◾ Everyone Take Control

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Ollie (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Wow... These dancers are great. The first girl Ruby has just come off the dance floor and this other girl Meldon is taking to the stage. We don't know what style these dancers dance in but Ruby was a Jazz dancer, like Sophia so now she really needs to up her game to be on the new A troupe!

Sophia (Dance Captain) POV -
If I wasn't nervous, I sure am now. But Melody's dance style and mine are really similar. But I think that I can out dancer her - I'm Sophia, that's what I do!

"That was great, who's up next?" Kate asked, they were only just getting started and some of A troupe had made up their minds for Who they wanted on A troupe. "I'll go next" This time, a boy got up and walked into the dance space, "Great and you are?" Kate asked, "I'm Brandon" He introduced himself, "Alright Brandon whenever you're ready" Kate smiled.

Even though this was an audition, almost a competition for the spots on the Regionals team, but at that point. It didn't feel like it, the atmosphere was much more calmer and friendlier. Dancers from both Illusion and A troupe were beginning to cheer and Whoop in appreciation of the dancing they were seeing.

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Riley and James did pick out some great dancers for their team. I guess they have just been unlucky like we have so far this dance year.

"Okay thank you Brandon, right who's next....

Shake it up (Milkshake Bar)

James (Co-owner Illusion) POV -
I've come down to the Milkshake bar to grab some drinks for myself, Riley, Kate and Emily. So far, it's turned out okay. But as I leave after I've got the drinks I see last person I expect to see coming into the room... Lucien!

"Oh, Hey James! How is everyone!"

Lucien (WRTW Dance owner ) POV -
Okay let's skip the 'Oh my days, what is lucien doing back here' and 'Look What the cat dragged in' I'm back!

James (Co-owner of Illusion) POV -
When I see lucien it makes my skin crawl because I mean, what is he doing here? Why come back here after all this time?

"A little bird told me that A troupe was about to Merge with another studio" He began, "Is that true? Because if It is I'd like to meet the owners" He chuckled, getting to big for his boots. James stepped forward and looked at him sternly in the eye, "You're looking at him. What do you want Lucien?" James was getting angry, a whole other side coming out of him.

"Simple. Merge with WRTW dance instead of A troupe... It will benifit you more!" Lucien said, trying to win James over. "No chance, if you ever think we'd merge with you... You have another thing coming" He said, turning past him and walking out the door and back to the studio.

James (Co-owner of Illusion) POV -
I'm not going to tell anyone about what just happened, because it's just going throw them off their game and I don't want that to happen!

The Next Step - Studio A

"Alright dancers. Let's have a five minute break and then we'll get back in to see the 6 remaining dancers from Illusion" Kate explained, James came in to the studio a few minutes later holding all of the Milkshakes and he dished them out. "Hey, Where did you get to?" Riley asked, taking the shake from his hands.

James (Co-owner of Illusion) POV -
Do I tell Riley about lucien in the Milkshake bar? No! I need to hide the truth.

"Badgers! They're trying to control the badger outbreak in the Milkshake Whippy, Chocolate configuration box.... Thing..." He blurted out, not sure himself about what he just told his girlfriend.

Riley (co-owner of Illusion) POV -
When James talks like that, I know something is going on.

"James, What's going on? I mean really?" Riley asked, standing all seriously and looking him dead in the eye for an answer. James knew he should tell his girlfriend the truth, but he didn't want to throw people off their games for the Regionals auditions. "Look Ri, it's nothing... Don't even worry about it" He said playfully.

"Alright dancers. Let's get back to it!.....

'Alright Who's up next...?'

'That was amazing well done!'

'Alright........... .moving on to the next person, maybe a little less footballs in this next one.'

Soon enough, all of the 12 Illusion dancers had been up to the dance Floor. A troupe had seen many different styles and talents over the previous hour and it was now time to make decision, which Illusion dancers would make A troupe and go to Regionals? "Okay, each dancer gets on A troupe gets a slip of paper, The top 6 Illusion dancers will create half of our Regionals team"

Jessica (Illusion Dancer) POV -
I'm watching A troupe sign the papers and I really nervous. I need to come within the Top 6 votes of my team to make the team that goes to Regionals.

Melody (Illusion dancer) POV -
Our fates are in the hands of these dancers. I can't tell you how nerve wracking this is! But I have to stay positive about this!

"Okay, are we done?" Kate asked, glancing over at A troupe, "Yes, here you go" Michelle said, getting up to hand her paper to either Kate or Emily.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I know who I voted for, they really deserve to go to Regionals this year!

"Right. It looks like the first 6 dancers on the Regionals team from Illusion Dance Centre are...
1) Jessica 2) Olivia
3) Sammy 4) Aimee
5) Melody 6) Alex

Alex (New Member of A troupe) POV -
Yes! I made the regionals team and I'm on A troupe! I can't wait to get to know my new family.

Jessica (New Member of A troupe) POV -
I'm so excited right now! Regionals here we come!

"But I want to say a great thank you for everyone coming to audition but those who couldn't make it can you please make your way out and we'll get cracking on the next auditions" Kate explained, still watching the new A troupe members celebrate in their small groups. "So let's get down to business!"

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
It's our turn to Impress them now. I just hope my dancers dance their best!

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I want that space, I deserve it, after everything I've been through.

Hunter (Break dancer) POV -
I'm ready - Bring it on!

Next time - A troupe dancers audition for their spot on the team.

A/n: So What do you think of the first 6 dancers of the new A troupe? A lot has changed in so little time! And what about Lucien suddenly turning up? Why is he back? Comment your theories below I'd love to know what you think! Comment, Vote if you enjoyed. Thanks!

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