Bop it

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(A/N: Slight warnings for uh. Suggested " mingling " in a classroom. Enjoy.)

Jay's (POV)

The warmth of Cole's sudden hug was consuming. As if I would melt completely into it. Only when I suddenly felt something wet on Cole's shirt did I realize I was crying.

" Hold this conversation Cole! " I told him and hurriedly picked up my phone in a rush. " Hello? Nya! You ready for our date tomorrow? " I chuckled as Nya's laugh echoed through the phone. " Yeah! We're still good at 11 right? " Nya asked, obvious joy in her tone. " You betcha. I- " I suddenly heard the bedroom door being shut and I realized Cole wasn't sitting on his bed anymore. " Jay? " Nya's voice asked me, slightly concerned. " H-hold on Nya. I'll call you back okay? " I told her and hung up. I put my phone into my back pants pocket and walked out of the room. " Cole? Cooolleee? " I asked into our empty dorm room. " Where did he go? " I mumbled to myself and called Nya back. " Jay? What happened? " Nya asked, more curious than worried now. " Oh. Nothing much. Cole just suddenly left in the middle of our conversation was all. " I told her and smiled slightly. There was a pause but Nya quickly said, " O-oh.. I see.. Well, I'll meet you where we planned right? You should go ahead and find Cole. " Nya suggested and I could tell she wasn't smiling like I was. " ...Is something the matter Nya? " It was my turn to ask the questions. " What? I'm fine. I just think... You know. Cole can sometimes wander for a while and get lost you know. " Nya said and I let out a short laugh. " He always did have bad directionary skills. Alright, I'll call you again later. Bye Nya~ " I told her as sweetly as I could and hung up again. I quickly put on my shoes and headed out, forgetting to lock the dorm door. " Knowing Cole... He probably went to the club room... " I thought and made way to the school's club building.

I continued walking in peace until I finally reached the club room. The hallway was quiet, but as soon as I reached the club room door, I heard some weird mumbling. " Stop it would you! Someone could come in here! " A rather loud whisper came through the door. My curiosity took over me and I started to eavesdrop on the conversation. I recognized the voice as Lloyd's, remembering his rather high pitched voice. " Lloyd, we both know you get far more excited when you know you might get caught. " A deep stranger's voice came through the door. I backed away from the door in shock. " What in the hell is Lloyd doing in there? " I thought and finally decided to knock on the door. " W-who's there? " Lloyd's cracking voice asked. " Uh... It's Jay... Do you know where Cole is? " I asked through the door rather than going in. " Oh! Jay... I uh... N-no! " Lloyd's voice suddenly went higher. " Lloyd? Can I come in?- " " No! I-i mean.. Cole hasn't been h-here.. " Lloyd said with a weird shakiness in his voice. I raised my already raised eyebrow even more. " Oh... Okay then.. Thanks. I'll be going then. " I said awkwardly and started walking away. As I walked away, I heard something fall in the club room. " I wouldn't even go in there even IF Cole was there. " I thought as I started theories of what was going on in there.

My phone started ringing again as I walked out of the building. " Hm?... " I mumbled and took out my phone to look at the call number. I immediately clicked answer as soon as I saw the address. " Cole! Where are you? Why did you leave?! " I yelled angrily into the phone and received a nervous chuckle from the man. " S-sorry.. I just.. Needed some air. Anyways... Uh.. I'm kinda lost Jay. " Cole told me, an obvious nervous smile on his face. I paused for a few seconds and considered to whether hang up on him or not. " Fine. What path did you take this time? " I asked him, knowing he took a certain route to walk on. " Uuh..  The one closests to our building on the left of that one shrub. " Cole explained to me and I sighed. " Alright... Just give me a few minutes. I'll be there. " I told him and hung up.

Suddenly piecing everything together, I came to a rather subtle conclusion.

" Cole? " I mumbled into his chest. Cole took a second to glance down at me. Uncertain about my conclusion I asked, " Are you.. Okay? You've been quiet... For a bit. " Cole slightly shifted his weight. " It's... I'm just happy you're here is all. " He said and quickly tightened his grip around me. I forced a small chuckle and saw the residue of Cole's tears on his cheeks. " Cole, a guy in his 20's shouldn't be crying over something like that. " I joked. " Take your own advice Jay. " He dissed back at me. I pouted in embarrassment. " Hey! It's different for me okay! " I told him and sniffed up the snot in my nose. Suddenly remembering our position and conclusion I came to, I asked him, " Anyways... Could you.. Uh.. Let go now?... It's kinda.. Awkward. " He slowly loosened his grip and I backed away from him. His warmth slowly fading away. I looked at his face and he smiled. His first genuine one in the first in forever, making me smile back. " Seriously Cole. I have never met a bigger idiot than you. " I joked again and he chuckled to himself. " That's only because you're the only other bigger idiot. " Cole told me with a slight smile. " Yeah... I guess you could say that. " I told him and touched the back of my neck as a natural habit.  Suddenly, Cole became super worried and jumpy. " Jay! You need to go get that bandaged or something. " He told me, seeing my bloody hand. I placed my hand back down and shrugged. " Oh this?.. I think I'll be fine.. For the most part. " I told him and wiped the red liquid on my jacket. " Jay! Didn't I just tell you I'll help you! C'mon, I'm taking you to Misako's. " He told me and suddenly grabbed my left hand to drag me out. " Cole! I can handle myself! " I whined to him before Cole suddenly dropped to the floor, holding his leg in pain. " Cole!! " I shouted in worry and bent down next to him. " D-don't worry Cole! I'll get help! " I told him and dashed out of the bathroom, hoping Aj would have something that could help.


