◾ Further Away◾

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Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I've Just got of the phone from Emily and I can't believe the total brain flake I just had! We should be practicing for the music myself round! I've been trying to round the team up and I can't seem to find them anywhere! I mean where could they possibly be?

Kate was right to, she had been running around the shopping mall 5 times and she still couldn't find anyone from the studio. She produced her phone once again to call a member of the team. "... Oh great...hello..." Kate began to talk to what she thought was a real person.

'You've used up all of your minutes on your monthly allowance - you will now be charged $1 for every call!" She hung up the phone line now in anger, was wound she do now?

Regionals auditorium

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
back to the absolute dance Regionals. We're just about to start the second round of the competition which is of course the music mystery round.

Stacey Tookey - SNR Network
Now remind me Chuck....

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
I'm waiting in the wings right now and some of A troupe has already has already returned back to Regionals but strangely, I don't see Kate anywhere. And she has not been picking up her phone - I hope we aren't going to have another Michelle on our hands.

"So you didn't see her anywhere?" She asked once again, occasionally glancing at her phone to check for any texts that may have come through to her mobile phone. "No, she would have come with us if we did" Ollie replied. This made the dancers get even more worried and Riley sent James to got and find Kate.

Hunter (Dance Co-Captain) POV -
Everyone is worrying about where Miss Kate is and i don't want that so i suggest that we start getting into our costumes and practicing again.


James (Co-owner of Illusion) POV -
I'm at the mall right now and I can't see her any where. This is just crazy, it's like Everytime we go to a competition. Something always has to go wrong!

He tried to call her once again, but now there was an incoming call from Riley. What could be wrong now?

'Hello? Riley is Kate back?
'No but...... '
' Are you being serious? They are really doing that?'
'Look, I'll have another look for Kate and I call you soon'

James (Co-owner of Illusion) POV -
If we don't find Kate now. Our chances at Regionals could be over!

Regionals Auditorium

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
The team and I are coming back into the wings now and I'm getting really worried. The security members of the board are doing a studio check to see which teams are in the building and the owner of the studio has to sign the form for them.

Riley (co-owner of Illusion) POV -
If Kate is not back to sign that form. The board will take it that we are not accounted for and The Next Step Dance Studio will be disqualified from the competition.

"Alright. Is everyone ready?"

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
We not supposed to be be performing yet. We're just moving around to try and buy us time before the security come to check on us. If Kate is the reason we loose Regionals, I'm going to scream!

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