Chapter 30

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A/N: This is the last chapter :'(


-6 Weeks Later-

(Sorry for the time jump but this is where it gets interesting!)

Zaynah's POV:

It's is December 1st. It is so cold outside and its snowy.

I'm 7 months pregnant now and my belly is huge! I can hardly move. I only get up when needed and Harry is always here to help me.

I'm ready to have these babies. I know it will hurt like hell, but I'm excited to see our babies.

I was currently laying in bed. Harry was downstairs making us some breakfast. It is about 8:30 am.

I was just twidling my thumbs when I heard Harry walking up the stairs.

Harry came up with a tray in his hands. Theee were eggs, toast, and turkey bacon. There was also two cups of orange juice.

"I have breakfast for us!" Harry said happily.

Believe it or not, I wasn't that hungry. Maybe just some toast will do.

"I'm not that hungry. I'll just take some toast, please." I said to Harry.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. I'm just a little uncomfortable today." I said.

"Is there anything you need?" Harry asked worriedly.

He started rubbing my huge belly.

"Thanks, that is actually helping." I said.

We just layed there, him rubbing my belly and me having my eyes closed.

I woke up some time later and saw that Harry wasn't next to me.

Instead, I saw a note on his pillow.

Dear Zaynah,

I went to the store to get a few things for dinner tonight. Don't worry I will be back in a little bit! I love you!

~Harry <3

I sighed in relief, knowing he was okay.

I slowly got out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom.

When I got up, I noticed a liquid running down my sweat pants. Did I just pee myself? Then I felt a sharp pain. I knew what that meant.

The babies are coming!

Harry's POV:

I was walking around the grocery store picking up a few things for dinner tonight when my phone buzzed.

I looked at the ID and saw it was Zaynah. She must've just woke up.

"Hey, love." I said into the phone.

"HARRY!" Zaynah screamed on the other line.

I instantly dropped the stuff in my hands and ran out the doors and to my car.

"What's wrong, Zaynah?" I panicked.

"My water broke! The babies are coming!" She yelled.

I started up my car and drove as quickly as I could.

"I'm on my way. Don't panic." I said to her.

"Hurry." she said the she hung up.

I dialed her mum's number so they could get on the next flight over here.

"Harry?" she asked.

"Hi, Kimberly. You guys need to get on the next flight over here. Zaynah's water just broke!" I rushed out.

"We will be there as soon as we can. Don't worry we are on our way." Kimberly said.

We hung up and then I went to call Liam to tell everyone the news.

"Hello?" Liam said.

"Hey, I can't talk but you need to tell the girls and the lads that Zaynah's water just broke and to meet us at the hospital." I said.

"Okay, we will be there soon." Liam said.

"Thanks, mate." I said.

By now I had it home. i left the car on and ran inside to get Zaynah.

"Zaynah?" I called into the house.

I heard her scream from upstairs. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could.

There was Zaynah on the floor of our room. In pain.

I quickly grabbed her and helped her up. I then grabbed our prepacked hospital bag that has clothes for us and the babies.

"This is it." I said excitedly.

I helped her downstairs and into the car.

When I got in, I drove as fast as I could to the hospital.

When we got there, I grabbed the bag from te backseat and went to help Zaynah out of the car.

We made our way inside the hosptial where they put Zaynah in a room.

While the nurses were with Zaynah I took the chance to call my mum.

"Harry, how are you? I miss you." Mum said once she picked up.

"Hi, Mum. You, Gem, and Robin need to come to London now. Zaynah's water broke about an hour ago." I said.

"Okay, let us pack a bag and then we will be on our way." Mum said.

"See ya soon. I love you, Mum." I said.

"I love you too, Harry." my mum said before she hung up.

I put my phone back in my pockets and went to check on Zaynah.

She was laying on a hospital bed with some wires hooked up to her.

"How are you doing?" I asked her.

"It hurts. But other than that I'm doing okay." she said.

I kissed her forehead gently.

"It's gonna be okay. Think about what we will get from this." I reminded her.

I heard a knock on the door. I went over to the door and opened it. All the lads and their girlfriends were here.

"Zaynah, the gang is here. I'm gona step outside with them for a minute. I'll be right back." I said to her.

"Okay." she said.

I stepped outside and closed the doors behind me.

"How is she doing?" Liam asked.

"She's in some pain but doin good." I replied.

"We are going to go down to the cafe and eat. Do you or Zaynah want anything?" Perrie asked.

