◾ Across The Pond

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Olivia (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Right now A troupe is just in the studio rehearsing the Semifinals routine that will be performed once Sophia wins the solo round of regionals. This is actually one of my favourites out of every routine we have come up with.

Riley (Co-owner of Illusion) POV -
So many tricks so many flips and incorporated different dance styles which really makes the dance eye catching and stand out.

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm so pleased with this routine, but I just want to add a little bit of more POP to make it stand out. We have to remember that this a new Regionals competition for us, we have to go in with as many amazing routines as possible.

"Wow guys that looks incredible, I just want to talk to you about adding in some acro after the turning section?" She began. Many of the dancers didn't want to have anymore moves into the dance, it looked great already so they didn't want to spoil it.

Alex (Hiphop dancer) POV -
I really don't think we should be adding anything else into the dance. We already have a great routine - if we add more we could cheapen it and clutter it all up. Instead I think we should focus on the routines we know we need to work on.

"Miss Kate, with all due respect I don't think we should be adding anymore to the dance. It's great but do we really want to clutter it all up" He explained, honestly letting out what he thought. Kate seemed to be understanding. "Well, I see what you mean but surely it's better to have an...

Suddenly, Kate was cut of by the sound of three girls running into the studio and wisking Sophia backwards with a lot of laughter. Who where these girls?" Sophia! We've missed you!" one of them yelled, most of A troupe was still very confused. Who were all these people?

Sophia (Dance Co-Captain) POV -
I'm so happy to see my friends from the United Kingdom Katherine, Maddie and Freya! I haven't seen them In a long time and its great that they are here now!

"OMD guys what are you all doing here?" Sophia asked, the excitement still getting over her. "We're over for a few days with my parents so we thought we'd come and see you" Maddie explained, glancing around at the studio.

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Great! My plans for adding to the dance are for sure done for today...

Shake it up (Milkshake Bar)

Sophia (Jazz/Lyrical dancer) POV -
Right now I'm in the Milkshake bar and I'm just catching up with Katherine, Maddie and Freya. It's great to finaly see the after all these months.

"... So great to see you!" Sophia said, she was beginning to forget how many times she had said that in the short time period her friends had been their. "You've done well here. Dance Captain of the best studio in the world" Freya said enviously, "and you've got a boyfriend" She teased.

"You know. I should really be in rehearsals right now... Regionals is coming up really soon and we need to get ready" The dance Captain explained, but the thought of her friends being there tempted her to stay out just that little bit longer.

Sophia (Jazz/Lyrical dancer) POV -
I'm sure staying and hanging out with my friends a tiny but longer won't harm anyone...will it?

The Next Step - Studio A

"Okay. So I would like to run the finals routine now. But as Sophia has been wisked away. We clearly can't do that...

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm going to let this one fly for now. Sophia did make the move across the pond here to Canada, I guess she does deserve to see her friends. Because let's face it, we don't know when we're going to be away from the people we love in life - and we don't know if or when we will see them again.

"... I've decided that the team is going to work on team building exercises in order to prepare for the competition... "

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
We need to be ready for anything at Regionals this year. Not only are we going to be competing in another Region. But this is said to be the most competitive absolute dance Regionals yet! We need to be ready for anything anytime!

"So as the other Co-Captain, Hunter is going to stand in the middle and....

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
The Trust Circle and ladder Excierce
One person is selected and stands in the centre of the circle. They allow themselves to relax, and fall backwards, safe in the knowledge that their team will catch them and then ‘bounce’ them gently round the circle.

Melody (Jazz dancer) POV -
I really don't see how this is getting us to work as a team. But if it's going to get us to Regionals or whatever I'll give it a try.

A troupe now stood in a circle, with Hunter I a relaxed state in the middle. Slowly, he began to fall backwards and Ollie caught him who passed it on to Matty who dropped him to the floor. "No, you have to be quicker than that"  Kate said, "Go again. But faster"  She instructed.

They tried it again, but the same result as before.  Hunter was dropped on the floor, Emily decided to step forward and stopped it before anyone get injured. "Okay, this clearly isn't working so....

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
We need to try something else.

The Next Step - Lounge

Sophia (Jazz/lyrical Dancer) POV -
I'm in the lounge right now and I'm chilling with the girls from England, it's been great to catch up with them. It's been amazing to see them because who knows when I'm going to see them next.

Freya (Sophias friend) POV -
Seeing Sophia has been great, we've noticed that some words she says do sound with a Canadian accent but we've corrected that and she is sounding British with a dash of Welsh again. But there is another reason we came here today.

"Sophia, She's coming back. She won the exchange competition and is coming to Canada for six months!" Freya explained, Sophia gasped and began to question weather it was true.

Sophia (Jazz/Lyrical dancer) POV
When Freya tells me that 'She' is coming here. I'm shocked, do I tell A troupe do I not? We dislike her that much that we don't say her name.

" When? After Regionals?" Sophia asked, Her friends nodded. This only ment one thing for the next step. Trouble was coming and coming soon...

Next time - A letter from the Regionals board arrives explaining a twist for the competition. The costumes arrive at the next step.

A/n: So what did you think of the chapter? Who could this 'She' that the girls are to angry with to her name be that Is coming to the studio on a 6 month exchange. Vote , comment if you enjoyed!

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