Chapter 13

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          Frostkit screamed in terror as the dog started barking even louder at Heatherkit and the other kits. She screamed too, along with Frostkit and the other kits joined in.

          “Why are we screaming?” Sharpkit asked.

          Mistkit looked at him. “Maybe a patrol will hear us and come and save us.” Mistkit responded.

          That is a good plan. Heatherkit thought. “Help!” she cried out. “Anyone, help us, help!”

          Heatherkit smelled a familiar scent coming closer, and saw Birdbreath leap on the dog, along with Firestar and Redtree.

          “Out, out, out!” Firestar yelled.

           Heatherkit ran out of the dog’s den along with the other kits. Firestar stood in front of Heatherkit and her den mates as they crouched down and cowered.

          Heatherkit saw her father attack the dog and the dog ran off. She then saw her father pick up the pups from the den, and they each ran after the older dog.

          “Redtree, go make sure the dogs get off our territory.” Firestar said.

          Redtree nodded. “Yes Firestar.” He then ran after the dogs.

          Birdbreath glared at the kits. “Thank StarClan you kits are safe!” He yelled. “You could have been killed. You broke the code by sneaking off camp to do a warriors job. Heatherkit, Hawkkit, Wildkit, I am very disappointed in you.” He said and looked at the other kits, “And so will you mothers.”

          “I’m sorry.” Hawkkit said.

          “Whose idea was this?” Firestar asked looking down at the kits.

          Heatherkit backed down a bit, and Hawkkit and Wildkit look at her.

          “Wildkit told us about it.” Sharpkit said with Mistkit and Frostkit nodding in agreement.

          Birdbreath glared at Wildkit, a very angry look in his eye. “Wildkit, I would expect much better behavior from you.” He said crossly.

          “But it wasn’t me, well, I told Mistkit, Frostkit and Sharpkit, but it was Heatherkit who came up with the idea!” Wildkit said beginning to yell.

          Heatherkit was overwhelmed by guilt as she crouched down and avoided her father’s gaze.

          “Come on.” He said. “We are going to talk to you mothers about this.” He then walked away, with the kits following with scared looks on their faces.

          The kits enter the camp and Ladyfierce, Whitewing and Wildheart crowding together, with Ravenkit and Mudkit, with worried expressions on their faces.

          “Sharpkit,” Whitewing calls out with her kits already running towards him.

          Ladyfierce and Wildheart follow, greeting their kits.

          “Thank StarClan you are okay! I was worried sick about you three!” Ladyfierce said looking down at her kits.

          “These six kits have attempted to sneak out of the camp and remove the dogs. I honor their bravery, but they have broken the Warrior Code. They must be punished.” Firestar said.

          Other cats in the clearing began to stare, but then looked away, probably wanting no part of this.

          Ladyfierce looked at Firestar and nodded. “What kind of punishment did you have in mind?”

          “I will postpone their apprentice ceremonies by two moons, for each of them.” She said.

          Heatherkit looked up, shocked at what she had just heard. Instead of becoming an apprentice at six moons, she was going to be one at eight moons? No! This can’t be, I don’t want to be an apprentice later that I should be! I already desperately want to be one now! Heatherkit thought scared. She looked at her mother who was also shocked.

          “By two moons,” Ladyfierce asked. “These kits are still very young, and don’t know better. I forbid you use that punishment.”

          Wildheart and Whitewing murmur in agreement.

          “That’s so unfair!” Mistkit shirked.

          “What’s going on?” Redtree asked as he walked up. “Also, Firestar, the dogs are out of FireClan territory.”

          Firestar nodded. “Well, I came up with a punishment and apparently the mothers don’t agree."

          “Well, what was the punishment?” He asked.

          “It is postponing their apprentice ceremonies by two moons.” Firestar said.

          “Firestar, even I agree that’s a little too far. Maybe a more decent punishment will be fine, like having them do some apprentice chores for a month, like cleaning out bedding.” He said.

          Firestar tilted her head and nodded, “Fine by me.” She turned to the mothers. “What about you?”

          Ladyfierce nodded, and so did Whitewing, and Wildheart looked a little uneasy, but finally nodded.

          “Then it is settled, the six of you will be doing apprentice duties. You may start by cleaning the bedding from the elders den. Get Featherpaw to teach you.” Firestar said and walked away towards her den.

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