◾ Kept In The Dark

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Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm walking into the studio today and I'm really looking forward to practice because the Regionals costumes are arriving today and I can't wait to do a dress rehearsal with everyone!

Ollie (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
There is also a letter from the Regionals board arriving today so we can't wait to find out more about what we're going to need doing at Regionals.

Sammy (Break dancer) POV -
We already got told the Regionals format so I wonder what it could be?

"Good morning everyone, I've got the letter from the Regionals board and I want to explain to what it says. So it seems that for one of our routines, they are going to be choosing the music we dance to" Kate explained, most of A troupe looked very confused at each other. "Meaning?" Emily asked.

"For one round which is going to be the second 6 person round, the board chooses the music and every dance team gets a different song they hear once and that is when they are on stage" She answered, putting the letter down and beginning to address the team.  "The best thing we can do for that is to keep practicing as normal with other songs -

Hunter (Dance Co-Captain) POV -
I agree with Kate on that, if we practice the dance with many other songs. We may be lucky enough to get chosen a song we have at least rehearsed to a few times before.

"and also we're expecting the Regionals costumes to be arriving today so we need to do a couple of dress runs" Emily announced, it was important because they needed to see how the dance looked in more than plain  clothing. "But more on the music thing - is it going to be like at internationals the other year and the spinning competition?"

Kate shook her head, "No. I cant answer that I'm sorry, we're being kept in the dark about a lot of this" She answered, soon they heard a loud clatter or the door as it opened. Stood in the doorway was the courier with boxes of costumes for Regionals - finally they were here and Regionals was getting a lot closer.

Kate took the costumes from the man's hand and brought it over to A troupe who were looking really excited about it. "So. Shall we open them now or do you want to Rehearse first without them?"  Kate wondered, "No let's just rehearse straight away!" Michelle answered excitedly

Michelle (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I love it when the costumes arrive! I just get so full of energy and I want to dance anywhere. It just makes my dreams of winning Regionals become that much more realistic!

30 Minutes Later

"They fit perfectly! I can't wait to dance at Regionals and do my solo in this!" Sophia exclaimed in front of a mirror, twirling to see how she looked at all angles. "Are the girls going to have hair up or hair down by the way? Also has the make up been decided yet?" She asked, Sophia was with Olivia who did not have answers for the questions being asked.

Olivia (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Sophia does ask a lot of questions.

"Alright dancers, get into the beginning positions for the finals routine!" Kate yelled, it was now time to start dancing and practicing for the competition. Hunter walked over to where his girlfriend Sophia was standing, "You look beautiful" He smiled before kissing her.

She chuckled and thanked him for the complement, "and you. You look well fit!" She said, just correcting a bit of his costume. They got into their opening positions and soon the Music started. It seemed to go really well, but a few of the lifts were difficult to execute in the costumes.

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
As I walk around studio A as the team is performing, I'm not going to lie.  Some things and moves do need to be changed as the costumes do restrict some things that we have planned to do - but I'm just hoping that changing some moves won't ruin the teams chances at Regionals.

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Other than the few moves that need changing, the dance does really look great when the costumes are on. It just adds to that energy you need in a great dance - I'm getting goosebumps just talking about it! Oh the joys of owning a dance studio!

"Alright dancers that's great, take a moment to get some water and catch your breath then I won't to work on the bit after the tutting stage left?" Kate announced, A troupe all nodded and all went to their own groups and areas that they hang out in around studio A.

"I hope that we are prepared in time for Regionals " Kate signed as she took a seat in the office. She was watching the dancers all hang out in studio A. Of course it was natural for her to have worries, after the year the team had had with loosing Freshers and Merging - surley the bad luck wouldn't follow them to Regionals?

"Kate I'm sure it will be fine. We are the next step, best dance team in the world remember?" Emily asked, She didn't expect Kate to answer they. "Yes, we said that last year but look what happened. We lost internationals at the Finals" Kate thought back. "Yes and we got to Multinationals and won remember?"  Emily reasoned.

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
The Next Step is back! Resorted to it's final glory and winning streak, we will make it to Regionals and prepared on time and we will win - no doubt about that. But as we're about to go and amend the dance, some dancers from Dance. Inc walk into the office like they own the place - what now?

"What are you doing here?! " Emily asked, sounding as if she was already bored of their presence in the studio." We're just following up on what you said at Multinationals in the Semifinals - about how your going Crush us at Regionals and all that" They went on, "You're not the only one who went to another Region to qualify. So if you thought that running into another Regionals competition gets you out of having to face us, we'll tough luck! See you at Regionals losers....

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm in shock right now. This dance studio is very quickly becoming the next elite because they Owner is exactly like lucien....but more pretty, we are so ready to face dance. Inc

next time - A troupe heads to regionals to compete in region 8

A/n: So What do you think? Please tell me if it feels rushed from the qualifying to actually competing at Regionals because if it is - I could hold back the Regionals chapters and put a few fillers in. Vote and comment if you enjoyed! Thank you

The Next Step ~ Regionals 3 Where stories live. Discover now