◾ So Good ◾

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"Alright that's going amazing!"
"You look so good!"

The audience were going Crazy for the 6 dancers on stage, the first dance was going great and better than they had hoped. Kate was cheering in happiness from the wings, she couldn't believe they were finaly at Regionals and the National title was within their hands.

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
They are dancing amazingly right now! I'm proud of every single one out their today! We have to make the next round, We have to!

The dance was coming to an end, but they were still getting as much appreciation and support as they did at the start. The final roar of applause came as they were in the ending positions. "Yes guys! You've got this!" Kate yelled from the wings, "they were amazing!" Riley said to the others.

Riley (Co-owner of Illusion) POV -
Oh my days they were fantastic! I'm sure they will be in the next round.

'With a score of 89 points, The Next Step Moves on into the next round'

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
The Next Step scores 89 points, advancing on into the second round and knocking Ultradance out.

Stacey Tookey - SNR Network
That puts them into a tricky position now because how will the other teams take it when these technically new comers knock out teams that have been coming here for years? This is going to be fearce!

Jessica (Jazz dancer) POV -
89 points! We're moving into the second round that's amazing! Our team really came together after all.

Alex (Hiphop dancer) POV -
I'll take 89 points, but I know we can better than in the next round.

"You guys! That was amazing! Well done!" Kate smiled, a troupe huddled In a circle and clapping in celebration. "Everyone that was fantastic you should all be happy with that performance, because we definitely are!" James said, putting his hand on Rileys shoulder who was nodding In agreement.

James (Co-owner of Illusion) POV -
I'm so stoaked for A troupe right now. If they dance like that in all of the rounds then we're for sure going to make it to the finals!

Riley (co-owner of Illusion) POV -
It's all well and good saying that if they dance like that they can make it to the finals. But this is a new Regionals for us and we don't know who our new rivals are going to be - We need to up our game on every dance!

The Lobby

Sophia (Dance Captain) POV -
A troupe has just come of stage and we're all now coming together in the lobby area. I'm so happy that we've made into the second round, after the dance season we've had. It's nice to be winning.

"Oh hey! Guys that was amazing congratulations!" The dance Captain called out to her team, they were all coming over with the same happy expressions on their face.  "How did you feel out on stage?"  She asked, "It was great! I can't wait to get back out there again!" Jessica chuckled.

"Well, the next round doesn't start for around 6 hours so we have some time to kill" She said. "Does anyone have anything they want to do?" Sophia asked, almost instant the team all began to raise their hands. "Let's go to the Mall!" James exclaimed in excitement and laughter.

"No. First James, your not on the team and secondly. This is going to be bad news like when Michelle got arrested at Nationals after elite framed her for shop lifting" Emily reminded herself of the past, "Let's all just stay here where we can all stay together" She suggested with a smile.

"Because round two starts soon so we can watch and look for ideas that we can steal or look for disadvantages that we can pursue and bend to our will to win the competition... Did I just say that out loud?"
She asked herself.

"Emily pleaseeeee!" They all began to wine like three year olds in a toy shop, "actually I do need to go shopping"  Kate slipped out, not helping the situation. "Oh look see Kate needs to go shopping so we'll just go along to help her..."

She finally caved in," OK fine. But I want you back 3 hours before you go on stage" She compromised, even though the team had promised.  Her gut feeling was this would not end well, Now only Riley had stayed with her sister who had the same thoughts running through her head, "This is going to end terribly"

Regionals auditorium

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
Welcome back to SNR's coverage of the absolute dance Regionals. I'm Your host Chuck Anderson and this is my Co-host Stacey tookey.

Stacey Tookey - SNR Network
We have seen great talent from many of our dance studios today but there is more competition on the way as we see the end of the first round and head into the second.

Chuck Anderson - SNR Network
You see, this is where it gets really hard because for the first two rounds. Teams split into 6 and fight for the next round and then the other team of 6 gets on stage but if one of the teams looses. The entire studio is sent home and you don't dance as a full group.

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
.... I'm at the side of the stage to see some of the other teams perform. I haven't come across Dance. Inc yet so I'm hoping that they have lost or something like that but i won't hold my breath.

'Please Welcome Dance. Inc to the stage!'

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
Oh great, so they are here. It's going to make our Victory that much more sweet and powerful.

Riley (co-owner of Illusion) POV -
I'm rushing into the wings to find Emily because I just remembered about the Music Mystery round that is on next. We need to practice as much as we can but she let all of the dancers to the mall!

"Em, right are any of the dancers back?" Riley asked, breathing fast as if she had ran all the way there. Her sister turned from the stage, "No but it will be fine I told them 3 hours before" Emily replied still calm as ever. "Music Mystery round remember? We need to practice!" Riley said in panic.

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
My sister is right on this one. I need to call A troupe back in... Like NOW!

Next time - Emily tries to find the dancers. The Next round begins...

A/n: So What did you think? Will history repeat itself as someone will get arrested or something? Comment below and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed!

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