1|"I bet you're a smart girl, figure it out."

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"What is it?" April questions me with a pout, as her tipsy body sways to the obnoxiously loud music coming from the living room.

"It's nothing." I reply.

"It doesn't sound like nothing." She grabs my free hand and twirls herself with it. "You've been staring at your cup for fifteen minutes now. It's something." My blonde haired friend snatches the red solo cup out of my hand, and pours the soda that was in there into her own cup. Without thinking she downs it.

Her face turns to one of disgust. "Is this soda? No alcohol?" I nod. "No wonder you look so down. I'm going to get you something more appropriate." My best friend whips her body away from me and struts through the party to find me something more appropriate. Yeah, I'd definitely call a seventeen year old drinking alcohol more appropriate than drinking soda.

The crowd of teenagers part for the girl dressed in the revealing crop top, and booty shorts. Not that I'm judging, I was also wearing a too tight of a black dress, with an enormous cut out in the back, but as I played it a little more classier. April, liked to do the opposite.

They didn't only part for her because of what she was wearing, they parted because they knew April De'lavigne. The girl whose able to charm the pants off of any guy, old or young. People would kill to be even standing next to her. It was a captivating sight to see April catwalk down any hallway or room. It was a sight that most people got blinded by.

But it was different for me. I was different from April. While she was seductive and raunchy, I was manipulative and cunning. People parted for me because they were afraid. The power that I held over everyone was scary, they knew it, and I knew it. And I basked in it. People wanted to be my friend, just so I wouldn't use their secrets against them, just so that they could get a taste of popularity. Sometimes people are so desperate in this world, that it makes me sick. But I can't help but take advantage of it. I guess that's why I'm unofficially crowned queen.

Before she was able to return, I snuck away. I usually enjoy loud and large parties, but I just wasn't feeling it. Some thing was weighing down on me, and I didn't know what it was. I find the front door, and skip down the stone steps of the mansion. I pass the large bushes, and over the top statues. I ignore the fancy cars lined back to back in the circle driveway, and I pass the security guard with a wave as I make it out the gate. Good thing I decided to wear flats tonight.

The street wasn't barren. There were a couple of mansions lined up, with other teenagers in front of them playing stupid games, and throwing up. I walk down the perfectly paved tar, and I had a feeling that I wouldn't be going back to that party. April drove me there, and all my stuffs in her car. But I don't mind, and if I don't go back, she'll probably assume I went home with some guy, finally.

The wind starts to pick up, and I didn't realize how cold it was outside, and wished that I had grabbed a jacket from her car.

"Hey!" A voice shouts after me in midst of the dimly lit sidewalk.

I turn around, my red hair flapping in the wind, and I spot a teenage boy jogging after me. "I'm not a prostitute and also not in your league. If you're looking for a good time, there are plenty of girls inside who'll give it up for free."

He lets out a breathy laugh, and I see the CO2 come out of his mouth in the night sky. It's colder than I thought. "No, I just thought you needed a jacket. It's pretty cold out here, to be dressed like that."

I notice the brown sweatshirt in his hands. I lift a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Dressed like what? Like a slut?"

He sighs and looks back at his friends. "Look if you don't want it, then don't take it. But you don't have to be a bitch."

I throw my head back and laugh. "You obviously don't know me."

The brown haired boy shakes his head. "Obviously I don't. So do you want the jacket or not?"

I thought about giving him another bitchy reply, but something told me to hold back. His dark blue eyes, reflected the stars in the night sky, unlike my brown eyes which were a vantablack.

"Fine." I put out my hand and he walks closer to me, handing me the cheap, but soft and warm material. The boy starts to walk away.

I don't do teenage boys. They're too immature for my taste. All they care about are porn stars and cars. But yet, against my whole nature, I call out to him. "Wait! How am I suppose to return it to you?" Instead of burning it.

Mid jog he turned around and shrugs. "I bet you're a smart girl, figure it out." He smirks.

I watch him jog away cautiously. Guys don't just come up to me. They know better. So I don't know if this was some sort of prank, or a ploy to get my attention. I begin to walk again with a small smile on my face. Either way, it worked.

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