Zipties Will Do

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Cole's (POV)

" Aj- and Angelo! Why are you guys here? " I asked again, still as baffled as before. Aj put a rather awkward smile on her face. She took a seat across from me and adjusted her waitress uniform. " Well.. Ever since.. You know who had.. Gone missing and join the.. 5.. The gang has decided to split up and join other ones. Angelo decided to work part time here and..i guess since I had nothing else to do.. I did too. " She explained to me with a rather plain expression. " Oh.. That's why nothing about the Lightning Lions haven't been coming up on tv recently.. " I said to myself and she slammed her palms onto the table top. " That doesn't mean we're still not a gang! It's just- " Aj started yelling but quickly readjusted herself back into a lower tone. " It's just... Since Mr. Jay hasn't even contact any of us.. We all kinda just.. Lost hope for it all.. " She said somenly. I didn't expect Jay's gang to mean so much to her. Even if it was just a gang, I guess people like that bond over similar hobbies like robbing banks. " So then... None of you guys know where Jay could possibly be? " I asked her, knowing that Jay was probably long gone by now. Aj shook her head but then pointed her thumb back to her brother. " He probably does if you're still looking for him. But i don't know damn thing. Anyways... Can I take your order now? I still need to go clean up a few tables. " Aj told me and stood back up to the side of my table. " Number 34b. I've been here a few times before.. You know.. When Skylor was.. Was still around. " I told her, suddenly remembering Kai's ex-girlfriend who was shot by Lloyd. Aj's expression slightly twitched but she nodded and wrote down my order. " It'll be done in approximately 12 minutes and 35 seconds. " She told me and walked away to another table.

I sighed and glanced over to where Angelo was seated. His back was facing towards me and he was vigoursly going through a box full of glass pots and cups. " I thought he was already working the last time I saw him.. What's he doing here? " I thought and decided after I finished my meal, I would go talk to him.


(No one's POV)

Lloyd grunted in pain and Morro snickered. " See my little poiceman? If you would of only given me the code, this could of all been avoided. " Morro stated the obvious. Lloyd couldn't help but glare up at Morro in hate but Morro found it to be quite exhilarating. " I already... Told you... I would never give it to you.. Even if i did know it.. " Lloyd said, pausing in between words to take inhales of oxygen. Morro's smirk faded away from his face. " Mr. Policeman, I do think your games are getting a bit too boring. " Morro said in monotone and pushed down on Lloyd's already broken arm more. Lloyd grunted in pain again and his muscles tighten. " I would love to see you broken and in pieces Lloyd, truly. However, now that it's come to this.. I guess I'll have to go to Mr. Ol to take this to the extreme. " Morro told the man he was squishing on the floor and smirked once again. " And i think you know what that would mean for you. " Morro said close to Lloyd's ear and a chill went up Lloyd's spin. " You fucker... Always using things like blackmail to get your way.. " Lloyd said in a rough tone, yet in a fearing one as well. Morro chuckled. " As long as it works. And apparently, you fall right into it everytime. This time was just as easy as it was back in highschool Lloyd. " Morro suddenly brought up the past, which made Lloyd grit his teeth even more. " Anyways, I'll have to punish you in some way... Hmm.. " Morro said his thoughts out loud and pushed Lloyd onto the floor even more. Lloyd couldn't say anything while being shoved onto the cement floor, so all he could do was grief over himself. Suddenly, Morro chuckled. " Ohh... I could ask Mr. Ol to do that for me.. This will be great my little police man.. I'll be back in a few days. Don't get too lonely. " Morro said and knocked Lloyd unconscious with a sudden strike to the back of the blonde's head.


(Jay's POV)

After i left the store, police almost immediately arrived at the scene. However, no one was able to recognize me too much, so I was able to move a bit more freely. Passing by many people starting to form a crowd, I headed for the reckt part of downtown. Not for any particular reason, just to see if anything was left behind in the rubble from someone important. At the moment, it was the most I got. As I continued to walk, I accidentally bumped into a man turning a corner. " Oof- Excuse me- " I started and looked at the person I ran into. It was just my luck. I ran into a police man. " Hm? Sorry kid, didn't see you there. " He told me and quickly scanned my face. I re-adjusted my glasses and started to walk away, hopeing he wouldn't say anything else. However, I suddenly felt someone grabbing my shoulder. " Wait.. What's a kid your age doing in the city alone? Are you lost? " I almost punched him. I turned around a faked a small smile. " O-oh.. Sir I'm actually- " I started but be already begun to radio in that he found a lost kid in the city. " Hey! I'm not a kid you idiot! I'm already 22! " I slightly shouted at the man and he looked a bit taken back. " 22? No way kid.. You're at the most 14- wait.. " The man started but then took another examine of me. " That tattoo you have on your neck kid.. Isn't that a Lightning Lion symbol? " He asked me with a now suspicious look. I reactingly covered my tattoo with my hand and glared slightly at the policeman. " It's none of your business sir. " I told him and started walking away. " Halt! You are going to stay right here- " I couldn't take it. I turned back around and round house kicked the man in his jaw and once he fell onto the ground, started to stomp on his knee cap.

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