Chapter 3

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          Hawkkit got up looking pretty angry, “About what?” Then she looked over at her sisters. “Okay. What kind of joke is this? Wait till I get back to camp and tell Ladyfierce and Birdbreath. They’ll be worried sick about us.”

          Heatherkit stood up and hissed, “Why do you always have to assume that I’m lying? You’re so mouse-brained!!” She got ready to leap on Hawkkit but Ambertail stopped her in time.

          “This place is not for fighting. This is the path that leads to StarClan.”

          Wildkit’s eyes lit up. “Wow. So if we go any further, we’ll be in the path of StarClan.”

          Ambertail looked down at her. “Correct. This is the path to StarClan. I have brought you here in your dreams the give you this prophecy, ‘One of you three will give birth to the most powerful kit ever. One of you three will abandon their Clan to follow love. And one of you three will be-able to walk in others dreams.’ Now remember, you three are destined. Do not break apart or your Clan will utterly fall to its doom.”

          All three kits looked at each other, eyes looked shocked, and mouths dropped open and said, “Wow.”

          Ignoring the last thing Ambertail said, Heatherkit walked up to her and asked, “Um…do you mind telling us which of us is destined for what?”

          Ambertail’s brown eyes met Heatherkit’s brown eyes. “Sorry, dear one. I cannot say that. You shall find out your destiny on your own.” Then Ambertail faded away. Her sweet sent filling the area around her.

          Heatherkit suddenly woke up in her cozy nest, still thinking about Ambertail’s prophecy. Her last words were still ringing in her mind, “you shall find out your destiny on your own.” What did it mean? Well, of course it meant that she has to search for the answers, but still. She could not stop wondering about what Ambertail said, especially about the part with her Clan utterly falling apart. It was all too mysterious for a young kit to know.

          “Hawkkit, I bet I’m the one who’s going to give birth to the powerful kit.” Wildkit scampered. “I will never give up my Clan to follow stupid love. I’m going to be Clan leader. Plus, walking in others dreams is lame!”

          “No! I’m going to be Clan leader!” Hawkkit screeched. Then she leaped on Wildkit and the two started to play fight.

          No. I want to be the Clan leader. But for now, I have to follow my destiny. Right now, all I care about is the prophecy. Heatherkit thought. She then got up to play with her sisters. “You want to go outside?” she asked.

          “Sure” said Wildkit. “We didn’t get much time outside yesterday.

          “Okay!” Hawkkit said, and then left the nursery and ran outside.

          Heatherkit followed her sisters out of the den. While outside, Heatherkit began to feel weird and different from the day before so she stopped when her paws started tingle, making her feel a bit odd.

          “What’s wrong, Heatherkit?” Wildkit asked walking up to her sister. She looked at Heatherkit with her icy blue eyes with a confused and worried look on her face.

            “Nothing,” Heatherkit answered and she then shook. She thought that it just was a coincidence that a young kit would feel different only the second day outside. So she decided to not worry much. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just thinking about the prophecy.”

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