Awkward Reunion

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Cole's (POV)

Saturday, finally. It was 11am on the dot. The plan was for the gang to meet at noon. I was about to leave my apartment when something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. " Angelo? What are you doing here? " I asked the short stature man leaning on the wall next to my door. " I came to ask you a question is all. " He told me and got off the wall. " What? What do you need from me? " I asked him and stuck my apartment key into my pants pocket. " Jay didn't come back to our apartment last night. The door was still lock when i got back. " Angelo explained to me. " What? Couldn't he just left his apartment key at home or something? " I asked him. Angelo shook his head. " He would of broke in through our balcony if he did forget. " He explained to me and adjusted his glasses. " So... What does that exactly mean? And why come to me first? " I asked Angelo, now slightly worried about Jay. Angelo chuckled a bit. " I didn't come to you first Cole. But anyways, i came to you to ask if you possibly saw Jay anywhere yesterday. If you didn't, it could mean Jay got himself into some trouble. " Angelo explained to me with weird hand motions.

I nodded slowly and thought about where Jay could of gone. " Did he say where he was going? " I asked him and he shrugged. " I told you yesterday, i don't pry on personal stuff.. Usually. " He said and put his hands into his hoodie pocket. " Did you call him? " Angelo gave me a annoyed look, meaning he already did most of the logical steps besides calling the police. " Oh wait... Jay could of been caught by the police... I got someone I know in there.. I could ask him. " I suggested to Angelo but he already shook his head. " Already checked. Do you maybe know some places he could of lingered to? " Angelo asked me. I thought about it, but only two places came to mind.

" I uh.. Gotta run Angelo.. So I- here. " I gave Angelo my number and started running down the stairs. Angelo was standing there quite confused but nodded as I went out of sight. " He has to be there! " I mumbled to myself and continue running till i made it out of the apartment building. I stopped a few seconds after running around the corner and took out my phone. Dialing a number, i started walking normally to my destination. " Hello? " I too formal voice echoed through the phone. " Zane? Hey, i was wondering, are you at the meet up point already? " I asked to the man on the other side. " Yes. In fact i am. I've already set up a table and ordered our favorite drinks. " Zane told me quite happily. " Okay, and thanks. But, is there anyone around you that looks... Kinda out of place? " I asked him and continued walking down the street. " What ever do you mean? " Zane asked me. " Like... Is anyone sitting in the corner table alone, drinking hot cocoa? " I asked him specifically. There was a pause of silence then i heard, " Actually, there is someone sitting alone in the back. But i don't know if the contents he is drinking is hot cocoa. " Zane explained to me.

" Perfect. Is he wearing anything blue? Maybe has brown or ginger hair color? " I questioned on further, picking up my pace. Another pause of silence. " Why are you asking Cole? " Zane suddenly asked me. " Because there's the chance it might be... You know. " I explained poorly to him. " Do not tell me you think it's- " " Shhh! He's gonna hear you. " I told him through the phone. " Cole, if he saw me here, he wouldn't be simply sitting there. " Zane explained to me through the phone. " Yeah, but it could be he hasn't seen you is all. " I told him and turned a corner. Zane simply sighed. " Okay.. Well, the man does actually have brown hair... Very disorganized however... And he's wearing a very pale blue jacket, more dirty blue if anything. " Zane explained to me. " Alright, thanks Zane. But don't try to alert him or anything. He'll bounce the moment he sees us. " I told him and hung up. Stuffing my phone back into my pocket, i speed walked over to Steep Wisdom.


Jay's (POV)

After wondering around i bit, i found out that old habbits die hard. I felt like i was in sort of a trance, because when i finally came back to reality, i was standing in front of Steep Wisdom. " Of all the places my body could take me, it took me to the old tea shop we all started together. " I thought to myself. I glanced through one of the shop's big wide windows at the front. I scanned the people in the shop and stopped at the lady behind the counter. It was Misako. Sure, she could of left to go help her family at their owned school, but she decided to stick with her brother in-laws tea shop instead. I hesitated to go inside, but figured since i barely look like i used to, it wouldn't be too much of a problem. Sighing, i started walking into the tea shop.

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