No one's (POV)

" So... I'm guessing you're the person every news channel is talking about huh? " A man wearing a eyepatch said to the senior man wearing a tan rice hat. Wu blinked a couple of times before sitting down in front of the bed Ronin was sitting on. " I'll take that as a yes. " Ronin answered himself and crossed his arms. " Well... Sensei Wu.. Are you going to ask him anything? " Nya asked, slightly nervous to hear Wu's answer. Wu sighed and rubbed the skin in between his eyes. " Listen here Ronin.. We believe you are involve with the recent crimes that have been happening in Ninjago City. We ask you corporate as much as possible without having to use force. " Wu began to explain to Ronin. Ronin's expression didn't change, instead, it seemed like he was lost in thought. " Get on with it then. " Ronin told Wu and continued to stare out the blinded window. " ..We would like to know if you can tell us who is behind all of... The destruction that happened downtown a couple days ago. " Wu started and Ronin raised an eyebrow. " You guys still haven't figured that out yet? Talk about slow unreliable police men. " Ronin commented, making Misako slightly angry. " Keep your posture Misako... Ronin, can you please tell us. " Wu asked Ronin again with slightly more force in his voice. Ronin took a pause to think about his answer. " Sure, but only if you let me lay out some rules. " Ronin replied, turning his gaze towards Wu. Both Wu and Misako took a short glance at eachother. " What is it that you want? " Wu asked carefully. Ronin looked over towards Nya. " I'll only answer things to her. Alone. " Ronin laid out his demands. " Excuse me? " Wu asked, rather dumbfounded. Nya expression turned into uncertainty and confusion. " So. What do you say? " Ronin asked with a small smile. Wu looked suspicious and looked towards Nya, meeting her glance. " Are you okay with these terms Nya? " Wu asked, not minding the terms. Nya was hesitant before looking towards Ronin's direction. His eyes were dull, yet bold. Nya nodded slightly and Wu sighed. " I thought this might happen. Here you go Nya. This is a list of questions I wanted to ask him. We'll be out looking for more physical evidence again. Call us once more when you finish. " Wu instructed Nya and walked out with Misako slowly following.

The door shut and Nya placed the list of questions onto the table next to the bed. " You're not going anywhere Ronin. So don't even think about running. " Was the first thing Nya made clear with Ronin. Ronin chuckled slightly and dropped his seriouse demeaner. " Don't have to worry about me. I can barely hear anything anyways. Must be the after affects of being struck in the head with a chair... " Ronin mumbled to himself. Nya sighed and sat down at the chair Wu was sitting in earlier. " Ronin, do you know where my friends are? Lloyd and Zane? Maybe.. Even Jay? " Nya started asking and Ronin shurgged. " That Zane guy could really be anywhere. Lloyd, he's.... My boss has a hand on that guy. But the new Jay guy.. I haven't seen him since he was first recruited. " Ronin told the woman in red. Nya's expression only sunk down more. " Ronin... How long have you been into this.. Gang business? " Nya asked, changing the topic. Ronin glanced at her but then quickly looked back down towards his lap in thought. " Hm.. Probably.. Right before I met you. " Ronin said, trying to remember the years of being a wanted criminal. " What? That long? How could I never notice? We hung out all the time! " Nya questioned. Ronin shrugged. " Maybe I'm just a good hider. You may know me Nya, but even I got plenty of secrets you don't need to know. " Ronin smirked slightly while Nya could only slightly glare at the man. " At least explain why you threatened Zane! " Nya exclaimed and Ronin sighed.

" It's pretty obvious sweet pea. I needed answers and he didn't give me them. So i did what I had to. " Ronin laid it out clear to Nya. Nya sighed even more than before and paced around the room. " If that's all you need... I'll be going then. " Ronin stated and started for the door. Nya, using her rather quick snake like instincts, stopped Ronin before he got to the door handle. She stood before the door and Ronin dropped his smirk. " What are your guy's motive? What are you planning to do next? " Nya continued questioning the man. Ronin curved the corner of his lip inward but said, " We're looking for a code. Apparently.. only the most important people know what that is. For what we have in store next.. Who knows. I've been knocked out for two says straight water lilly. " Ronin chuckled slightly at the end. Nya raised an eyebrow. " Code?..... A code for what? " Nya asked, rather relaxing her stance. " Code to something. I wouldn't know. I'm just a lackey. " Ronin commented and Nya groaned. " I'm not sure why I even thought for a moment you could be of help. " Nya said with disappointment, causing a small laugh to escape Ronin's lips. " You know me. I never did pay much attention to things other than money. And maybe the occasional newest tech. " Ronin snickered. Nya rolleed her eyes. " Don't get jealous now. You're still somewhere on the list of things I pay attention to... Somewhere.. " Ronin joked and Nya stomped on his foot.

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