◾Let's Put On A Show!

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Miss Kate -
Today were going to do a full out run of all the Freshers routines. We have come of such a win at Multinationals, it's going to be impossible too loose! But I don't want to jinx it, I just hope we score in the top 7 places and register for Regionals!

Kate called all the dancers over, "Alright everyone. Freshers is only a few days away and I want to make sure we're 100% ready to smash it!" Kate smiled, this was the first step on the ladder to getting back to internationals and winning again. "So first you all need to get stretched and warmed up - Where is Carmine and Matty?" Kate asked, finally noticing the two weren't there.

She turned to Emily, "Do you know?"

Emily (Mattys' Older sister) -
I don't know where my brother is actually, we left the house this morning at the same time and i gave him a lift in my car so I don't know where he could possibly be right now.

"You know what, You guys stretch and I'll look for him" Emily suggested, already putting down her red clipboard and leaving studio A. Kate nodded and mouthed a silent 'Thank you' she then turned to the dancers. "Okay, You all get working - I want to see the routines full out remember!"

Miss Kate POV -
I want A troupe to have the best possible chance at Freshers Dance Extravaganza! I know they have all been committed to making these routines the best they can be. If they don't win Freshers - I don't know what will!

Rehearsal room

Matt (Emily's sister) POV -
Carmine and I are in the rehearsal room going over the Choreography we are going to do at the mall. But I'm worried that Carmine may be having second thoughts. She won't say anything and it's starting to get worrying.

"...Carmine, We have rehearsed this so much! We will be fine!" Matty reassured. The German dancer shook her head, "I thought that too - When it was a long way away but now it's to close to Freshers!" It was clear that her mind was starting to change. Matty picked up on this, "Carmine don't back out now. You came up with the idea for this so you can't leave to to do it on my own"

Matty POV -
Carmine needs to see that this is for the good of the team.

Carmine POV -
I just hope that what ever happens it doesn't jeopardise our chances at Freshers because that is the most important thing right now.

"Alright, I want leave you do it on your own. Besides you'd have beth with you" Carmine took a pause in her sentence, "I think we should just get back to Studio A before people start to Miss us. I.e your sister!" She said. Carmine was right, Emily entered studio B out of nowhere.

Emily POV -
I have come to find Carmine and Matty and they are looking very suspicious in studio B. I think I can't tell what's going on but I can't be sure yet.

"We need you in studio A for rehearsals" She said, "I mean Freshers is coming up pretty soon" Matty and Carmine came forward. "Of course we're just on our way" He said, letting Carmine out of the room first. Emily stopped her brother as soon as Carmine left.

"Alright Matty I know what is going on" She said, her arms folded and eye wide as she nodded. Her brother rolled her eyes, "You do?" How had Emily found out about his and Carmines plan already? "Yes I do, and I just want to tell you know they I'm so proud of you!" She gave him a hug.

Matty POV -
When Emily tells me that she approves of what Carmine and I are doing I'm so happy. But I don't want her to tell miss Kate yet so I hopefully she'll keep it secret.

Emily POV -
I can't believe it! My little brothers first girlfriend! It explains why they have been seeking off into studio B all of the time! Oh young love!

"... Just always know to come to me for advice or anyone in fact. Riley and I wil gladly help you" She said, Matty with nodding. "Alright let's just get back to rehearsals now - We don't want Kate to find out" She warned.

"Ahhh Right yeah, of course!"

Emily POV -
Miss Kate said it's best for us to keep our personal relationships aside from the team. Oh little fella how cute!

Matty let studio B with his sister who had the full blown conclusion that Matty was now dating Carmine. But now when the truth really did come out, Emily and in fact the whole of A troupe would be in for a shock.

The Next Step - Studio A

Miss Kate POV -
I'm so angry with Matty and Carmine right now. They've both missed rehearsals for one if the most important competitions in the world to us right now. I mean hello! If we don't win then we won't make it to Regionals!

"... Alright Kate Where do you want us?" Carmine asked cheerfully. The studio owner gave of a noticeable sesne of anger and disappointment back to her. "Don't worry we've don't with rehearsals today. Next time do try and be here on time"
She walked ball into the office furiously, Matty caught on moments later.

"What was that About?" He asked, looking at Kate through the office windows and occasionally glancing over at Carmine. "We missed rehearsals for today but if I'm honest it's a relief because we need to get going now...

Carmine POV -
Matty and I are going to collect Beth because it's time to go to the mall and dance in hope of intimating rival studios! I really do hope this works!

Matty POV -
Of course this will work, and if It does not them I'll make sure it does!

Peacocks Shopping Mall

Beth POV -
I'm walking into the mall with Matty and Carmine and I'm so happy about This! Not only am I helping the studio but I'm also showing off my dancing to many other people!

Carmine went over to a clear spot, "This will do. Who's got the music player?" She asked, Matty held his Ipod up in the air. "Great. Let's get on with this then" there was something about the situation that made her want it to be over and done with. Was it because she new the risks involved?

Carmine (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Even now when I'm here, I still feel so wrong about this! I just hope that it works out okay for us!

Next time - Carmine and The other two find themselves in a tricky situation. Kate begins to question their wearabouts.

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