Catch Up

254 15 5

(No one's POV)


Ronin sighed as he heard Nya stomp down the hall. He wasn't sure if he should go after her or just wait for her to cool down. The slight ache on the side of his head was now turning into a pain, but he ignored it to the best of his ability.

" I need to get going... " Ronin thought to himself but was unsure if he really wanted to. The idea of simply laying down seemed pleasant.

Suddenly, just as he thought that, a small ringing filled the room and caught his attention. It was coming from the small desk next to the bed; his phone was going off.

With a grunt, Ronin reluctantly hobbled over to his phone. Deciding whether or not to answer it, on the last ring, he clicked the answer button.

" Ronin here. " He lazily answered and expected some sort of reprimand or lecture but surprisingly, a calm voice came through the call.

" Where are you right now? " Nadakhan's voice asked him.

Ronin looked out the small window across from him and spotted a small grocery store down the street. Sighing, Ronin answered, " Somewhere, not quite sure. Do you need anything? "

He was trying to be as vague as possible, keeping his voice low and monotone. There was a pause before an answer.

" I want you to go to Borg's Industry. Borg owes me a favor. A big one. Oh, and if you see Jay, tell him to come back to headquarters. " And with that Nadakhan ended the call.

Ronin stared down at his phone screen for a brief second and rubbed his temples in annoyance. His boss really did know how to keep him on his feet. Even when it wasn't Morro ordering him around, it was always something.

The question now was, should he actually do what he was told?

The thought of disobeying for once sounded as amazing as the idea of laying down for a nap, but Ronin already knew he wasn't going to do either. With a groan, Ronin stuffed his phone into one of his many pockets and tightened his rice hat to keep it still. Readjusted his cold eyepatch and looked into his faded reflection off the small window facing the skyline.

" Guess it's time to get to work then.. " He mumbled.


" Zane.. Let's take a rest, shall we? " The soft voice belonging to Pixal asked the man walking in front of her. They were walking through a dark forest trail, Zane's latern being the only realiable source of light.

Zane slowly stopped marching and turned his head to meet Pixal's eyes. " Yes..that would be a good idea.. " Zane quietly replied with a huff and looked for a suitable place to drop his things.

He was carrying a hiking bag, filled with mostly food and health care essentials. Anything besides that, was at a minimum. Pixal was carrying practically the same things as he was, only more mechanical items such as radios and heaters; mainly for food.

" Zane..are you sure you want to do this? Borg..he could help us. " Pixal started as they sat down onto a fallen log. Zane sighed for what seemed to be the 100th time.

" We have been over this, Pixal. Borg is safer without us there. If they want to target anyone, it would be one of us. Of course, once we are gone, he would become the easiest target. But he will not be taken so easily by the likes of the Five. You should know that better than anyone. " Zane finished with a solid huff and turned his eyes to meet Pixal's gaze. Pixal knew Zane wasn't going to change his mind and she knew he was right, but she felt horrible about simply leaving everyone behind.

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