Less Talk

438 14 7

(Cole's POV)


The city was still in disray. Vans full of news reporters and camera men filled the streets at every corner. It seemed like everyone was on edge and just waiting for the next thing to happen. As for me, the next thing to happen was a surprise, a rather unappreciated one.

While slowly walking my way back to my apartment, someone suddenly grabbed me by my shoulder; with quite some force notherless.

" Cole! There you are! " Nya forced me around and I came face to face with her. Granted, she was a tiny bit shorter. But that wasn't what was off, she was panting for air, sweating, and her hair was messy; she would never leave her house in this condition.

" Nya? What's wrong? " I asked her, skipping right to the point.

She let go of my shoulder.

" Oh my gosh, Cole, it's been about a day and a half since I last heard from Kai and I'm starting to get worried! I know he can take care of himself but I called and called, but he never answered! I even went to see if anyone at Chen's Noodles has seen him but zip! " She explained to me all at once.

I blinked a couple of times for the information to settle but then furrowed my brows.

" Where and when was the last time you saw or talked to him? " I asked and motioned for her to continue walking with me. I didn't want to stand outside in public for any open ear to hear us.

" I think it was when we were all at Steep Wisdom. Before Kai and Wu and Misako went out looking for Lloyd. " Nya thought back and I nodded in response, walking towards my apartment building.

" Then have you tried getting in touch with Wu or Misako? If they were with him then they might know something. " I told her in a rush, trying to get through the doors of the buildig's entrance.

Nya nodded slowly, a hint of sadness in each shake.

" Yeah, they told me Kai split up from them and they haven't seen him since... " Nya softly told me and rubbed her arm. She was trying to hold back any fear or anxiousness in her voice but her expression couldn't help but betray her.

" I don't know where he is or what he's up to, Nya. But I can assure you, whatever it is, Kai can handle himself. Or at least, he's a fighter. And as for one thing, he doesn't like losing. " I assured her as we entered an elevator located in the lobby.


(No one's POV)


" ..Kai... "

A faint whisper of a name.

" Kai.. "

It was getting louder and sounded closer.

" Kai! "

With a jolt and pull, Kai woke up in a sweat. The sound of a groan and the warm feeling of pain filled Kai's ears and body.

" Kai?.. H-how are you feeling? " A familiar voiced asked him. The room was too bright for Kai's weak eyes, causing him to squint and rub his temples. The soft sound of a metal rattle caught his attention.

With a hard forced glimpse, Kai looked to where he thought the voice and noise was coming from.

The rusted silver chain connected to a steel post was what first caught his attention. The next was who it was also attached to.

" L-lloyd? " Kai managed to ask out. His voice was hoarse and it almost hurt to speak. The back of his mouth was burning.

A quick sound of the chain rattled again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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