16|"Ms. Kennedy, did your mother not teach you how to walk in heels?"

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"So are you going to tell me what the fuck was that?" I question Nolan furiously as soon as we reach the bar.

"Can I get a scotch please?" Nolan ask the bartender, ignoring me.

"Nolan!" I hit him on the head with my purse.

"Ow!" He exclaims. "You're suppose to be being nice."

"Not when I was introduced to the devil himself!"

As soon as the bartender hands Nolan his drink, Nolan downs it and takes a seat on a stool. I don't really see your problem. He gestures to the bartender for another one.

"How does he know about my mother?"

"Danvers knows everything about everyone." He chugs this scotch too.

The bartender had another shot on deck for him, and slides it Nolan's way. But I stop it with my hand. "You will not get this drink until you explain to me right now!" I demand.

"Shh!" You're making a scene. Nolan looks around at the people staring at us.

"I could give a rat's ass, Nolan." I glare at him.

Nolan throws his head back and groans. "Fine." I take a seat on the empty barstool next to him. "I was never like you. I was never born rich, or wanted anything to do with money. It was just me, my brother, my mom, and my dad, and we were happy." He sighs. "Then a few years back, my dad died in a car accident on his way to pick me up from my baseball practice. My mom was crushed and depressed. Then out of the blue, she meets this guy-"

"Danvers?" I ask.

"Yeah. They met a year ago, and got married a couple month after that. When they married I got a new dad and new sisters/ I really tried to talk her out of it, but I haven't seen her this happy since dad died," A solemn look over takes Nolan's face. "so I stopped. I had a pit feeling in my stomach that something wasn't right. It turns out Danvers is probably the richest guy in the country, and evilest too. He gets what he wants, and rejects what he doesn't. And what he doesn't want are my brother and I. He treats us like crap."

He reaches for the scotch I was withholding from him, and gulps it down. "He even told me straight to my face that I was peasant garbage, and if it wasn't for my mother we would be out on the street."

I really didn't know what to say to that. He sounds just like.... me. Am I really that horrible? I see how hurt Nolan is and I just-

"So why did you bring me here?" I question with my head down in shame.

He chuckles bitterly. "I thought if I brought Miss Aurora Kennedy with me, he would see me in a different light or something." Nolan shrugs. "I don't know. It was stupid."

"Keep em' coming barkeep!" Nolan shouts sloppily, earning a glare from the bartender. I never would've thought that Nolan was a light weight.

"Uh- it's okay. You shouldn't care what he thinks because um, uh-" I'm not a great comforter. I've never been shown kindness, so I don't really know how to show it back in a genuine manner. "He's a dick." Is what I conclude with.

Nolan rolls his eyes. "I know that." He goes in for another shot, but I grab it away from him.

"No you don't." I down the scotch this time. "I've been raised with people like him my whole life. I'm practically immune, but you're not because you are good Nolan. Your genuinely good. Don't let Danvers ruin that about you, okay?"

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