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          Mist covered the field where cats were starting to gather around, waiting for the news of the three. “The prophecy has come!” A dark orange she-cat cried out on a high rock to the gathering StarClan cats.

          “But how do we know it’s for them Fire? It can’t be! It just can’t be them!” A small tabby brown tom called out, his voice was filled with terror and disbelief.

          Fire glared down at him, “Silence Adderfoot! I know it is them.” She yelled. “I have foreseen this event many times before. The three kits are the ones. They have come!”

          Then a black tabby she-cat spoke up from the crowd of ancient FireClan cats, “She is right. May I tell the prophecy?”

          “Yes you may Darkswift.” Fire answered nodding. She stepped to the side so Darkswift can walk up.

          “Thank you Fire.” Darkswift spoke more loudly and looked down on the cats, “One of the three will give birth to the most powerful kit ever. One of the three will abandon their Clan to follow love. And one of the three will be able to walk in others dreams.”

          “But these kits haven’t even been born yet!! A fluffy white tom screeched from the crowd, and everyone turned to him. “What if it’s wrong? What if the prophecy is meant for Leapordnose’s three kits? They’re already born! What if you heard the prophecy wrong? It can’t be meant for kits that are not born yet!” He yelled frantically. Fire sighed. She was feeling frustrated from all this nonsense, the three were coming.

          “Whitecloud is right. These unborn kits can’t be the kits the prophecy’s talking about! No prophecy has ever been set for unborn cats!” A black she-cat cried. The room started to fill up with protesters. All the arguing and yelling tired Fire out and she didn’t know what to do.

          “Silence,” Darkswift yelled out, still standing next to Fire and her claws dug into the starry ground. “As FireClan’s former medicine cat, I think that we should respect on what Fire, FireClan’s first ever leader, has to say. These unborn kits will be born soon, and the prophecy is for them. No complaining, no arguing. We have set the prophecy to be for them, and that is final!” She yelled. Her golden brown eyes were stern and glaring down at everyone. Her voice was cold and would make you feel uncomfortable near her. She would not tolerate on how the StarClan cats were behaving. Especially with the fact that they will not believe what Fire has to say, or what she has planned for the future of her old Clan.

          “Thank you Darkswift.” Fire started. She too, felt the same as Darkswift. It was easy for Fire to tell how others were feeling, and by looking into Darkswift’s eyes and telling by her voice, she was pretty upset. “Ambertail, come here now please.” She continued searching for the amber colored cat.

          “Yes Fire? What is it?” Ambertail asked walking up to the starry high rock where Fire and Darkswift were standing.

          “A few weeks after the kits are born, I would like it if you went down back to FireClan to give them the message. Please, do not fail me. We are all counting on you.” Fire said, her amber eyes burned with determination.

          “Yes Fire. I’ll do as told.” Ambertail replied dipping her head at Fire. “I would do whatever I can to keep FireClan strong. Including the three other Clans GhostClan, PoolClan and AirClan.” She made that promise, for she, died helping her Clan, which she called home.

          Fire knew she had made the right choice on putting Ambertail in charge of these three. She just hoped she made the right choice.

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