14|"Well I'm just going to leave you crazy kids alone."

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I've been standing here for a good fifteen minutes waiting for Nolan to pick me up, in the ugliest dress I own. I'm just glad no one can see me like this right now. Why did I even agree to this? Oh yeah, because I hate to lose.

I wonder what horrid place he's taking me. A public movie theater? A public event? Or worse, a bowling alley? I refused to wear the Jean ensemble Eric picked out for me, so I wore the black dress. I promise myself when this night is over, I'm going to rip this dress off and burn it.

Pulling up on my extravagantly long gravel driveway was a Cadillac. Like the one the president uses to get around? Which is confusing. Why is that here?

Immediately Nolan steps out of the car in a tux looking very angry. "What the hell are you wearing?" His veins stick out of his neck, and his hair looks very disheveled like he drove to fast with the windows down. Nolan climbs the cascading stone steps, that lead to my front door, that I was waiting on.

"What do you mean? I thought I was going some place normal so I put on something basic." I cross my arms. "And besides you didn't give me any specifics so calm down!" I yell back. I really don't like having being raise their voice at me.

Nolan seems to recognize that he's overreacted. "Uh.. my bad. But you're going to have to go change. And fast."

I scoff. "Fast? If you want a girl to look her best, you can't give her a time limit."

"But we're late." He protest.

I proceed to unlock my front door and enter. "Don't worry, when you walk in with me, it won't matter." I wink at him, and gesture him to come in.

As soon as he steps into my house, I already know his reaction, and I don't even have to see his face. The usual reaction is a big gasp, stuttering, and having to do a double take.

"You live here?" Nolan questions.

"My brother and I live here." I respond making my way towards the first flight of stairs. "Eric!" I shout, my words bouncing off of our beige walls. He doesn't respond. "Eric I swear if you don't-"

"What?! What?!" He shouts back, coming down the stairs. "Shouldn't you be gone already."

I glare at him. "Isn't it past your bed time?"

He checks his watch. "Actually it's bitch O'clock, which I think is your bed time." Eric retorts.

"Well actually-" I start, but Nolan cuts me off with a groan.

"Enough bickering! We're on a time limit."

I flip my hair and look down at him from the steps. "Honestly, take a chill pill."

Eric gives him the same look. "Honestly dude."

Nolan lets out a mental laugh, and proceeds to take a seat and place his head in his hands in defeat.

I sigh. "See that depressing looking guy in a tux?" I ask Eric.

"I see the depressed man." He responds.

"Good. Fix him up, will you? While I get ready. Turns out it's a different event then what I previously thought."

Eric groans. "Then all my work was for nothing?"

I shake my head no. "You pointed out which clothes I needed to burn." I pat him on the shoulder. "Thank you."

Eric wipes my hand off his shoulder and makes his way towards Nolan. I don't think I've ever seen cocky Nolan so down, it does bring me a little bit of joy to see Mr. Smiley show a frown. But I don't want that frown to last for ever. So my walk turns into a jog, and I reach my room quickly.

It took my an hour an a half to get ready, which is honestly the fastest time I've ever taken. I congratulate myself.

I come down the stairs wearing a white dress. It's a white lace, minced with a shade of skin tone at the top of the tight bodice, that's pushing my girls up. The sleeves are the same lace, but thin, and hang off my shoulders. The rest of the dress from my waist down just drops, and flows like a long white river, only leaving a long slit for one of my legs.

I see my brother and Nolan waiting by the front door for me. Nolan looked so much better, and a lot more relaxed. Eric even helped him fix his hair, high was now gelled back. "Let's go." I announce, and their heads snap to me.

Nolan's eyes scan my body up and down, and for the first time in a long time I felt self conscious. "You look great." Nolan says softly.

"Tha-" I stop myself, from whatever I was about to say, and snap out of my daze. "I know."

Eric sighs. "Well I'm just going to leave you crazy kids alone. Night." He comments and makes his exit.

"Night." Nolan says to him, but Eric's already gone.

Nolan helps me down the steps, because my heels were clearly not made for walking. Only for their looks apparently. He opens the door for me and then hops in the drivers seat.

"Okay. The bet starts now."

I'm startled. "Now? I don't get time to prepare."

"Nope." He starts the engine. "So no bitchy comments, or condescending tones, or mocking, or making yourself seem better than everyone else. Got it?"

I grind my teeth. This is going to be harder than I thought. I already had a bitchy comment lined up right now.

"Aye aye captain."

This night is going to be hell.

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