The Baker and the Agent

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Cole's (POV)

When I walked in, I was being looked on from the workers by the counter. " Can we.. Help you sir? " One of the workers asked me as I walked towards the counter. " I.. uh, I'm visiting a friend here.. " I told them and they started typing something into their computer. " May we have a name please? " They asked and I nodded slowly. Thinking about how Jay's name is everywhere, I knew he wouldn't place his name down.. at least not his real one. Then I thought of something when the worker raised an eyebrow after waiting for an answer. " A-angelo... Angelo Leina. " I told the worker, remembering that Aj's last name was Leina. They nodded and typed into the computer again. " Here you go sir. All guests must keep this with them at all times. " The worker handed me a small guest card and I nodded. " Mr. Leina is in room.. " " Room 53.. What floor is that on? " I asked the worker. " Floor 5 Mr. " They told me and I nodded. I walked to the elevator and immediately pressed the button for floor 5. I sighed as the door shut and leaned back onto the wall farthest from the entrance. I don't know why, but I felt a bit nervous. I haven't visited someone in so long in general.

" Hey Cole! You wanna come over to my place later? " Jay asked me with a bright smile. I raised a brow and moved my attention to him from the book I was reading. " Your place? We share a dorm you idiot. " I told him but still looked over to the brimming boy. " Not the dorm silly, my home. Like, an actual place not near campus. " Jay explained to me, jumping next to me on the bed. " Get off, and don't we have finals coming up soon? We can't go sneaking off to go back to your house Jay. " I told him and gave him my full attention, dropping my book onto the bed. Jay started to whine and I sighed. " Maybe over the weekend... But not on a Tuesday Jay. " I said to him and he gave back a rather pouty look. " Plleeaaaassseee. My mom's making her curry tonight! I don't wanna miss it! " Jay said to me, with his glowing eyes with their usual tint of blue showing in them. I gave in. " Fine! But we better get back before midnight Jay. " I told him and got up from the bed. " Yeah! Let's get going then! " He yelled out cheerfully and followed me out of the room.

I was getting more and more nervous the closer i got to his room. I knew there was a chance that someone i didn't know would answer it, but I thought that the chances were at least a bit in my favor. I let out a breath of air before getting to room number 53. I gulped a bit and knocked onto the painted light grey door. At first i didn't hear anything, but then I heard something bump into another thing and a quiet swear right after. When that was over, i heard the door unlocking and it opened enough for a eye to peek out. " ...What do you want? " Was all that came out from the person behind the door. I didn't recognize the voice, so i knew it wasn't Jay behind the door. That took me off balance even more but i tried to stay calm. " I- uh.. I'm here looking for Jay.. Jay Walk- " Suddenly the door swung open all the way and the person inside dragged me into the apartment. They immediately closed the door and locked it. I was too confused at the moment but then turned my attention back to the man standing behind me.

He was short. Like, below average short for guy who's suppose to be at least 23. He wore a pair of red glasses, had dark brown hair like Aj's but it was so long that he had it tied into a low ponytail onto his shoulder, and wearing a white hoodie over black gym shorts. I met eye contact with him, and at that moment, i felt like the sharp edge of a knife was pressed up to my neck. I expected some suspicious looks, but this feeling was different. " I know you're Cole. You probably came over to visit Jay.. But unfortunately for you, he had already left about 10 minutes ago.. And now you're stuck with me.. And also, don't just go blabbering Jay's name around here, he's getting way more attention than he needs already. " The man i presumed to be Angelo explained to me in a mere 30 seconds. I couldn't say anything to him. I don't know what it is, but something about the way he narrows his eyes and the weird atmosphere around him was sending me very bad vibes.

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