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Cole's (POV)

" What do you mean by that? " I asked Aj, raising an eyebrow. " What i mean is that those two are cold hearted murderers living in plain daylight. " Aj explained to us in a serious manner. " Even my brother and I are limited on just how much we know about them. " She added in before switching her legs again. " Does it look like we really care right now? We just want to know if Jay is connected with the two. " Nya intervened herself between us two and Aj lowered her glance. " As of now... Morro was Jay's trading partner. Jay needed bombs and the such which was something Morro has plenty of. While Jay had a splurge of money, Morro is usually always needing more for some reason. So that's Jay's connection to Morro... But Scales?.. I've heard of his name before but other than he's a partner of Morro's.. I have no clue. " Aj told us and started playing with her hair. Nya nodded but Kai had more to ask. " Did Jay ever say when he's going off to trade with Morro? " Kai asked Aj and Aj looked up at him. " Actually... I knew Morro was going to show up for an offer today, not a trade. " Aj informed us. " Really? An offer for what? " I asked her and tapped my foot. " Offer a spot in the 5. " Aj vagually told us. " What? But why Jay? He's not like them at all. " Nya asked with a rather concerned expression.

" I believe they want to turn Jay into one of them. A no feeling killer. " Aj told us with little emotion in her tone. " But.. Why? " Kai asked again. " I don't know. " Aj simply said and she sighed. " Well... Where is this headquarters of yours? " I asked Aj and she sighed again. " It doesn't exist anymore. My brother and I knew Morro was up to no good, so we set up a bomb to go off if someone went into the wrong room. " Aj explained to us. " What!? But wasn't Jay in there? " I almost yelled at her. " Knowing Morro and Jay, Jay probably declined the offer and Morro simply kidnapped him before the bomb went off. " Aj told us and switched her legs again. The three of us took a small glance at eachother and Nya asked, " Do you know where Morro could of taken Jay? " Aj put her thumb under her lip and looked down at the ground in thought. " Hmm... I have a thought.. But i don't know it's exact location. " Aj finally said and looked back at us. " Plus, even if i did know, i wouldn't be able to tell you. " Aj added in. We all places confused looks on our face but Kai was the first to ask. " Why is that? " He simply asked the girl sitting in her rocking chair. " Gang's honor. Something cheesy Jay's gang has been doing since the thing was started. " Aj explained to us. " And this " gang's honor " makes you unable to tell us? " I asked her, eyebrows furrowing slightly. She nodded and said, " Though, you could ask my brother. He's not held onto any strings yet. "

" You have a brother? " Nya asked in slight surprise. Aj chuckled a bit and said, " You make it sound like it's impossible for me to have one. " Nya grumbled but Kai simply snickered. " Anyways, you guys still haven't answered my question. " Aj going back into her serious mode. Nya, Kai, and I all glanced at eachother and kept silent. " I'm willing to find out. If it's for Jay. I'll do it Aj. " I was the first to answer her and the other two nodded as i said it. Aj took a look at all of us but then chuckled. " You guys really are best friends. " Aj said suddenly. " What? " I ask her. " I'm talking about Jay. " Aj simply said back and raised the corner of her lips.


After visiting Aj, Nya and Kai decided to go look for more information on the other gang leaders while heading back home. We agreed to contact eachother if we found anything new. The first one to text me later that night was actually Zane. " I have been invited to a party hosted by Nadakhan. He has stated the party is for introducing a new business partner. Do you believe Jay has anything to do with this? " I mumbled out loud Zane's group text. I just woke up from a five hour nap and found out that it was already 9pm. Waking up to more information was the best thing that could possibly happen at this point other than getting a raise at work. I immediately texted back saying, " Probably.. I uh heard, Jay hasn't been back to his apartment yet. " I sent the text and looked over to the clock on the other side of my living room. I simply fell asleep on my couch after all that happened today and i knew that this would be the norm soon enough. My phone vibrated again and i looked at who replied. " Okay. I'll see if i can also get you guys invited as well. If we are going to find Jay, i want to do it together. " Zane's text read.

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