Brewing a story

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Things written in italics means a character is remembering a certain memory from the past.

(Cole POV)

Today was the same day as usual. Waking up to my alarm clock ringing at 5:30am, getting dressed and ready for the day, and having to convince my dad I wouldn't be a dancer anytime soon over the phone. Currently I'm working at a local bakery in Ninjago City. It's not very popular, but i find it alright since, well, i happened to be the manager there since we didn't have a lot of workers to begin with. It didn't pay too much, but it was enough to pay for rent and pay for weekly groceries. I've been living alone for quite some time now, even though I had a few scattered friends in the city. Kai and Nya have wondered back to their dad's old work shop back in the country to try and get it running again. Zane had gotten engaged to PIXAL last summer and currently is working with her under the same building. And Jay... Let's just say he's picked up a few bad habbits in the past few years ever since we all graduated from college.

I sighed as i walked into my small living room down the dark hallway of my apartment. I glanced at the faded colored walls and flicked on the lights once I reached the end of the hall. I looked towards the window in the middle of the living room, seeing that it was still dark outside. I yawned slightly and walked over to the small t.v. sitting on top of a black drawer. Turning the t.v. on, i glanced over to the kitchen. I wasn't too keen on eating something so early in the morning, but i knew i wouldn't get anything nutritious till noon. I groaned and let the t.v. play whatever the channel was blasting while i walked over to my small white refrigerator standing by the corner of the kitchen. I swung the door open and examined the contents inside. " Milk... Bananas.. Ah, perfect. " I mumbled to myself as i grabbed a cupcake from the back of the fridge and stuffed half of it in my mouth.

" Today we have learned that a series of bank robberies were committed by the infamous, Jay Walker, the leader of the newly made gang, Lightning Lions. We have reports saying that... " The t.v. blared out.

I sighed as i walked over to the couch and plopped down. Yep, Jay Walker himself, the happiest jokester in class was now a gang leader in Ninjago City. I don't know what made him go down such a dark path, but because of it, more and more police men and the such have been out to get Jay's dumbass. I've tried contacting him but it seems like he'd gone out to get a new phone and contacts. I even asked the others if they could contact him at all, but the others had just as much luck as I did. I thought Jay would of least kept Nya's number, but i guess he's finally trying to move on from his ex. The last time I, or anyone from our group of friends could contact Jay was almost two years ago. And that was when we all graduated.

" Hey, Jay... Now that we're both, you know.. In the real world now.. What's your plan? " I asked the ginger haired man next to me. " Hm, i was thinking about job hunting for the first. I quit my last job just before graduation. " Jay chuckled back to me and gave me his signature joking smile. " Again? How many does that make? " I asked him with a raised eyebrow and small smile. " Pft- only 3, Cole. And besides, i actually have a college diploma now so I probably will land the next place I wanna work at, no problem. " Jay told me with a slight sparkle to his eyes.

I shook my head slightly from my last memory of Jay. Besides from that, the only other memory is when we all went drinking the night after, and all of that is still fuzzy. I finished my cupcake with another bite and glanced over to a small clock posted above the t.v. " 6:23.. Guess I should get going then. " I told myself. I turned off the t.v. and grabbed all the things i would need today. " Okay... That should be all i need.. " I mumbled to myself as i checked all my items. Car keys, apartment keys, some extra cash in my wallet, and my cellphone. As i finished checking, i walked out of my apartment and locked the door. As I was doing so, i bumped into my next door neighbor. " Oh, good morning Cole. " She greeted me. " O-oh.. Aj, why are you up so early today? " I asked the girl standing outside her room. She chuckled slightly and said, " Actually... I uh.. Lost my key to my apartment so I'm waiting for the employees to give me a spare... But they haven't yet. "

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