◾ Replace Me? ◾

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James (Co-owner of Illusion) POV -
The dance has just ended and Sophia is hurt, and waiting for the judges scores is just agonising at this point.

'The team moving on into the Solo round is.......... THE NEXT STEP!'

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
Hearing The Next Step get called out just lifts weigh of my shoulders. But now we have to deal with Sophia and I don't think that it's going to end well...

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
The Next Step has gone into the Solo round but now for the Wildcard spot making the fourth team in the solo round is..... Jamarda Dace Academy

Hotel rooms

Riley (co-owner of Illusion) POV -
We're at the hotels right now, we're all just waiting for a decision about Sophia's foot and if she can dance or not for the rest of the competition.

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
I'm so nervous for her because I've been through this before at Nationals a few years ago. But this is smack bang in the middle of the competition and we don't have any alternates for the test for the dances.

After what felt like years, the physiotherapist came out of the room with  Miss Kate. It was hard to tell what the serveraty of the case was as they didn't show much emotion. But of course questions would be asked soon. "So, How bad is it?" Hunter asked, his voice soft but full of curiosity.

"Can she dance?" He added. All of the team held their breath for the answer. Would they be forfeiting and going home or staying? "For tomorrow No, but she might be able to dance in the Semi final and final round" Kate announced, A troupe let out an audible sigh of relief.

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
She's dislocated her foot and the physiotherapist says she can't dance for two days so she is going to miss her solo. But I'd rather that than not at all.

"Her foot is almost back in place, but she needs to rest to stop the bone possibly cracking" The Therapist explained but now that she had got the all clear in a way. They needed to figure out who would dance in the solo round. Coincidentally, Sophia came out of the bedroom a few seconds later on her crutches.

"Alright Sophia, Who do you want to replace you in the solo round?" Kate asked, helping her to a chair by the coffee table. She thought for a second and made some thinking noises before she replied. "Hunter, do you feel up to it?" Sophia asked her boyfriend. He nodded, "Sure, I'm ready whenever" 

"Okay then I want you. Hunter is dancing in my spot" She announced, he turned to everyone. "I promise I won't let you down!" He said, walking over to his girlfriend and giving her a kiss. "But I'm going to need somewhere to come up with something because I'm not going to free style"  He explained.

Hunter (Break dancer) POV -
I have to win the solo round! For the team and Sophia! We all deserve to make it to the Semifinals!

Regionals Auditorium

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
Welcome to the Absolute Dance Regionals. I'm your host Chuck Anderson and this is Stacey tookey my Co-host. We are venturing into the solo round of the competition now and it's going to be really competitive!

Stacey Tookey - SNR Network
Of course, Only 10 teams left and 5 spots in the Semifinal round so it's all to play for.
Looking back yesterday, we saw a dancer from The Next Step stumble and we might have a potential injury?

Luckily they made it into the solo round but are they about to get disqualified for not having enough competing dancers? We don't know we'll have to see how this pans out for them today here at the absolute dance Regionals!

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Luckily they made it into the solo round but are they about to get disqualified for not having enough competing dancers? We don't know we'll have to see how this pans out for them today here at the absolute dance Regionals!

Hunter (Break dancer) POV -
I'm in the wings right now and I'm really nervous. Listening to what the hosts say really does add to the pressure of it all and the way they describe what happened is just really over melodramatic.

Riley (co-owner of Illusion) POV -
Kate stayed behind with Sophia at the hotel while she rests the hole of today so that she can hopefully dance tomorrow at the Semi finals. I really don't know how this is going to work. Hunter is going to be really under rehashed, he's in his finals costume and it's just not going to be as good. This does remind be a little of when Giselle had to go on instead of me at internationals and look how that turned out. We lost the 5 point advantage and this time if we loose, we loose all together if he doesn't make it.

"Alright how are you feeling?" She asked, Hunter was standing by the edge of the stage jumping lightly on the spot whilst moving his neck from side to side as he prepared to go on stage. "Nervous. But I shouldn't be nervous right. I mean we went to Nationals and won and this is just Regionals right?"  He said.

Hunter (Break dancer) POV -
I don't think it's that I'm worried I'll loose its that I was chosen to fill in for the solo round by Sophia and I didn't have a lot of time to prepare something so I don't want that to come across in the dance.

'Rising Star Dance Academy Scores 89 points!'

"I'm sure you'll do great. I have every faith in you, we all do" Riley said, taking a step to the side as the other soloist came of stage. "Just don't worry about anything else, Hunter" Michelle spoke up, "As long as you score over 89 points were going into the Semi finals" She said. 

'Can the dancer representing the next step please take to the stage?'

Hunter walked out on stage slowly, glancing back at the team in the wings.  If he didn't impress the judges then. He would loose and his team would all be going home.

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
Well it appears the next step has changed the soloist from what is down on the list here so I presume the dancer that fell, it was she who was supposed to dance in that spot today.

Stacey Tookey - SNR Network
He must be feeling all kinds of nerves right now because it's all down to him to get his team to the Semi final round but will he make it? Let's find out -

Hunter began to dance accompanied by the loud beats of the hip hop music track, he had tried to put a lot of tricks in his solo. Everything from the B Twsit to the famous Hunter head slide. Was he doing enough to make the Semifinals round?

Riley (co-owner of Illusion) POV -
Watching hunter dance is just nerve-racking. I'm just not sure that it's going to be enough...

Next time - The team get the Verdict about the solo round, awards to handed out and will Sophia recover enough?

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