Chapter 5

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          Heatherkit woke up with a jolt. She wasn’t in the nursery, or any place she knows of. “Hello, anyone here?”

          “Heatherkit…Heatherkit...come here. Come here to me…” voices said all around her.

          “Who’s there?” Heatherkit screamed in fear. She looked around.

          There was two path ways in front of her. One leading into a dark deep forest and the other is leading to StarClan. And she knew the voice came from the strange dark forest.

          “Heatherkit…Don’t be afraid. This forest is kind…and nice. We will make you better. All you want will be in your paws…come, come to us now.” The voices said again, freaking Heatherkit out.

          The voices continued to tell her to come, over and over again. They didn’t stop. She felt as if it was a trap, but her paws forced her to move forwards. The voices continued.

          “Heatherkit…come forwarded. You will be destined for powers…come, come over here…come over here now.” The voices continued. Heatherkit struggled to stop, but her paws forced her to move forward.

          “Stop,” Someone yowled, but it was more of a faint whisper other than a yowl.

          Heatherkit continued walking, unable to stop. In the forest, red, evil looking eyes started glowing, and evil grins started showing. A group of cats came out with pure red blood on their paws, sharp, sharp claws and deadly looking teeth.

          Heatherkit became terrified. She screeched in fear. She wanted to go back but couldn’t. Beginning to panic she called for help.

          The groups of cats sunk their claws in her pelt and were already pulling her into the dark, evil looking forest. Heatherkit screamed, hoping she’d wake up but didn’t. She knew this was a dream, but it seemed real as she felt real pain and terror.

          “Stop this at once Deathfoot!” Someone yowled again, the voice much louder and clearer than a whisper.

          Heatherkit looked up at the cat. Ambertail! She has come to save her from this horrible nightmare. “Ambertail, help me please,” she wailed as the evil cats clawed at her pelt. She smelled blood and screamed again.

          Ambertail ran up to her and grabbed Heatherkit by the scruff and took her out of the forest avoiding all the evil cats, and took her onto the path way to StarClan. “You’re safe now,” she finally said placing Heatherkit down on the soft green ground.

          “Why did they want me?” Heatherkit asked innocently looking up at Ambertail.

          “So you and your sisters can’t fulfill your prophecy. They want to get stronger, and if they took you, it would separate you from your sisters and they would take over the Clans. And, to them, you were the easiest to get.”

          “Where were they trying to take me?” Heatherkit asked, trying to ignore what Ambertail said because it scared her.

          “The Dark Forest, it’s the complete opposite of StarClan. All the cats that have warm friendly hearts, follow the warrior code, good, nice cats go to StarClan when they die where they can rest in peace. But, the cats with cold hearts, which are mean, murderous, are evil and break the warrior code, go to the Dark Forest when they die to ‘live’ in misery. Now, let’s take you back home, where you belong.” Ambertail said before Heatherkit could reply again.

          Heatherkit woke up, tired and cold. Her legs were exhausted, and they were in a lot of pain. I thought it was just a dream. How could I get hurt while I’m dreaming? Or...was I really even dreaming? She wondered feeling confused on what just happened to her.

          Her mother had left her a nice warm mouse. Her stomach growled and she bit into the mouse and ate it. When she finished, she licked her paws clean.

          It was cold and damp outside. Probably rained, and it might rain again. Heatherkit didn’t feel like sleeping, though she was tired. She was asleep for hours, and it felt like she hasn’t gotten any sleep at all. She yawned and sat up and stretched.

          “Heatherkit, are you okay?” Her mother asked and licked Heatherkit’s head.

          “Yeah, I’m just a bit tired still, and I’m cold.” She lay back down against her mother and sisters and snuggled in with them for the warmth.

          Ladyfierce licked Heatherkit’s fur and brushed it back. She then gave Heatherkit another warm, juicy mouse. “You must be starving. Here, Eat up.”

          Heatherkit nodded and took the mouse. She bit into it and she began to feel warm. After finished the mouse, she closed her eyes and fell asleep once more.

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