◾ Rolling With The Punches

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Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
I'm in the office, waiting for the dancers to come in for the day and I'm actually really nervous. Now that we've Merged there is no going back so we have to make it work this time around!

The Dancers started to fill in around 10:30 am, it was the first day since the Merging process so things were bound to be quiet and awkward at first weren't they? Emily Came out of the office holding her red clipboard. Strangely there was no Kate that day so Emily was left running the studio on her own.

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
Kate and I came up with a schedule that we stick to and today is her day off so I'm running the studio today.

"Okay everyone, good morning. It's time to get down to business right now. I want to start preparing our routines for Regionals. A lot of the other dance teams that have already qualified will be already working on the Dances and I want to get working on them around our Final Freshers Dance" She explained.

"I also want to format for Regionals this year because they've changed it up a lot -

20 teams to start with

6 Dancers from Each team/ 10 teams
6 dancers from each team / 5 teams
~~~~~~~~~Solo~~~~~ / 3 teams (Wildcard) 4
Semi Final full team / 3 teams
Finals / 1 team winner

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
After the second round 2 teams are eliminated but there is a wildcard spot available to make it 4 teams and only 1 team gets sent home in the solo round.

Does anybody have any questions?" She asked, "Yes. How are we going to come up with all of those routines when we still haven't made it into Regionals yet?" Jessica spoke up, she was taking an interest in her new dance team. "Well that's where I had any idea...

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
As a studio. There has been a lot of full dances that have been created but never used. We just teach one those routines which gives us more time to focus on our regional ideas.

Emily explaind the idea to the team who seemed to be on board with the idea, "Michelle.... As much I have to say this... And I never thought I'd say it but you remember your addicted to you dance? Because we're using that in the final Freshers Dance Extravaganza!" Emily made an executive decision.

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
At the final Freshers Dance Extravaganza, you can choose the dance you want to do I advance and I've chosen a group dance.

"Of course. Yes Emily" Michelle answered with a smile. Emily was just about done at that point. "Well get stretching and Michelle can I speak to you in the office please?" Emily asked. The contemporary dancer followed her in and closed the door. "So we're going to be doing a group dance. But I want you to come up with a solo so that if the group dance doesn't come up to standard we can swap for a solo dance?" She asked.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This is putting a lot of pressure on me. But I'm ready to prove that I want to be here, so I'm going to do anything I can to help the next step make it into Regionals!

"Okay, of course but I am going to need the studio to practice" She said, adding to the task of finding a place to practice for all of the routines they had to create. Emily nodded, "Of course. I'll come up with a schedule for the rehearsal times" Emily regretted saying that the moment she said it.

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
This is going to be so confusing! I now need to figure out who is going to be in what dances, and who is going to be in the studio at what time!

Shake it up (Milkshake Bar)

Bethany (Previous A troupe dancer) POV -
I'm in the Milkshake bar right now and I'm just so angry Still! A troupe was my life and it's just been taken away from Me like that. I guess I should be happy though. There is no chance that the next step will make it to Regionals now because it's going to take time for the two teams to gel together.
I want to go to Regionals, and if that means not with the next step then that's it!

The Next Step - Studio A

"Okay. We're going to learn a routine that was created for a past regionals but we didn't use it. So let's learn this and then we can make a start on Regionals — So Michelle, can you come to the front please and begin" Emily asked, ting her hair up ready to dance.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm so nervous! I'm teaching a dance to all of these new people!

Alex (Hiphop Dancer) POV -
As the Michelle girl goes up to the front. I have to admit I'm a little curious because they didn't use this routine. Was it not good enough or something because if it couldn't win Regionals then it won't get us in.

"... Okay so it's boys and girls....

Outside Studio A

Bethany (Previous A troupe dancer) POV -
I'm going to leave the studio. But I saw the post man in the Milkshake bar and he had a letter from the Regionals board, I offered to deliver it, after taking a peak obviously and when I read it. It changed everything.

The Final Freshers Dance Extravaganza has been brought forward to next week. Part of me tells me to go in and tell them about it. But another part of me doesn't, they aren't going to make it into Regionals because they won't know about the final Freshers Dance Extravaganza. When they go to compete at the date they think it's going to be held on... It will be to late!

If I can't go to Regionals, none of them can!

Next time - Oblivious to the letter, A troupe is done with the Freshers routines and begins to work on Regionals.

A/n: So What ya think? Bethany is being really sneaky don't you think? What's going to happen now? Comment, and vote if you enjoyed!

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