31|"For Isabella."

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"Thanks for agreeing to see me." I say softly as I take a seat next to Sam on the swing set.

"You're welcome, I guess."

Sam cut his hair. His once beautiful Harry Style locks now had a Liam type of style. He also Lost some of that muscle he gained from doing sports.

"My P.I had a hard time tracking you down." I laugh trying to keep the air light. No seriously, he did. After school ended I hired a private investigator to find Sam because no one would tell me where he was, and he wasn't returning any of my phone calls. It took him two months because he was at some therapeutic retreat up in the backwoods of Maine.

"That was the point of me disappearing. No one was suppose to find me."

I sigh, and Sam and I sit in silence for a while. There were a lot of dark clouds in the foggy sky, and the wind was crazy hard like it took loads of acid.

"Therapy has helped." Sam whispers. "Catching the guys who did this helped even more."

Thanks to witness testimony's, evidence, and a great prosecutor, the police were able to shut down the whole entire child pornography ring in the fashion world. At least in this state.

"Did you speak of what Isabella, you, and I did that night?" I ask him.

He quickly stands up from the swing. "Don't worry you're safe." He spits out at me.

I stand up from the swing too. "No, I- uh that's not why I asked. I asked because if talking about it made you better then I'm happy for you." I give him a sweet smile. I nervously start to kick around the sand with my Jimmy Choos. "Just because we haven't really been close for a while, doesn't mean I stopped caring for you." Nolan has taught me that sharing my feelings openly was a good way to mend relationships.

I tried that with my mother, but it didn't work. She's an insane old women who had a crush on a pedophile, and never cared for me. Obviously Nolan said I had to forgive her, but it doesn't mean I like her.

Sam's muscles start to relax and he calms down a bit. "Sorry, I-"

"Don't apologize. I'm the one who should be saying I'm sorry. I should've never tried to stop you from going to the police, obviously I was worried about you, but I was mostly worried about me, and what you were going to say."

Sam shakes his head. "Even though we've been really nasty to each other, I would never. For Isabella's sake."

I nod in agreement. "For Isabella."

The cops found pictures and videos of her too, is what Sam told me. She had it pretty bad. They told her parents what they found, and according to Sam they completely disregarded them and said they were fake, and that nothing ever happened to their daughters. What a bunch of pricks.

We start to walk out of the empty playground and towards the parking lot. "How's April?" Sam questions.

"I don't know. We haven't spoken since my little breakdown in the cafeteria."

Sam shrugs. "I guess she rather keep her reputation in tact then sticking up for her friends."

"We were never really friends. We had more of a symbiotic relationship." I chuckle bitterly.

Sam laughs with me, but more upbeat until he gets serious. "So what relationship do we have?"

"We're friends dummy." I playfully punch him in the shoulder.

"Ow!" He complains.

I roll my eyes. "Oh grow up. We've had a rough patch, but now we're watering it and soon beautiful grass will start to grow!" I grin at him, and I start to twirl in the air as the wind whips my hair and clothes from side to side.

Now he pushes me playfully. "You've had better metaphors."

I pout. "I thought that one was pretty good."

"Whatever you say Ror- uh Aurora." Sam gives me a sad smile.

We finally reach our cars that were parked side by side to each other. "When's the next time I'm going to see you again?" Sam gives me another sad smile, but sadder, and tears start to well up in my eyes. "Will I ever?"

Sam clears his throat from getting all choked up. "Be good." He plants a kiss on my forehead. "And tell that Nolan kid to take good care of my Aurora."

"Sam..." I whimper as he walks away from me and jumps into his car.

I don't chase after him, and I don't wave goodbye. I just stand there. As much as I want Sam close by, and to know that he's okay. He needs this alone time. I just want him to know I'll always be there for him.


Hey readers! I know this is my second non mean/popular girl gif but it was soooo fitting for this chapter, and I love supernatural!

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