◾Repeat Cycle

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A/n: Spoilers. They will return so keep reading after this chapter

The Next Step - Regionals 3

Back in the studio after winning multinationals -

Sophia (Jazz/Lyrical dancer) POV -
I can't believe it! The next step won multinationals for the first time! It was amazing and like nothing I've ever seen! We're officially back at the studio now and I can't believe we won. Sure, loosing at internationals was awful. But if we didn't?  We wouldn't be in this position now.

Richelle -
I've had the most amazing time on A troupe, but it comes a time when we all have to move on and this is it for me! I'm leaving to focus on my Exams.

Riley -
A troupe will always feel like my home. But nothing lasts forever, I've faced some of the toughest competitions of my life and ran the best dance studio in the world. I've proved all I can at the next step! I'm leaving with James to set up our own dance studio.

Amanda -
Dance has always been something I've come back too, over and over again throughout my life. But Life doesn't always to the way you want it and I've decided that I want to audition for one of the touring comanys here in Toronto.

Piper -
I've done it! Regionals, Nationals, Internationals and a bonus. Multinationals! James warned me that after the bigger scale competitions, Regionals would feel like a major set back. And he's right, i don't know where I stand at the next step anymore.

Emily -
Dance is my dream! I'll never give it up, I'm ready for these auditions! Carmine isn't with us right now, she had to fly back to Germany as there was a problem with the social services but she is coming back soon.

Noah -
Amanda has decided to leave. And I want to focus on my exams. I will be leaving the studio but I hope to return some day.

Cierra -
internationals was fantastic! I won with my sister and my team. Skylar has decided she definitely wants to focus on rugby this year. And I've decided I've had an audition for a dance TV show that Stephanie is on In LA. So I'll be moving over there to work on the show.

Sophia -
My Journey here at the next step for sure isn't over, I'm miss international Soloist and I need to get back their and take the international trophy. With THIS team!

Ollie -
I need to get to the next level. Regionals here we come!

Giselle -
I've decided to Step down as Head Choreographer as I have an audition for a touring company position. So I've decided to take it.

Chloe -
Coming back to the next step is one of the best things I've ever done. But the La Ballet De Lareighn Of the nutcracker starts up again soon and I've have to get back to the company so I won't be coming back to A troupe this year.

Eldon -
I've been here before, everyone leaves and moves on. But this time I think it's time to leave - for good! A local dance show has auditions coming up and I'm going to  try there. I'll never forget this place.  

Miss Kate -
we have had an emotional ride here and I'm glad to say it's not over yet! Regionals here we come!

(Remaining dancers)
(Sophia, Ollie, Emily)

The Next Step - Regionals 3

Kate had been there before, Many of the dancers that went to internationals left to move onto bigger and better things. At least last year there was a decent amount of Old A troupers wanting to do the cycle again. But now it was as if they were replacing nearly 3/4 of the team. It didn't feel right - Now all that remained in A troupe were Sophia, Emily and Ollie.

As well as a new A troupe, Kate was on the look out for a new head choreographer after Giselle decided to step down. There was a big hole in the next step dance studio. And it needed to be filled. "Alright, guys you have done amazing. Good job!"

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
We're entering a new dance year and it's time to think about Our Regionals team. Last Regionals I went to be a guest judge on a dance show in the United Kingdom and I asked Riley to mind the studio for me and she told me that Regionals is Way different now. We have to be ready for anything.

She clapped her hands, "Right.  Regionals is coming up soon and we have to audition for a new A troupe" The fact that they had to think about replacement already sent shivers down their spines. "Can't we just give it some time,  Who knows who might want to come back?" Sophia suggested, Cierra had to have been her closest friend on the team, but she was gone now.

Kate pulled a considerable smile, "No"  She began, her voice softer then before. "They all chose to left. We have to crack on with auditions right away" She answered. Kate left studio A and returned to her office, leaving the three remaining dancers alone.

"So, Is it me or does this just feel...

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Weird? I never thought it would be like this.

"Yeah,  it is very strange" Ollie agreed, looking around at the empty studio which was once filled with love and excitement. "How are we ever supposed to get back to internationals again? Or Multinationals if the team dynamic and Chemistry is going to be so different?" Asked Emily.

Ollie (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
It is really weird, but what girls are missing is that we have to start focusing on Regionals; this is our year. We deserve to be on this team and I'll do anytime to make sure we are!

"We'll get by" He said, "I'm heading for a juice,  It's on me if you want to join?"

Ollie (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
At times like this. It's better to just stick together, We're the new head triangle at the next step and we need to start bonding.

Shake it up (Milkshake house)

Nathan (Previous A trouper) POV -
My audition for Lost & Found Music studio's is coming up soon. So I'm just in the new cafe that is underneath the studio. I'm thinking about what I'm going to play for Mr T, the musical director when Emily, Ollie and Sophia walk in. It's great to see them.

"Hey! How are you?" Emily was the first to go over and sit down next to him. She noticed the Chocolate milkshake in his hand and thought for a moment. "Since When Did Java Junction sell Milkshakes?" He looked around and then back at her, "Since Java Junction Changed hands to Shake it up!" He answered.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Oh so the coffee Shop has changed hands again? That's Squeezed, Culture shock, Hidalgos, Juice Sploosh and finally shake it up. That's a lot of changes per dance season.

"How's A troupe?" Nathan asked,  "We're fine" Ollie answered, Nathan must have forgotten that everyone left after Multinationals. "Oh yeah, Nearly everyone has left, You make sure your get on that Regionals team! We want some of that Multinational talent on it" He smiled.

His phone vibrated violently on the table, "I've got to go but I'll see you around yeah? If I get into Lost & Found we'll be seeing a lot more of each other than first thought"

Sophia (Jazz/Lyrical dancer) POV -
I completely forgot that Nathan is auditioning for lost & found. It's practically in the same building - Maybe this new team won't be so bad after all.

Nathan (Previous A trouper) POV -
With Emily, Ollie and Sophia on A troupe, The next step can bring it and get back to the top!

Next time - Some Members of A troupe say their final goodbye's. Carmine returns to the studio, 

A/n: Hello guys, So The team are back after Multinationals and it's time for Regionals. Don't be sad if some characters. Well nearly all have been in a way written out. I'm sure there will be some Cameo performances along the way from some of them. What did you think if the first chapter? Comment, Vote if you liked it. Thank you!
Please Excuse The Cover, I'm working on a new, more better one.

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