my bed on my phone when someone knocks. come in. I say as I put my phone down and sit up. Hey can we talk? Kennly asks as she leans against the door frame. Yeah come on you can sit down. I tell her as i pat the spot beside me and she walks over and sits down. So what do you want to talk about? I ask as I stand up to shut the door. Well I wanted to say thank you for what you said and did for me I really appreciated it. She says as she stands up and gives me a hug. You're welcome I meant everything. I tell her as I rest my head on top of her's. Alright well goodnight Luke. She says as she heads for the door. Wait where are you going? I ask her as I grab her hand. I'm going back out there so you can sleep. She says as she opens the door. Oh no. I'm not letting you sleep on the couch come on you can sleep in here with me. I tell her as I close the door and pull her to the bed. Luke are you sure? She asks as I get back in bed. Yes I'm sure now come on I don't bite, unless you are into that im just kidding. I tell her as I pull the blanket back on the other side of the bed. Alright goodnight Luke. She says as she lays down facing me. Goodnight kennly. I say as I pull her to me and kiss her forehead.

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