◾ Been And Gone

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"Okay A troupe gather round, I have an important announcement to make - Hunter is now Co-Captain with Sophia!"

Ollie (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I think it's great that Hunter is now Co-Captain with Sophia. It's Obvious they like each other and they won't admit it! But other than that, they have great Chemistry so it should balance the team well.

"But I want to do another run through of 'Addicted To you' Our last Shot at Regionals is coming up really soon and I want to have the best possible routine" She explained, if one thing good had come out of Merging was that the Illusion dancers were really good with ever-changing news. They never really made a fuss about anything.

"So We're going to run Addicted to you twice and then go onto work on our Finals routine" She explained, A troupe all began to fizzle out again and begin stretching ready for Rehearsal to begin when they were almost immediately interrupted. "Bethany? What are you doing here?" Kate asked, not sure what to do in her presence.

"Nothing, I just wanted to know if you've changed your mind about adding me on to A troupe" She answered, she was giving of a smirky knowing look as she ran her fingers along the walls. "Well sorry, no. I haven't thought about adding you to the regionals team -

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Bethany was at the A troupe auditions. The dancers that were wanted on the team were voted in by the opposite side. If she didn't make it then it's down to her.

Bethany (Previous A trouper) POV -
Oh no it's fine. I don't need the next step anymore, and with the final Freshers actually taking place around... Hmmmm... Right now rather than next week, They won't be going to Regionals.

Freshers Dance Extravaganza 3

'Canadian Dance Company scores 92 points, that puts them in second place!'

"Alright, The Next Step to the wings?" a lady with brown hair and a clipboard asked as she looked around for the team. "Next Step Dance Studio? Do we have The Next Step Dance Studio?" She asked, She finaly scribbled down on the clipboard and radiod another member or staff. With no A troupe going on stage, the sent the next team on - the studio was out of options!

'Central Academy Dance Please take to the floor!'

The Next Step - Studio A

'I'm so addicted to you, to you, to you, there's nothing that i won't do to be near you... '

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
I'm really happy right now, the team has got the Choreography down really well. It brings back many memories though -

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
That was such a great team, even though Michelle did cause so much drama, from a grown up and professional point of view I know she did what she did for the right reasons. It looks so different when your watching it with a new set of dancers - i
just hope that we can make it to Regionals.

Emily hit stop on the music player, "Guys that looks fantastic! Let's move onto the Finals routine!" She said, putting her hair up as she was about to start teaching choreography. "Now, for the Finals I want to incorporate different dance styles -

Olivia (lyrical dancer) POV -
It's great that Emily wants to put loads of different dance styles into the Finals routine, in fact is - We're not officially going to Regionals yet so we need to practice addicted to you more for the best possible chance as Freshers is next week.

"Oh um, Miss Emily?" Olivia rose her hand up, looking around at all the dancers as she began to talk. "Please just call me Emily, now whats the matter?" the head Choreographer asked, Olivia came forward, "Well we're not officially going to Regionals yet so we should work on the Freshers routine first" She said.

"Oh really!?" Emily answered, raising an eyebrow.

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
Two things come to mind as Olivia is speaking.
1) Is three dance captains to much? Her confidence when talking and strong attitude makes a great leader and...
2) No Olivia, we need to work on Regionals now!

"Well I admire your thoughts, but no. We need to work on Regionals as much as we can. Other studios are already prepared and preparing for the competition, so we need to be working twice as hard as we're short on time as it is" She answered back, "So everyone, let's work on our finals routine"

The Office

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm in the office and I'm just about to go and do my rounds of the studio when the phone rings, and i answer it and I'm not expecting this phone call -

'It was very rude of you not to turn up to Freshers today. Especially without giving notice!'

'I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about will you please calm down and talk slower?!'

'We're just phoning to say we don't appreciate how you didn't turn up today and....

'Oh, okay. Goodbye... "

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
What is happening right now? I'm so confused! What do you mean we didn't turn up? I have to talk to the team!

The Next Step - Studio A

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm coming into studio A and I'm so shocked right now. Our dreams are over and there's nothing we can do.

"Alright guys, come around everyone. I have some news" Kate announced, her voice slow and soft. This made the dancers curious and worried, "It seems that.... We won't be going to Regionals this year... We're.... We're out of chances... We've missed the final Freshers and we have no other way to qualify for the competition"

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
What? We're not going to Regionals? We've worked far to hard!

"Kate there must be a mistake? Freshers is next week, we've been preparing for it for a few weeks now" Emily said, starting to get annoyed and worried. "Yes Emily, I know but the Freshers manager just rang and told us we missed the competition -

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Apparently a letter was  sent out. But we didn't get anything from anyone telling us what was happening and now we're out of the dance season.

"So what do we do now?!" Ollie began to flair up, "We've been working all year and have been working so hard for Regionals and now we're not even going at all?!" He asked, half yelled half calm. If Ollie was feeling that way, how must the other dancers be feeling.

Ollie (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
That Freshers, was our last shot at getting to Regionals! And now it's all just gone down the drain....

Next time - Kate tries to look at other possible competitions to dance at, Amanda makes an appearance at the studio... But why?

A/n: So they aren't going to Regionals! What are they going to do now? Comment your theories below!

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