21|"Oh Aurora, we've been playing a game since the day we met."

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"Eric, are you kidding me? I refuse to go in there. We can hire people for that." I try to grab his hand and pull him away from the hideous store, but he pulls back.

"Ew gross. I'm too old to hold my sisters hand, and stop being dramatic. It's just Best Buy."

I give the freckled boy an odd look. How do we come from the same parents, and yet be so different. He's so willing to do common people things when he has all this privilege that people can only dream about.

I was coming back from the mall on a shopping spree with my new money when Eric asked me to pull into some strange plaza. I didn't actually think he wanted to go in there. I thought maybe he was trying to play some sort of prank, but he's serious.

"You can try awesome games, without having to buy them to see if you like it first. And there is this game I really want to try out." Eric begs me.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Are you kidding me? We can buy that game no problem. We could buy a thousand of those game! I could buy you the people that made the game, and have them make you your own version of that game, because why not!" I huff.

I'm completely and utterly confused, and he's laughing at my confusion. "Let's go. It won't kill you."

He walks into the store, and the automatic doors close behind him leaving me flabbergasted on the sidewalk.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I mutter to myself and I walk in.

This store smells like... regular people. The last time I smelled regular people was in the warehouse a few weeks ago. It's not a bad smell, but I'm not used to it. And just looking at the carpet in this store is making me feel itchy. I need to find Eric and leave.

I start to go up and down every isle this store has. Why is it so big in here?! They have kitchen appliances, electronics, games, music, living area stuff! It's absolute madness. I know Eric said that he went looking for a game, but I think I got myself lost.

"Ugh!" I scream out. "How do people do this?!" Good thing I'm not wearing anything designer. Well at least, expensive designer. I sure am working up a sweat.

"Ma'am, do you need help?"

My eyes land upon a person in a blue shirt. "Finally! I've been lost here for what has felt like hours. Take me to the games." I command.

"Sorry miss, but I don't wor-"

I glare at the man. "I said take me to the games." My voice laced in venom.

He nods quickly and starts walking, ushering me to follow him. This is how customer service should be. Compliant.

The worker drops me off in the game section. "Thank you." I hand the guy a fifty dollar tip. He stares at in in awe. Poor guy. I guess he doesn't make much here.

"Lady I don't work-"

I roll my eyes. "Stop being so modest and take the damn money." I throw it at him, and he thrashes in the air to try and catch the floating bill. Once he catches it he stares at me in shock once more. "You can go now." I shoo him away. The worker scurries away and doesn't look back.

Odd man.

Once I look around the game section, I see Eric sitting on a bean bag playing a video game with another boy. I start to storm towards him. "Eri-"

"Aurora." Someone calls out my name, and once I do a one-eighty spin I see who it is.


Of course I see him here. I haven't seen him in a good two months, and the when we finally do see each other, it's at a freaking best buy!

The air becomes almost unpleasant, and I shift awkwardly from side to side. "What are you doing here?" I ask after almost a minute of silence between us.

"I came here to get a new iPhone with my brother, but then I lost him, and when I found him right now, he was playing a game with your brother."

His response sounds logically, even though I would never get my phone from a best buy. I wait for him to ask me what I'm doing here, but the question never comes. Instead he heads straight for his brother. "Colton are you ready to go?"

Colton doesn't even peer his eyes away from the screen. "Not yet. Give me like thirty minutes." The younger Adam was the spitting of his mother too, just like Nolan.

Nolan groans in frustration. "But you have this game at home."

"I know, but I'm kicking this sorry losers ass." Colton playfully shoves my brother.

"You are not! I'm only five kills behind." Eric defends himself.

Colton smirks. "Soon to be six." He does some combo moves and scores himself another kill. My brother groans, but doesn't give up.

Nolan sighs. "I guess I'll wait for you in the car." He turns away from the boys and starts walking towards the exit without even acknowledging me.

"Nolan wait!" I jog after him. He doesn't wait and he walks faster.

I grab a video game from the shelf and throw it at him. Perfect aim. As always.

"What the hell Aurora!?" He immediately stops in his tracks and rages towards me. "Can you not act like a prissy little bitch throwing a tantrum all the time."

I flinch a little, but I deserve that. "I don't know if I can. That's just how I am."

He puts the game back on the shelf. "Whatever." He mumbles and turns to walk away, but I grab his arm.

"Nolan I'm-"

He looks at me with interest. "You're what?"

"Nolan I can't fix what happened that night, but I had a reason." I couldn't apologize.

He rips his arm away from me. "The only reason I can think of his that you're a cold hearted person. I heard what happened at Sabrina's party. Why would you do that? Why do you act like such a bitch?"

I flinch more at his actions then his words. So when he ripped his arm away from me, I was hurt. I secretly missed the warmth I would get from his touch. The only warmth I've gotten in a long time. "Because I-" I stop again.

"Because you what?" His blue eyes plead with me to give him something.

My thumbs circle each other nervously and I begin to bite the inside of my cheek. "I can't" I look down at my Adidas sneakers.

"I can't do this." The black haired boy mutters.

I can't let him leave! I start to panic. I don't know why I want him to stay so bad. I've never really acted this way before, and I'm freaking out. But every bone in my body is telling me that I need to get him to stay.

"Nolan wait!" He doesn't stop. "If you beat me in Just Dance, I'll tell you everything!"

He pauses in his strides and turns to look at me. "Just Dance?" He laughs an appealing laugh. "Are you kidding me?"

Nolan doesn't seem to be too upset at me anymore, so I decide to go with it. "Yes. If you beat me in Just Dance I'll tell you everything."

He gives me a curious look. "And what happens if I don't beat you?"

"Then you'll never know the truth." I give him a sly smile.

He thinks about it for a while, and then he finally gives in."Ok. You're on." He smiles at me. "But trust me, I'll win."

"Don't get too cocky Mr. Adams, the game hasn't even begun yet."

He stares into my brown eyes and a wave of feelings rush over my body. "Oh Aurora, we've been playing a game since the day we met." Nolan's eyes flicker over my face, making me feel a little self conscious.

He backs away from me and continues his walk to the exit, but not before turning back to me one last time. "And Aurora, you don't tip the employees at Best Buy. Especially if they don't work here." Nolan leaves me alone with an echo of his smoky laugh. That weirdo. He was watching me.

But the fact that he was watching me, makes me smile to myself. And that warm wave of feeling expands.

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