◾ Rush For Perfection

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James (Co-owner of Illusion) POV -
Today I'm walking into the studio and I'm pleased because we're finally going to Regionals! We owe a huge favour to Amanda for allowing us to compete in another region.

"Okay guys. I just want to say well done. But there is no time to celebrate, we have to continue working on our regionals Dances" He began, it was now his turn to watch over A troupe. "So I understand that you have already selected which of you is doing what?"  He asked.

That was the bad thing, not all of the elders were always in at one time so it was hard for them to keep up on everything all the time. Michelle nodded as a response, "Okay well I think that we should practice the solo today if that's alright?" James suggested.
Sophia nodded, "Of course!"

Sophia (Dance Co-Captain) POV -
Now that I'm finaly dating Hunter! I'm I very high spirits today so I'd love to show my solo to the group.

James (Co-owner of Illusion) POV -
This year at Regionals there is only a female solo round amongst the other group Dances and it's hered to be the toughest round so I hope Sophia is going to be ready for this.

Sophia (Dance Co-Captain) POV -
I would really like to Win Miss Regional Soloist this year because it would help for being Miss National soloist at nationals after we win at Regionals.

"Okay so everyone get stretching. I'm just going to email the list of names to the Regionals board so they'll be no more swapping of dancers and what not" James explained, walking into the office and leaving A troupe out on their own. "Okay, So we're going to warm up now before Sophia does her solo and then we are going to see the Second 6 dancers group round" Hunter instructed. He had taken to being dance captain very well.

Hunter (Co-Dance Captain) POV -
I can't wait to get to Regionals this year! It's on a whole other level to any other regionals I've been to before and the fact that we've moved into another region to compete is amazing because it's new territory that we can mark!

The Mall

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm in the mall today because I need to collect some paperwork from the post office about regionals. Now that we've qualified for the competition I want to famailrsie myself with the rules and I also want to thank Amanda for getting us their I the first place. I'm surprised to see some old steppers in the mall actually. Firstly, I see Noah of all people—

"Noah, it's been a long time" She began, They both embraced in a hug before the conversation continued. "I know, how are you doing? How's the studio doing?" He asked, still in his usual kind and caring way of life. "I'm good, But the studio... Has had better days but it's okay now"

Noah (Previous A trouper) POV -
When Kate tells me that the studio has bad better days. I know actually what she is talking about. For example, I know that Amanda told the team to compete in another Freshers to qualify for Regionals because I was the one who told her to say that.

"Regionals are coming up soon, so I'm just collecting my paperwork" Kate continued, next another familiar face was seen about the shopping centre. "Ah,  Bethany. How are you doing?" Kate asked, the tone in her voice was one like bordem. She was sick of hearing Bethany moan about not being on the team.

"No. I'm great, I'm just heading to dance actually" She answered, looking smug and knowing. That was the strange thing, there wasn't any B troupe practices that week, none at all. "... Oh yeah, I've joined another dance team that's going to Regionals" The Previous A troupe dancer announced.

"There Final Freshers? Yeah. We won that" She smirked,  "I take it that you didn't get the letter explaining the competition got moved forward?" Kate shook her head and answerd bluntly. "No... We didn't, because if we had known that Freshers had been moved forward... We would have come and won the competition!"

"Wait, how did you know we didn't get the Letter... I should have guessed. You took the letter the last time you were at the studio!"Kate yelled, very annoyed at her. Noah was still watching all of this happen just centimetres away from him.

Noah (Previous A trouper) POV -
Bethanys actions are just uncalled for. But Amanda has got the team to Regionals now so it doesn't matter about Bethany. I just hope she hasn't anything else sneaky about to happen to A troupe!

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
As soon as life didn't go Bethanys way she had to come in and ruin things for everyone. Well bad luck Bethany! TNS is going to Regionals and nothing is going to stop us!

The Next Step - Studio A

'Yes Sophia!'

"Okay Sophia that's great! Really well done" James congratulated as he applauded. With Regionals so close, they had to move on straight away and get working on another routine. "Okay so we're going to see the 6 perosn dance for the first round now" He began, "But just take a few minutes to get some water"

James returned to the office and A troupe all got into their own little groups and began talking about dance and other things. Michelle noticed Hunter and Sophia being very flirty and all over each other in the corner and went over to where they were standing. "Hey. What are you guys up to?"  She asked.

Hunter and Sophia were still Chuckling and joking as they began to answer Michelle. "Oh nothing, just talking about our date the other day. There we this whole chip, crispy fry mixup" Hunter explained.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Date? When did Sophia and Hunter get together?

Hunter (Sophia's boyfriend) POV -
The look on Michelle's face is as if she didn't know that Sophia and I were together. I'll be surprised if she didn't know as we did kiss at Freshers in region 8.

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
It was a bit of a shock, but at the end of the day I'm happy for them both. They do have great Chemistry but I just hope they that any problems in the future don't mess with the fact they are both Co-Captains of the team.

Next time - As A troupe is preparing for Regional. A group of Sophias friends from England turn up at the studio.

A/n So what do you all think? Was it good so have an appearance from Noah don't you think? I'm currently figuring out which place could be best for some Nomanda moments. Is there Characters that are you want to make an appearance for a chapter for two? Comment below!

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