"I'm good but let me go ask Zaynah." I replied.

I walked back in to see her with her eyes shut close. I hate seeing her in pain.

"Are you doing okay? Do you want anything to eat?" I asked her.

"No, I just want the epidural." she whispered.

"Let me go find the doctor and ask about it." I said soothingly to her.

I walked back out.

"She's in a lot of pain. I need to go find the doctor and ask about when she can get the epidural." I said to them.

"Okay. We are going to go eat and then we will be back up." Liam said.

"If you guys see my family send them up please." I told them.

"Of course. What about Zaynah's family? Are they coming?" Louis asked.

"Yeah they took the next flight out." I said.

They all left and I went down the hall to find the doctor.

I saw him in the hallway walking out of room.

"Excuse me. Doctor Evans?" I asked.

"Yes?" he asked.

"My girlfriend is room 2364 and she is in labour. She was wondering when she can get an epidural." I said.

"Of course. I can go check up on her now." Dr Evans said.

We walked back to Zaynah's room and went inside.

Zaynah's POV:

Harry came back in with Dr. Evans.

"Hi, Zaynah. I'm just going to check and see if you're ready for the epidural." Dr. Evans said.

I was ready for the epidural. I got the huge shot in the back! I'm just glad this will help with the pain.

"Well, Zaynah, since you are having multiples, it'll be hard for you to push all four babies out. So when you're dialated ten centimeters, we will have to give you a C-Section." Dr. Evans said.

"Okay." I said, still in pain.

"You are at four centimeters now. There is still plenty of time before it's time. Why don't you rest for a while?" Dr. Evans said.

"Thank you, doctor." I said.

He smiled at me and then left my room.

"Shit!" I said.

"What's wrong, babe?" Harry asked, jumping up from his seat.

"I forgot to call my family and tell them I'm in labor. Now they won't be here when the kids are born." I said sadly.

"I called them as soon as you called me so they could be here as soon as possible." Harry told me.

Can you believe he did that? He is the greatest.

"Harry, you are definately the greatest boyfriend ever!" I said greatfully while giving him a long, sweet kiss.

"As I've told you a million times before, I would do anything for you and our babies. You guys are my world." He said.

How did I get so lucky?

I closed my eyes and decided to take a nap.


I woke up to hear voices around me.

"She's fine, Kimberly. She is just resting." I heard Harry say.


"Mom!" I said excitedly.

"Oh, baby, how are you doing?" she asked concerned.

"I'm much better since I got the epidural. It just hurts a little bit." I told her.

There was a knock on the door and in walked Dr. Evans.

"It's been about sx hours since I last checked up on you. Let's see how far along you are." Dr. Evans said.

"Good news, you are at ten centimeters. It's time to welcome your babies into the world." Dr. Evans said.

Harry's POV:

"Good news, you are at ten centimetres. It's time to welcome your babies into the world." Dr. Evans said to Zaynah.

They were about to wheel Zaynah off to the surgery room when I stopped them.

"This is it. I love you. When we see each other again we will be parents!" I said then leaned down to kiss her lips.

"I love you too, Harry." she said after our kiss.

After that they wheeled her off for the C-Section.

I sat down in a chair in her room. This is it. It won't just be us anymore. We will have four kids to watch over. To protect. I just don't think I'm ready for this. What if I mess up?

"Harry, what's wrong?" Kimberly said.

"It's just, I'm so nervous. I will have four kids to watch. I have to make sure I don't mess up." I said to my girlfriend's mum.

"Harry, I am sure you will be a great dad. You have taken great care of my little girl. You won't mess up." Kimberly said.

I gave her a hug and then we went to go see everyone else.

Everyone came into Zaynah's room.

"Where is Zaynah?" Alyssa asked.

"She went into surgery for a C-Section. When we see her again she will have the babies with her!" I said excitedly.

We all just sat there and talked until the door opened up.

The doctor and some nurses wheeled in Zaynah and four rolling cribs.

"Zaynah, how are you feeling?" I asked her.

Zaynah's POV:

They haven't let me hold my babies yet! That's all I want to do.

"Zaynah, how are you feeling?" Harry asked me when I finally made it back to my original room.

"I wat to hold them." I said to Harry.

"Here is your first born. It's a boy born on December 2nd at 4:30 am." Dr. Evans said while handing me one of my children.

"Vladimir Edward Styles." I said while holding my little bundle of joy.

"This is the second. A girl born at 4:32 am." Dr. Evans said while handing me another baby.

