5|"You're a track star, ain't ya?!"

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"Here's you're jacket, you can stop bothering me now." I toss the brown lump toward the guy sitting on the empty bleachers of a football field. Around the football field is the track, where track practice was being held after school.

He gives me a small smile, and places a bookmark in the book he was reading. "How'd you find me."

I shrug. "I have people." By people, I mean Daisy. She did a full search on this guy. Nolan Adams. He only started attending this school this year, his parents have enough money to afford this place, and he has a little brother who attend the same middle school as my brother. And they both are on the track team. That's all the information she got on the dude who has been literally stalking me with his eyes.

I started to leave him alone on the bleachers, when he asked a question. "Bothering you? What do you mean?" He was still in his uniform, but he made it his own. He didn't wear a tie on his white shirt. Instead of the usual cardigan, he had on a similar jacket to the one he let me use, but in black. It wasn't much of a change, but it caught my eye.

"You keep watching me."

"Everybody watches you."

I sigh in frustration. "But you-"

"But I what?" He smirks at me. Is he having fun in making me frustrated?

"Ugh, never mind." I clutch my Dior purse to my body and begin walking down the bleachers, but something stopped me once again. I turn around and I see that he's back to reading his book. "But you know me."

He looks up, and gives me this playful look. "I don't know you."

I glare at him. Why does he find this so amusing?! "When we met, you said that you didn't know me."

"I don't."

"Yes you do!" I cry out in a small rage . "You just said everybody watches me, and-"

"Knowing someone is completely different than knowing of someone." He points out. He dips his head back into reading his book, and starts to completely ignore me. How rude! I march up closer to him, so close I could see the words on the pages. "I'm still talking to you!" Nolan ignores me. "Hey!" I snap my fingers at him. "Are you still-"

Nolan grips my arm and pulls me into his lap, crushing his book. "Snapping at people is rude, you know."

I gulp nervously. "Well we were still talking."

"So you don't have a problem being mean to another person, but when someone's mean to you it's the end of the world?" We were nose to nose, and I was able to look into those dark blue eyes closer than I ever thought I would.

Anger boils up inside of me. "Fuck you!" I pull myself out of his lap and I storm down the bleachers. Wait! I stop myself, and march back up and swipe the sweater from him. "I'm keeping this!" I snap at him.

"Good. I don't want it." He replies.

"Ugh! Most frustrating, irritating, rude-" I go on and on cursing him out as I march towards the track. On Tuesdays and Thursday's, I pick up Eric from his track practice, and I usually like to watch him practice, but I refuse to stay here with this man!

I see him running on the track and I can hear Nolan's frustratingly loud laughter behind me. "Eric! Eric! We are leaving!" He slows down.

"But practice isn't-"

"We are leaving right now!" I command him and the coach approaches me.

"Miss you can't just pull Eric from-"

"I will have your job if you try to stop me!" I scream at the coach and he backs off.

"Let's go Eric, you can get your stuff back tomorrow."

Eric mutters under his breath and he slumps behind me as I march towards the car. In the background I can hear Nolan's obnoxious laugh. I refuse to stay here with some guy who thinks he can just talk to me like this, and pull me into his lap, and stare at me all day! Like who does he think he is? Austin butler? Leonardo DiCaprio? Michael B. Jordan? Jared Leto? John snow? No! He's not any of those people!

"Pick up the pace Eric! Pick it up!" I yell from over my shoulder. "You're a track star, ain't ya?!"

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