30|"Un-fucking believable."

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I told Nolan everything. Well, not everything. There are some secrets that a girl has to keep to herself. But I told him about Francis, Sam, and Isabella. I didn't break out in tears or anything, I've done enough crying.

Even though others had it worse then I did, it still hit me hard. I still cared for my friends who were hurt by that monster, and the fact that I was so close to being abused as well.

"Aurora! Snap out of it." April calls me out of my own head.

"Sorry." I mutter.

I haven't seen Sam for weeks. Not at school, not at my 18th birthday party (which was a success by the way), and he wasn't at his house. And a couple days ago I knew why. He told the cops everything, and the police were going to go through with a prosecution for some very important people in the fashion world. And Sam was going to be a major witness. Of course I knew this was going to happen, but now it's public. I just want to know that Sam's alright.

"Oh God!" Some cheerleader sitting diagonal from me makes gagging sound. "I can't believe I slept with a guy who had sex with an old guy when he was a child. How fucked up is that? No wonder Sam is a major man slut." She starts to giggle with the girl next to her.

Some guys decided to join in on the conversation. "I can't believe we let him near us. He probably has aids or something."

I glance at April who has her head down. I stand up from my side of the table and go towards them. Sure I've probably sat with these people all four years of high school, but I don't know their names. They just decided they were cool enough to align themselves with me, and sat at my table. Well no more! Either I'm leaving or them.

I approach the cheerleader talking about Sam. "Yeah I know!" I put on a fake valley girl accent. "It's so bad for us that as a young boy he was abused by a pedophile who physically and mentally scarred him for life?" They could sense the anger in my tone.

I go back to my regular voice. "You people are sick! He was a child! And all you can think about is yourselves! I hope you all burn in hell for this!"

The cheerleader awkwardly chuckles. "Woah, I'm sorry. It's just so weird."

I groan. How does she have the audacity to laugh. These people really have no feelings. I was just like them.

Now I start to laugh. At first it started out as a giggle, then it went into a full powered maniac laugh. "I'm so done! With all this fucking fake bull crap! I'm not going to deal with you band wagon, unhappy ass losers anymore!"

April stands up from the table. "Aurora! Calm down."

I shake my head. "Fuck you!" I glance around the table. "All of you!"

I climb up on the popular kids table which is elevated to stand higher then the other tables. I kick off  lunch trays which cause a lot of food to go flying, causing the kids, who probably already hate me, to curse at me under their breaths because they're still too afraid of me to say it to my face.

"Everybody quiet!" I scream across the cafeteria. It takes a few moments before everyone was silent and facing me. I take a deep breath. "If I hurt you, or humiliated you, I'm sorry. I'm a horrible person who does horrible things, and that makes me no better then the dirt you walk on and I'm sorry."

I only get blank stares, and the pleading eyes of April for me to get down. "It's just fucking high school, and it fucking sucks. I'm not a fucking monarch. These people sitting at this table are all a bunch of sorry losers. It's just four years of your life. So fuck it!"

I still get no response, but I didn't really expect anything when I irrationally made this decision to get on this table and make a speech. So I hop off the table.

As I'm walking out of the cafeteria, I hear a faint. "Fuck it!"

"Yeah, fuck it!" Another person shouts.

"Fuck it!" More people start to say it.

"Fuck it!" Then the whole cafeteria starts to chant fuck it.

I roll my eyes. All the students stand up and start cheering, hollering, clapping, and chanting for me. A girl who basically tormented them for fours years and some of middle school. The only people not chanting were the kids at the "popular table". I had just demolished their whole way of thinking. But they'll get over it. High school is over in two weeks. They can continue being terrible people in college.

"Un-fucking believable." I sigh and continue my almost slow motion like walk out of the cafeteria.

I burst through the front door off the school, and I'm surprised to see Nolan leaning against his car.

I smile and push my red hair behind my ear. "What are you doing here? You're never here for lunch."

He gives me a crooked smile back, and pulls out his phone. "Twitter started going crazy tweeting about how the monarchy reign is over. I figured it had something to do with my princess over here."

I skip down the steps and wrap my arms around him. "How do you feel about the queen losing her throne?"

"I thought it was the right move resigning." His dark blue eyes sparkle with mischief.

"Yeah?" I bite my lip as we inch closer to each other.

Nolan shakes his head. "Oh yeah."

Then he leans in and kisses me. And it feels like the first time over, and over, and over again.

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