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Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I have put word out for TNS auditions and I've had a great response. I don't know if it's to early but many people want to audition including our Select few of old A troupers. It does feel very Empty in the studio at the moment. I can't wait to change that because it's beginning to drive me up the wall! This is a dance studio and when I look outside these offcice windows, all I want to see is dance.

Although the remaining three dancers from the previous A troupe weren't used to everyone missing. They seemed in particularly high spirits that day: Carmine was due back from Germany and there was to be a good bye party before the auditions began. Very soon, the next Generation was about to be created.

"Good morning dancers" Kate said loudly in her 'Face me everyone' tone of voice. She too obviously hadn't got completely used to the amount of missing dancers. "I just wanted to let you know that I have Put word out for the auditions and that you should be prepared for Thursday...

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Kate is telling us that the auditions are this Thursday. When I hear that, it sinks in that A troupe is never going to be the same again. Getting on that Regionals team is my only motivation right now so I need to break away from the past to focus on the future.

"...also, there shall be a goodbye party for the dancers that are leaving" Kate figured the party was a great way for everyone properly meet and say a proper farewell. But deep down there was also a second reason, She was hoping that Some of the dancers that left may have changed their minds so the part was an opportunity for them to come back.

Emily -
We can say goodbye my breaking away from the past then can't we!

But A troupe was about to get one dancer bigger as a familiar face was walking down the hall way, Carmine entered the studio.

Carmine -
I'm walking in the corridor into the studio A and What I see is very different. Everyone is gone apart from myself, Emily, Ollie and Sophia. I'm glad those three want to audition for Regionals because I don't think I could have done it on my own.

Carmine put her dance bag In one of the many free cubby holes and walked over to the guys in the dance space. "Oh Carmine you're back" Kate Smiled, "How was your flight?" She asked. Carmine nodded, "It was OK thanks. I can't believe how different it is now everyone has gone"

Carmine -
I hope I've made the right decision staying at the next step. I loved the team I met on the internationals exchange, If i get on the Regionals team. I'll have to learn to love A troupe again.

Shake it Up Milkshake Bar

Miss Kate -
I never usually leave the studio unattended as I'd usually have Pheobe or Giselle Watching over it while I was out. But today I've made arrangements to borrow the Milkshake Maker from the milkshake bar below us.

"So, run that past me again. Why do you need to have this again?" The Clerk still wasn't completely understanding of the situation. "I'm auditioning for new A troupe dancers and I'm having a goodbye party for the old ones for are leaving" She explained.

Kate made a noise of struggle as the large Milkshake Maker landed in her arms. "Thank You" She smiled and turned towards the exit. Eldon walked in suddenly at the same time. "Oh Hey Miss Kate!" He said in his usual chilled tone. "What have you got there?"

No one knew about the party, apart from the dancers up in the studio, She came up with an excuse. That didn't make much sense. "Oh Hi Eldon! Didn't see you there. This? This is just the Shoe...Cleaner that I clean my shoes in" Kate wasn't entirely herself what she was saying.

"The Shoe Cleaner?" Eldon Mumbled in confusion. To make it more believable, Kate took her left show off and put it in the top of the milkshake. She almost pulled it off, but then the attendant had to ruin it. "Kate, Your dancing party won't be good if your milkshakes taste of shoes"

Eldon -
Miss Kate Has to explain now.

"Don't tell anyone but I'm throwing a party for the leaving dancers, So keep it under your hat!" Kate told him, Eldon smiled and nodded back at her. "Party? What party?" He asked quizzically. Showing that he could forget he ever knew about it. But Kate looked confused, "The one I'm throwing in the studio..."

Miss Kate -
Eldon really does confuse me sometimes. But I'm going to Miss this When he's not around the studio anymore!

The Next Step Dance studio

Sophia -
We've been really anxious to get a letter from the Regionals board in order to see what we have to do this year So I have come down to the Studio Mail box to see if anything has arrived but it hasn't! I really want to know about this! But then I see Eldon coming into the studio with this Machine...I wonder what it is?

"Hey Eldon. What do you have there?"

Eldon -
Uh oh, does Sophia Know about the leaving party? Even though She's staying?

"This, this is just the Shoe cleaner that Cleans by shoes and turns them into pirouette shoes" Eldon said, using a similar excuse to Miss Kate. Sophia had a muddled face on her, "This is about the party isn't it?" She asked. Eldon nodded slowly with an embarrassed grin on hid face.

Sophia -
Of course Eldon Knows about the party, I mean Who makes up an excuse about shoe cleaners?

"I should have seen that coming; Who makes up stupid Shoe cleaner Machines to Cover up a party?" She began to laugh but only to be cut off when Eldon began to cough. "Oh are you alright?" Eldon nodded, but Miss Kate was Behind her the whole time. She walked past with a look on her face. It took her a moment to realise it - but soon she did.

Sophia -
I just Insulted Miss Kate! I hope that doesn't affect my chances on A troupe!

"Well anyway, Can you take this because I'm supposed to be meeting Thalia, We're finding some more sweet spots today" He smiled, Sophia nodded and took the Milkshake Maker from him. "Thanks" He walked away leaving Sophia alone in the corridor.

Sophia -
It's going to be really weird starting over on A troupe again, But Whatever happens - I'm ready!

Next time - Emotions flow at the A troupe leaving party, Both Emily and Riley are shocked When a familiar face turns up at the Next Step.

A/n: Sorry, this chapter is sort of a filler chapter where nothing really happens. So I thought I'd try and add some of my 'humour'  that turns out not to be funny but Yeah, Enjoy - Who could turn up in the studio which surprises Emily and Riley? Comment theories below!

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