What He Needs

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Jay's (POV)

" I.D? " A man in a black tux and sunglasses standing in front of the entrance asked me. I glanced at Clancee and he handed the man a small black card. The man looked over it and immediately let us in. He opened the door and I already knew i wasn't going to enjoy anything, but the smell of smoke and low jazz music was going to make my time even worse. I immediately sighed and Clancee tugged on my sleeve. " What? " I asked him and he walked over to the side of the room. I slowly followed and stood next to him. " I'll lead you to the back where Nadakhan should be. When i do, you'll be on your own, got it? " Clancee surprisingly said fluently and i nodded. Clancee started walking through the crowd this time and i struggingly followed.


Cole's (POV)

" The kid is the daughter of a business man that runs the third largest traveling system in Ninjago City. We wanted to originally kill the business man, but we figure we let him suffer instead. " Samukai explained to me and handed me a picture of the girl. She had long red hair braided down to her waist and wore a simple white dress. She had bright green eyes and her face was splattered with freckles. She looked only about 6-7 years old and she had a white sachel strapped to her. " Why this specific business man though? " I asked Samukai, still looking at the photo. Samukai shrugged. " Something about him not meeting his end of the deal with... " Samukai faded out and i raised an eyebrow. " With? " I asked but Samukai simply said, " Don't worry about it. Anyways. Do your end of the deal and meet me here again at 2am. The kid should be at the adress on the back of that photo. I'll be waiting Cole. " Samukai smirked and walked down the sidewalk, making the lamppost flicker off.

So here i am. Traveler's Road, 234. Right outside the suite of a rich business man. I was shaking like an earthquake ready to shatter the earth, and my stomach was already queasy. I didn't want to kill the girl in any brutal way, so i decided to buy rat posion and inject it into her while she was sleeping. I knew that the autopsy reports would figure out how she died right away, but if they could figure out it was me was a different story. I took in another huge whif of air and glanced up towards the sky. It's funny. To find a gang leader i have to become sort of a bad guy myself. I sighed at my pitiful self and took out my cellphone. A part of me says to call the rest of the gang. The other tells me that if i do tell, Jay's not gonna make it through. I also contemplated the idea that they wouldn't kill Jay since they wanted him to join the 5, but we all had a pretty good idea that they aren't afraid to do it. Weighing my options almost made me light heated, but Jay would come first over a stranger little girl. " Just what happened to your morals Cole? " I mumbled to myself and scanned the front of the suite.

Security cameras at all angles and degrees. A steel gate with gaurd dogs, seemingly sleeping. Three night guards all walking in unsion in three different directions. Thankfully, i decided to change into all black clothing, cover my head with a bandanna and hoodie, and wore gloves and shoes i just grabbed out of an old charity box. Looking for a way in from a distance, i spotted a angle of the suite that wasn't covered by a guard and had a slightly opened window. However, there was at least two guard dogs out of the gates and another one awake in the front of the yard inside of the gate. " Fucking hell... How am i suppose to get over there? " I thought to myself and waited for the awake dog to fall asleep. I stayed as still as possible from an alley way across the suite and waited for at least another hour until the damn dog finally fell asleep. Finally seeing a clear way in, i pulled up my bandana even higher and jumped up into a near by tree. I needed to get over the fence, and thankfully, there were a few trees scattered around outside and inside the gates. Hoping from tree to tree quietly as I could, i finally managed to get to the tree nearest the gate.

I loomed over to see if anything was hidden behind the gate that i couldn't see from the alley way and almost sighed in relief when i saw that nothing else was there besides the one gaurd dog. Looking back up to look for the opened window, i could see a gaurd in the distance talking to someone over his radio. I couldn't hear anything, but he suddenly started running into the suite and soon another one of the gaurds ran in as well. " What's going on? " I thought and saw that the last gaurd was still walking around, but simply going around the whole parameter of the building. I gulped what was left in my dry mouth and leaped onto the roof, barely over the fence and holding onto the edge of the window. Quickly and silently, i opened the window all the way and forced my 6'4ft self into the suite. Once I was in, i scanned the hallway i landed in. The room itself was dark, with the only dim light source coming from the left of the hall. The carpet was deep maroon and had no sign of any dirtyness. The walls were mostly white and were decorated with lots of wall lights and photos of people i didn't recognize of course. I waited a few seconds to see if anyone heard me jump in, but no one did. Smiling slightly to myself, i moved the window pane back down to how i found it and slowly started walking down the left of the hallway. I didn't know where the girl would exactly be, but I figured with her father so rich, she would have her own room somewhere upstairs and would probably have some body gaurds of her own. Making my way to the end of the hall, i spotted a few doors on the right of me. There was a long stair case to the opposite sides of the doors, so I figured whoever was still awake would of been down there. Though, since it was already about midnight, i didn't worry about the girl being down there.

