Happy Things

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Cole's (POV)

" Here you go. Enjoy. " Aj told me boredly as she placed down my order on the table. Before she could walk away though, I asked her, " Hey Aj, are you and Angelo going to be free after your shift? " Aj raised an eyebrow and shrugged. " You asking us to a date Cole? Yeah we're free. " Aj joked, but still answered my question. " Good. Cause I think I'm going to need a bit more info on some things. " I told her and she nodded. " Honestly, I do too. How in the world did you get this injured? " She asked me, poking my arm and glancing over to my bandaged leg. I gave her an awkard laugh. " Ahaha... Yeah. Sure. " I told her and she walked away.

" Hey, I see some lightning outside.. I think it's gonna rain soon. " A man in red told us. We were eating out at Chen's Noodle today, and it just so happens to be the middle of the raining season as well. The sky was darkening and we were the only ones left in the restaurant. " Feel free to stay here guys. It's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon. " A woman with bright red hair chuckled slightly. Kai smiled. " Thanks Skylor. " He said and kissed her on the cheek. " If you ask me, we better get going before you two start making out. " Jay joked and the rest of us laughed slightly. Nya smiled but rolled her eyes. " Yeah, besides the making out part. We should get going. We all have classes tomorrow. " Nya said and took a glance outside. " That is true. Plus, we live in opposite directions as well. " Zane commented and placed his thumb under his chin. " Well, when you guys put it that way... Yeah. I guess we should. " I said and stuffed another piece of sushi in my mouth. " With all that you're eating Cole, i don't think you're going anywhere. " Jay said with a slight smirk. I smirked back and flicked some wasabi at him, aiming for his face. " Augh! Okay okay! You don't have to be so mean.. " Jay quickly soften and wiped the green goo off of his face. Kai and Nya both laughed while Zane and Lloyd simply smiled. " Well, Lloyd, you should be heading home first. Your dad will flip out if he knew we let you get stuck in a storm. " Kai suggested and the blonde grumbled. " I may be 2 years younger than you guys, but I'm still 18. I think I can take care of myself. " Lloyd said with a rather pouting expression. " That may be true, but you're still the youngest. " Kai said with a smirk and ruffled Lloyd's hair. " Alright, so i guess we'll be off first. See you guys in class tomorrow! " Kai said while dragging along Lloyd out of the restaurant with Nya chuckling behind them.

" So... What about you guys? " Skylor asked us and I shrugged. I'm staying here till I finished what I'd ordered. " I told her and put two more sushi rolls into my mouth. Skylor sighed but smiled slightly. " I guess you just keep this restaurant open a bit longer. " She joked and Jay chuckled. " I believe I should be going too. Pixal hates it when I'm late for our nightly inventions. " Zane suddenly commented and waved goodbye to us as he exited. " Well... Guess that just leaves you two. I'll be in the back if you need me. Feel free to leave your dishes there. I'll clean them up after you leave. " Skylor informed us and walked away. I nodded and glanced over to Jay. " You know you can just go back to our dorm right? " I told him and he shrugged. " It's kinda lonely and scary in our dorms alone. So I rather not. " Jay explained and took a seat next to me. I raised an eyebrow. " Scary? How? " I asked the ginger head. Jay started to make weird hand motions as he said, " You know. It feels like it's haunted or something. Our dorm building. It's just kinda.. Eery. " Jay shuddered slightly and I smirked. " Seems like someone is still scared of the dark is all. " I joked but Jay tightened his face muscles. " Why do you think I keep that glow in the dark sticker on my side of the room Cole? " Jay asked me, as if it was obvious he was still afraid of the dark. " What?- I thought you put it up there because you were too lazy to throw it away. " I told him. " Well- Yeah. That's the other reason but also because it creates some light. " Jay explained and I chuckled. " You're hopeless. You know that? " I teased him and ate the last piece of sushi on my plate. Jay grumbled and crossed his arms. " At least I'm not a total ass like someone else. " Jay mumbled. " Yeah, I'm not like Kai either. " I joked. " I meant you Cole! " Jay said angrily and I smiled. " I know. Let's get going before- " I was interrupted by a sudden loud thunder and the whole resteraunt shook.

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