"Darcy Anne Styles." I said happily.

"Baby number three is a girl born at 4:33 am." Dr. Evans said while handing Harry little Isabella.

"Isabella Maria Styles." Harry said.

"Last but not least, a little boy born at 4:36 am." Dr. Evans said while giving him to Harry.

"Noah James Styles." Harry said.

This is it. Our family is complete. My four beautiful babies are finally here.

We let everyone hold the babies while Harry and I filled out all their birth certificates and paperwork.

Once we were done, they handed us back our babies. Harry had the girls and I had my little boys.

"Let's give the family some time alone." My mom said.

Everyone left the room.

I looked down at our babies. We finally have our kids. This is the best moment of my life.

Vladimir had a patch of brown hair and green eyes. He looked like Harry.

Darcy had a whole head of black hair and green eyes. A combination of both Harry and I.

Isabella had brown hair and brown eyes. A combination of both Harry and I.

Noah had black hair and brown eyes. He looked just like me.

Harry sat down with the two girls on my bed. He put Darcy in between is and then took his phone out.

He stretched out his arm and took a photo of all of us.

"Our first family photo." Harry said.

"It's amazing isn't it." I said.

Then there was a cry from the two boys.

"I guess they are hungry." I said.

I carefully fed the two boys and then Harry and I changed all four of their diapers.

We layed each one in their hosptial cribs.

I took on my phone out and snapped a pic of all four of them.

I have a feeling Harry and I will be taking a lot of pictures of them.

There was a knock on the door and doctor came back in.

"The nurses are going to check up on the babies while I talk to you in my office." Dr. Evans said.

Harry helped me into a wheelchair since I couldn't walk on my own.

Harry wheeled me into the office and then he took a seat in a chair next to me.

"How is everything going on with the babies?" Dr. Evans asked.

"It's really well." I said.

"Good. Well we need to go over a few things. Yo and the babies can go home in two days. Everything is going well and they are very healthy, even for being born a bit early." Dr. Evans said.

"Anything else?" Harry asked.

"Zaynah, you have to come back in two weeks to get the stiches removed." Dr. Evans said.

"Will do." I said.

Harry wheeled me back to my hospital room were we saw the cutest thing.

Harry's mom and step-dad where holding Darcy and Noah and then my parents were holding Vladimir and Isabella. I restrained myself from awwing out loud. Instead, I took out my phone and snapped multiple photos of the new grandparents and their grandchildren.

"Zaynah, Harry, you two have the cutest babies!" Anne sqeuled.

"I know right? They are adorable." my mom agreed.

"Thanks, guys." Harry and I said in unison.

Harry sat me back on my bed while our parents were still holding the babies.

~2 Days Later~

The two days atthe hospital flew by quickly.

Harry stayed with me the whole time. We were learning everything we needed to know about caring for the babies.

At first it was hard to adjust. We had to wake up so many times for the babies. Feed them, change them, rock them.

Harry got up with me every single time. He was a big help. I am glad he is helping me out with this. There is no way I could've done this on my own.

We just dressed up the babies so we could all go home. We dressed them in many layers since it's December.

I put each baby in their car seat while Harry brought the car to the front of the hospital.

When Harry came back up, Liam was with him.

"Hi, Liam." I said.

"Hi, Mummy." Liam said to me.

He and Harry each grabbed two car seats. I grabbed our overnight bag and followed them to the Range Rover.

I sat in the middle row with Darcy and Isabella. Liam sat in the back with Vladimir and Noah.

We got home and Liam helped bring in the babies and then he left.

"Welcome home, babies. This is your new home." I said to our babies.

This is the start of a new life.

I can't believe all of this happened because of me Winning A Contest in New York.


A/N: Well that's it. I can't believe this story is over. It feels like just yesterday I started writing this story. I have come a long way since the beginning of this story. I just want to say I love each and every single one of you guys! Thanks for believing in me. I love my fans so much! So once again, thank you to all of my readers.

Special thanks goes out to @sunshineforever13, @damnitmik, @yourgirlsusan

Theae girls have been suporting me since day one of this book and they all love it. Some girls *cough cough* Susan would text me a million times about me updating this story asap because she loved it so much! (love ya Susan 😘)

Others were a character in my story and wrote her POV most of the time. Alyssa, I'm glad you are in my story! 😘


I will post it very soon.

It's called After New York. So when I post it please go add it to your libraries!

Thanks guys!

Zaynah 😘

Winning a Contest in New York (A Harry Styles/ One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now