I'll try

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(A/N: Hints of rape are indicated in this chapter! Please read at your own risks! Or just..... Try to skip over it? Idk.)


Jay's (POV)

" Anyways... I'm not just here to watch you Jay. I'm here to give you your first assignment. " Ronin informed me and walked over to me. I was sitting on the cold floor and simply kept my glance at a low. " Haha, don't try to keep the silent act up. It won't get you anywhere here. Anyways, Nadakhan wants you to go steal something for him. Here's the details. Have fun~ " Ronin told me lazily and flung a piece of paper in my direction. He then proceeded to walk out the white room without saying anything else. The door immediately shut behind him and when i got up to go see if it would open for me, it didn't. I figured that it only opened for certain people for some reason. I sighed and looked at the folded piece of paper on the floor. I didn't really care for what I had to do, I was still worried about Zane and Lloyd. Where were they? And what does the 5 want with them?


No one's (POV)

Someplace dark. Possibly dim. It was suffocating to breath. Underneath an abanded gas station laid a complicated system of empty sub way stations and uncharted routes. This land was under Morro's turf, and he sure did a pretty damn good job on how to make the most out of it. Out of all 5 gangs, Morro was the one with less influence on the public, but in the world of the things like the black market, he was a high status celebrity. And when Morro wanted something, he'll do whatever to achieve it, even when he didn't want to.

" So... My little blonde police man, are you gonna tell me the code or not? " Morro asked a slump figure tied up in a metal chair. The room was lit slightly from a small wall light and the room had no windows. Besides the two chairs the two guys were sitting on and a metal coded door, there was nothing else in the room. The slump figure kept silent, only breathing slightly to keep consciousness. " Hmm.. I don't mind adding a few more scars to you Lloyd. So i guess that's just what I'm going to do. " Morro said like it was a mundane type of solution. The slump body belonging to Lloyd Garmadon suddenly tensed and Morro felt a slight smirk curling onto his face. " Ahh... Don't be afraid Lloyd. After all, we already been through this once.. Back in highschool if I remember. Well, that's all in the past now. So let's just go straight to the fun part of it. " Morro told Lloyd as he walked over to him. Lloyd continued to stay silent, and it was starting to piss Morro off in the most annoying bit. " Look at me while I'm talking shithead. " Morro jerked Lloyd's head up by his blonde hair, making Lloyd wince in pain. This way, Morro could see all the cuts and bruises Lloyd already had gotten from a previous interrogation. Morro smirked ever so slightly and made sure the man made eye contact with him. " Don't... Fucking touch me.. Morro.. " Was all Lloyd said with the outmost disgusted tone and expression. With this, Morro dropped his smirk and flung Lloyd so harshly that the rope tieing him snapped off, making Lloyd hit the cold cement wall.

Yelping in pain once he hit the wall, Lloyd immediately sat himself up against the corner he landed in. Breathing even more heavily, Lloyd was starting to feel even more helpless. Morro snickered slightly at the sight of Lloyd so weak and walked over to the man. Morro crouched down next to Lloyd and pulled his hair back up again. " So.. You feeling up for another round like last time? I don't mind. " Morro whispered almost seductively. In hearing that, Lloyd immediately jerked back and tried to kick Morro square in the face in the posistion they were in. However, Morro quickly dodged, placing Lloyd's uprised leg onto his shoulder and smirked. " I'll take that as a yes. " Morro simply said and lessened the distance between them by pushing Lloyd directly against the wall. " D-don't Morro... Don't you fucking dare! " Lloyd said weakly before Morro cut him off with a kiss.


Cole's (POV)

" Ronin? You mean that old guy that you used to hang out with? " I asked Nya as she confidently got into her car and started it. " Yes Cole, and he's not that old. He's only 31. " Nya told me as both Kai and i got into the car. " That's a whole 10 years Nya. So he's old. " I simply told her and she rolled her eyes before driving off Zane's property. " Actually, do you even know where Ronin lives? " Kai asked his sister and Nya smiled slightly. " Yeah. Remember that we used to hang out after classes in collage? We usually just hung out at his place. " Nya explained to us and Kai had a look of disapproval on his face. " Don't worry Kai. We usually just worked out at his place then watched movies. " Nya could feel the suspicion that was coming off of her brother. Kai or Nya didn't say anything else for the rest of the ride and that gave me time to try and recollect all of my thoughts. " I know Jay is being kept under one of Nadakhan's main buildings and that both Zane and Lloyd are missing as well.. I killed a kid and two body gaurds to get that information. The big 5 want to destroy or at least take over Ninajgo City for some reason.. And they need Jay for that... Right now we know the big 5 includes; Nadakhan, Morro, and the Overlord. That means we're missing at least two more bigs dogs. Samukai didn't seem like he was a major influencer either so he couldn't be another big 5er and now most of downtown Ninjago City is in a wreck. Just what the hell is going on? " I kept replaying the information in my head until the car suddenly stopped. I snapped back into reality and looked out side my window.

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