Chapter 12

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          Heatherkit panics as blood fills the forest, and stains her pelt. It’s dark, and the stench of blood confuses her senses. All around her, cats emerge from the depths of the forest, with baring teeth and sharp deadly claws with blood plastered over them. “Get away from me!” she screamed. “Please!”

          The cats kept coming closer, their teeth snaring and long, loud growls came from their mouths.

          Heatherkit backed up finding her bumping into a black cat with glaring red eyes. He growled at her, and swiped his claws at her, scratching her in the face. Heatherkit screamed in pain, which felt so real. Heatherkit crouched down, covering her face with her paws and cried. She felt like such a coward, but she knew she shouldn’t feel ashamed. She is still a kit and no one can judge her yet.

          The cats continued on walking towards her, and closed in on her. Then a familiar smell broke through the stench of the blood. The new smell was Ambertail’s. Ambertail has come to save me! Heatherkit thought. She looked up, and no sign of the StarClan warrior. Heatherkit became even more scared, and thought she was going to be stuck here forever. “Ambertail!” she called out, “Ambertail!”

          No answer. Ambertail’s scent faded in and the stench of blood became stronger. Ambertail has abandoned me. Heatherkit thought. She looked around at the cats with blood plastered all over their pelts. “What do you want from me?” she wailed. The cats didn’t answer, and finally closed in on her. “Leave me alone!” she pleaded. “Please, leave me alone!”

          Just then, Ambertail’s scent became stronger and she was hovering above Heatherkit. She picked Heatherkit up, and faded away with her, and into the pathway to StarClan.

           “Thank StarClan you are okay. You have to stop ending up in the Dark Forest. Soon you’re going to get killed. It’s the tenth time this has happened.” Ambertail said after she put down Heatherkit.

          “I’m sorry.” Heatherkit said. “I’ll try not to wake up in there again.”

          “Then try you will.” Ambertail said and faded away.

          Heatherkit woke up in the nursery next to her sisters. She could still smell blood, but it was fading away now. Dawn was just breaking, and the dawn patrol was emerging from the camp entrance.

          “Hey Heatherkit,” Hawkkit said waking up.

          “Hi,” Heatherkit replied.

          “What were you dreaming about, you kept kicking me.” Hawkkit said yawning.

          Heatherkit shrugged, “Just another nightmare.”

          “Heatherkit, you keep having those. And you keep waking up with blood on your face. If it’s about the prophecy, you can tell me,” Hawkkit said licking Heatherkit’s face clean.

          Heatherkit just nodded and said nothing else in return.

          Wildkit woke up awhile later, her white pelt plastered in blood.

          “Wildkit, you have blood on your pelt.” Heatherkit said.

          “Yeah, thanks to you. How come you keep staining me with your own blood? Stop having nightmares.” Wildkit says.

          “You can’t blame her; these nightmares are based on the prophecy.” Hawkkit said.

          “What prophecy?” Heatherkit heard her mother say.

          “It’s a part of a game we’re playing.” Wildkit replied quickly. Heatherkit knew that they shouldn’t tell anyone about the prophecy. They shouldn’t trust anyone.

          “Okay then, you three go and have some fun. Now run along.” Ladyfierce says.

          Heatherkit ran outside of the nursery with her sisters.

          “So, you want to play with the moss balls?” Wildkit asks.

          “Sure,” Hawkkit replies.

          “Firestar, Firestar!” Laptail, the black she-cat warrior called running up to the warriors den.

          Heatherkit looked up to see Firestar emerge from her den.

          “What is it?” she asked.

          “Dogs,” Laptail replied panting. “There are dogs in our territory, about five, three young ones, two adults.”

          Heatherkit trailed off, and decided not to hear the rest. She came up with an idea, and wanted to tell her sisters about it immediately. “Wildkit, Hawkkit!” Heatherkit called out to them.

          “What?” Hawkkit asked.

          Heatherkit slowed down when she was close enough to tell them the idea. “There are dogs in our territory.”

          “What?” Wildkit said with a scared tone in her voice.

          “Yes. We should get rid of them, go in the forest and chase them off!” Heatherkit said.

          “I’m in!” Hawkkit said.

          Wildkit looked uneasy, but finally agreed. “I’m going to tell the other kits.”

          Hawkkit nodded and so did Heatherkit. Wildkit left and came back with Frostkit, Mistkit and Sharpkit. “They are the only ones who wanted to come.” Wildkit said.

          Heatherkit nodded. “Okay, follow me, we’ll sneak out.” Together, the kits followed Heatherkit and they all snuck out through the dirt place tunnel.

          “It smells in here!” Mistkit shrieked.

          Once they were out, no other cat was in sight so Heatherkit led the kits away from the camp, and near a small den. The forest is big and smells fresh. Trees are everywhere and birds are flying in the sky.

          “Do you know where the dogs are?” Frostkit asked.

          Heatherkit shrugged. “Use your senses, a dog’s smell would be a smell we’ve never smelt before.”

          “Found them!” Sharpkit squeaked. “They’re in this den. Three of them, and they are pretty young.” He said looking into the den.

          Heatherkit walks in, and finds the three young pups, asleep.

          “They smell funny.” Wildkit said. "And they look weird."

          “Be quiet!” Hawkkit snapped at her.

          One of the dogs eyes open, and stares right at it. It then wails and the other two wake up as well.

          “This was a bad idea,” Heatherkit says backing up.

          “You think? Why did I even agree to this! We’re all going to be eaten!” Hawkkit wails.

          “Well, let’s get out of here!” Frostkit yelled and turned around.

           Heatherkit turned around too, and found she standing in front of a big black and brown dog who is growling, and teeth are sharp, and the dog is glaring down at all six cats.

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