Slowly, I swiftly made my way over to one of the doors and gently turned it to test if anything would trigger. I twisted the knob all the way and opened the door slightly. Nothing but boxes and dust. I carefully closed the door and headed for the next one. I opened it with a little more quickness and found out it was also pretty much empty. I already wanted to groan in frustration, but kept on going. I didn't encounter no one but I did sometimes hear someone from downstairs talking. I couldn't hear what, but they sounded a bit worried. About another 30 minutes of snooping around, I came to a hallway that had two men dressed in black suits at the entrance. They both were muscular as evidence by their suits being pretty tight on them, showing their biceps a bit too much. They were also pretty tall, probably 6ft like me. I groaned in my head, seeing that this was going to be much harder than expected. I brought a small pocket knife with me just in case, but i really didn't want to use it. I looked around the hallway, trying to find something that could distract the gaurds. I immediately thought of something smart, yet stupid at the same time and it included having to kill someone extra.


No one's (POV)

As the glass shattered in the empty apartment building, the blonde immediately stopped his call and grabbed his gun from its holster. " Danm it! They found me already. " Lloyd mumbled under his breath and stood up against the wall nearest to the knocked down door in the room. Footsteps could be heard entering the other side of the apartment and it was mixed in with the sound of more shattering glass. That was followed by a few grunts and the smell of lit cigarettes. " Where did that dumbass cop go? " A deep grunted voice asked. Lloyd gripped his gun tighter and focused on staying calm. " Dunno. But the moment we see him, he's a dead man alright. " Another male voice added in. " We're not going to kill him idiot. We need him remember? " A sudden female voice reminded the other brutes and started walking around the room. Lloyd raised an eyebrow and thoughts raced through his head faster than the speed of light. As the footsteps got closer, Lloyd's heartbeat also rose. Just at the moment someone came up to the door, Lloyd immediately pulled the trigger.


Jay's (POV)

" Stop tapping your foot. " A gaurd instructed me roughly and I simply started tapping my index finger on my thigh instead. I was in the back of the stage Nadakhan had set up to introduce me on and I felt like the skin on my face was peeling. I was less shaken up when Clancee was around, because then I at least had someone who wasn't all that menacing around me. I looked around the room i was trapped in again and bit the corner of my lip. A white fucking room with white fucking drawers and white fucking tiled flooring. I was starting to really hate the color white and it made my headache even worse. I was sitting on a brown wooden chair and the only other person in the room was a huge ass gaurd in the corner watching me. I couldn't keep calm at all. It felt like daggers were right up at my throat. I didn't want any of this. Just as I thought that, guess who the hell stepped into the room. " Why, Jay. I expected you to be more excited to be here tonight. " Nadakhan suddenly entered the room and smiled at me. I naturally gritted me teeth and glared at him. Nadakhan simply kept on smiling and motioned the gaurd to step out of the room. As soon as the gaurd left Nadakhan walked over to where I was sitting. It felt unbelievably uncomfortable. " No need to be so tense Jay. From now on, we'll be great partners. So get used to it. " Nadakhan said and put his hand on my shoulder. I rashly shurgged it off and turned my head the opposite way of him.

Nadakhan sighed and turned his back on me. " Listen Jay. It's only your fault it came to this. If you only accepted our offer- " Nadakhan started to lecture me but I immediately retaliated. " This is NOT my fault! YOU five kidnapped ME, and FORCED me to join! " I basically yelled at him and had to hold back from punching the man. Nadakhan shook his head as if he was disappointed in his child for getting a bad grade on his math test. " You just don't get it do you Jay? We never forced you. You decided all on your own to join. You could of died if you wanted if you really didn't want to join. But look at where you are now. " Nadakhan told me and turned back around to face me. He had eyes that stared straight through me and I could only glare back at him. All i could see and feel from his gaze was nothing. He had no emotions whatsoever regarding my presence. It was like it really didn't matter if I died back then. He- no, the five only needed another lackey, and i just happened to be their pick. I wanted to say something, i wanted to run away, i wanted to-

I wanted to see my friends again.
I wanted to have a normal conversation with them again. I needed to catch up with everyone's lives. I needed to feel a part of something special again. I needed a good friend to lean on again. I needed someone to keep me happy again. I needed someone to relight the humor in me. I needed someone to laugh with again. I needed-

I needed Cole.

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