◾Express Yourself

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Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Watching the first group is insane! We have such amazing dancers that want to audition for our studio this year - We're definitely not going to have any trouble at Regionals this year, With dancers like this? I feel we can take on anything!

Ollie (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This Choreography is amazing, I have to admit that I'm not sure on some of the steps. But I'm sure that once I get onto the dance floor I'll be fine... I better be!
This team is everything to me, and if I don't make it - I don't know what I'll do!

"Oh my days, You guys have done amazingly! Seriously!" Kate cheered, the beautiful thing about running a studio was that no matter how you felt.  Watching someone dance could always cheer you up. "Group 2 you have thirty minutes to prepare and time we shall get back to it soon!"

Ollie (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
This is my chance, I have to get back to Studio B or the Rehearsal room and get these steps down. If I screw up in these auditions - it's back to B troupe and I can't deal with that. And no it's not just because Beth is in B troupe, it's because I've been to Nationals and Internationals and Multinationals and it was amazing! I can't go back from that!

Sophia (Lyrical/Jazz Dancer) POV -
I noticed that Ollie ran out of studio A looking really stressed. I want to know what is up with him because I want him on that team going to Regionals. He is part of the original team that went to internationals and Multinationals.

She ran after him, it was clear something wasn't right with him. "Ollie, can I talk to you for a second?" He stopped walking and turned around, "Sure. What's wrong?" He was hoping that She didn't know his underlying reason for being stressed out. "Nothing I'm good I'm just thinking about you, because you seem stressed" She explained, Ollie nodded for a second. "I can't do one of the moves" His voice got quieter as Thalia walked past them both.

"What do you mean you can't do the move? Which one? And at what point in the dance?" She bombarded him with questions. Ollie checked to see if anyone was around before he responded, "After We do the spinning section - that part" He explained. "If I screw up, I won't make it and I have to!" He said, deeply with great passion.

Sophia (Jazz/Lyrical dancer) POV -
Ollie needs to calm down, I can help him with that. We have thirty minutes and believe me, that can be a really long time.

The Next Step - Studio A
(30 Minutes Later)

"Group 2, Your time is up! Please make your way to the dance floor and get into your opening positions!" Kate announced, Ollie glanced over at Sophia, She looked so confident and stubborn as to the fact she would make the team no matter what. But he didn't have time to focus on other people - He had to focus on himself and himself only for the time being.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm walking out into the dance floor and I'm so excited. I've already proved myself here at the next step and I don't need to prove myself again - getting on the Regionals team should be a walk in the park!

"We're starting in 3,2,1 and Go!"

The Music began to play and the group audition began. Within the first few seconds, it was clear who the stronger dancers were. Kate stood in admiration at the side of the dance floor, just watching these talented dancers blow minds. She knew that whatever the outcome, A troupe would be fantastic!

Sophia (Lyrical/Jazz dancer) POV -
As I'm dancing I feel great, A troupe is my home and I honestly don't want to dance anywhere else right now.

Emily (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Matty and I have really Similar dance styles, I hope that doesn't effect me in getting on the Regionals team!

Ollie (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
As I'm dancing, I do admit I feel a little nervous because I couldn't get one of the moves earlier. But when I pass it and get through it, I'm so happy! You have no idea how much this team means to me.

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
These dancers are phenomenal! I'm going to have a hard decision to make tomorrow.

"Guys that was amazing! Thalia and I are going to head into the office and Make a list of the dancers that are into the solo audition round. We'll be back with you soon" Kate explained, She and Thalia walked into the office. The fate of the dancers was in their hands.

In the office -

'... But you see, He didn't have any technique but but she did so it's.....'

'She was fantastic! But is she right for the team?'

'these two are definitely on A troupe, they have proved it before and shown us the talent... '

"Okay, So we have decided that none of you will be leaving the studio just yet - The next round of auditions is solo's

Miss Kate POV -
One by one the dancers will come into studio A and have a 2 minute slot to perform to us. The best 12 dancers will create our Regionals team.

Carmine (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I can't wait for the solo auditions, I can do the unexpected!

30 Minutes later

Soon enough, all of the dancers had left studio A and had gone to wait in studio B. Carmine was the first to audition, if she went first then she wouldn't have time to worry about it later. "Okay, Take it away" Kate said. Carmine began to dance, this audition was the most important in her life so far - She had to get it it right!


"Ashley, your time starts now - take it away" Kate announced. It was soon enough time for the next dancer to audition. Ashley was one of many technical Hiphop dancers auditioning so it was important he stood out.


"You know the drill Emily, take it away"

Emily POV -
This Audition is making me feel great! I can't wait to go to Regionals and win the competition!


Ollie POV -
Coming into the studio alone and seeing Thalia and Kate just makes me want this so much more! When I start dancing all my fears are sure to fade away!

"Ollie, take it away" Thalia smiled whilst hitting the play button on the stero.


"Use your time Wisley"


Soon enough all the dancers had auditioned, they all came into studio A at the end looking nervous. "Guys! It's been a fantastic day of auditions, you should all be proud" She smiled. Starting a round of applause. "Thalia and I are going to come up with the Regionals team. Best of luck everyone!"

Miss Kate POV -
I already have ideas about who should be on A troupe. But at the same time there is going to be a lot of disappointed dancers out there. But I'm confident that Thalia and I can make the right decision for the studio!

Next time - The New A troupe is announced

What do you guys think? Who should be on A troupe? I'm a little concerned about the lack of engagement from the public. Is there any improvements you want? Comment and Vote if you enjoyed

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