A cold room

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Cole's (POV)

" Cole, why are we in your apartment building? " Kai asked rather annoyingly. " I told you. We're here for information. " I replied back to him for the 5th time. Nya simply gave both of us annoyed looks but kept quiet. I started walking up to my apartment but stopped just right before my door. " Cole, isn't your room the next one? " Nya asked and looked at the door i stopped at. " Yeah, but we're here for info remember? " I told her and rang the door bell twice. There was silence at first, but then i heard a faint rushing sound and a sudden crash of glass. " Goddamit cup. " I heard someone swear from the other side of the door. " Siblings sure are similar.. " I thought to myself and waited for the person to open the door. Nya and Kai simply looked at eachother rather confused but also waited. The door opened slightly, letting the person's head stick out to see who was at her front door. " Cole?... And the red siblings? " Aj simply said and opened her door more, letting me see most of the things located at the front of her room.

" Red siblings? " Nya asked out, even more confused. " It's my code for Kai and Nya. " Aj simply explained. " Woah, wait. How do you even- " Kai was interrupted by Aj. " Because i do. Now, what do you guys want? I already told you everything i know about Jay, Cole. " Aj told us rather coldly. " Yeah i know. But i was hoping you had...some more info we could.. Use. " I managed out and looked down on the short woman standing in front of me. Her eyes lit up slightly and she said, " Well... Come inside first. " She moved out of the way of the door and let us inside. " Oh, and make sure to lock the door. " She instructed us and Kai slowly locked the door since he was the last one in. Aj walked over to what i assumed was her living room. It was much more decorative than mine, with the walls being a fainted sky blue with quite impressive drawings on them. She only had one couch in front of a flat screen tv hanging on the opposite side of the wall and a few rocking chairs spread around it. I walked past her kitchen, a few dishes in the sink and her dish rack empty.

There was a white refrigerator in the corner next to a stove and microwave decorated with a bunch of magnets and coupon menus. Nya glanced around and sat down onto the one couch Aj had set up. Kai settled for the other end of the couch and i decided to just stand up behind them. Aj took a seat into one of her rocking chairs and sighed. " Any of you wanna drink or something? I don't have much..." Aj started. " We're good. We just came from Steep Wisdom. " I answered for all of us, but none of the two interjected. " Alright then.. So, what do you want specifically Cole? " Aj asked me and put one leg over the other. " Morro and Scales.. Those names mean anything to you Aj? " I asked her and she raised an eyebrow. " Do you guys need something with them? " Aj asked me, as if she's trying to avoid the topic. " Uh... Yeah... " was all i said and Nya finally lost her patience. " Okay Cole, if you're gonna be like this, let the girls do the talking. " Nya said with a hint of anger and a doseage of annoyance.

Aj smiled slightly and turned her glance over to Nya. " Then get on with it please. " Aj said and Nya crossed her arms. " We want to know if this Morro and Scales are connected to Jay. And if he is, how and why. " Nya told Aj swiftly and professionally. Aj chuckled softly and swtiched her legs. " You already know how this works right Cole? " Aj smirked slightly but then turned it into a rather innocent smile. " What do you want in return Aj? " I asked her and groaned. " Only one thing- Do you know what you're getting into? " All smiles gone from Aj's face.


Jay's (POV)

Of all the things they had to do, they had to blind me. It's not like i could run away from this many eyes anyways. Suddenly i felt someone push me forward, signifying that they wanted me to start walking. " How the hell am i suppose to know where I'm going? " I asked whoever was around me and was replied with a cold circular feeling around my neck. " The hell is this? " I mumbled under my breath and tilted my chin down to feel something cold and metal like. Suddenly, there was a powerful jerk that pulled on my neck and the pull almost made me suffocate. " Let's walk, Walker. " I heard someone tell me in a rough voice and i swallowed some of my spit, trying to soothe my already sore throat.

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